Bernie's "Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist" line doesn't go far enough, my friends! Walmart could be nationalized. Or turned into giant worker-cooperative

Why didn't he give the excess money to government? Why did he buy 3 houses when he only needs 1? These are the Dem hypocrisy questions you need to answer. While we are on the topic why does Nancy Pelosi run her big fat mouth lecturing people on climate change while spending $700,000 on private jets?

You should run away and hide, you can't defend this Dem shit.
irrelevant BS for the **** like you... sanders wanted a lake house BFD hater chump
What shouldn’t exist are public servants who enter politics or government and emerge as multimillionaires like Bernie Sanders. I can’t think worse in terms of politicians becoming multimillionaires off the American taxpayer. Further, the politician like Sanders risks nothing of his personal wealth. Compare that to the Billionaire… they have more to lose and have personal skin in the game.
The dude got kicked out of a communist commune for being too lazy. Yet he makes tons of money being in government. Let that sink in.
Yes yes, I know you love the greedy idiot GOP megarich and their BS. We have the worst inequality and Upward mobility by far ever....You think that's great.... absolute idiocy.
We also have the most Opportunity ever. More immigrants come to the USA vs any other nation so your worst upward mobility tag on US is bullshit. As for income inequality, it exists everywhere. The difference here in the US is economic opportunity. I defy you to show US a country that does it better.
The dude got kicked out of a communist commune for being too lazy. Yet he makes tons of money being in government. Let that sink in.
He kept fucking the other machers GFs too , so many who have been around him
In the 60s & 70s hate his guts and say he is the poster boy for all that is wrong with non practicing Jews in America .
The dude got kicked out of a communist commune for being too lazy. Yet he makes tons of money being in government. Let that sink in.
There is something really fucked up when the guy that gets kicked out of a commune for laziness becomes a multimillionaire without lifting a finger and then uses class warfare to demonize people who actually work and risk….and this guy was a threat to Hillary.
We also have the most Opportunity ever. More immigrants come to the USA vs any other nation so your worst upward mobility tag on US is bullshit. As for income inequality, it exists everywhere. The difference here in the US is economic opportunity. I defy you to show US a country that does it better.
every other modern country. They are all happier than we are with great vacations infrastructure cheap college and training And they tax the rich so they can invest in their people and countries. This place this place is a **** **** mess. Change the damn channel ignoramus. GOP base voters are the most ignorant and misinformed in the modern world and every where as far as I can tell. there is no election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. just GOP anti-american crap propaganda
There is something really fucked up when the guy that gets kicked out of a commune for laziness becomes a multimillionaire without lifting a finger and then uses class warfare to demonize people who actually work and risk….and this guy was a threat to Hillary.
hardly is he against families, ignoramus. How can you even get these ridiculous ideas? from the big money big lie GOP...
We also have the most Opportunity ever. More immigrants come to the USA vs any other nation so your worst upward mobility tag on US is bullshit. As for income inequality, it exists everywhere. The difference here in the US is economic opportunity. I defy you to show US a country that does it better.
Of course they come here. the GOP refuses to give us organized immigration policy and an ID card to stop to stop illegal work. great job,
Of course billionaires shouldn’t exist.

Why not. What shouldn't exist is party functionaries that have all the powers at once, economic, social, police, and military.

Remove billionaires and government gets all of it, not the little people.
every other modern country. They are all happier than we are with great vacations infrastructure cheap college and training And they tax the rich so they can invest in their people and countries. This place this place is a **** **** mess. Change the damn channel ignoramus. GOP base voters are the most ignorant and misinformed in the modern world and every where as far as I can tell. there is no election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera. just GOP anti-american crap propaganda
thank goodness we have god like people like you who know everything to boss us around
unfettered capitalism destroys anything that gets in its way in the pursuit of profits, including the environment, democracy and human rights.

people who work hard and create businesses should be rich, but the concept of some being billionaires offends me deeply when a half-million Americans are homeless and 85 million of them cannot afford to buy health insurance

The thing here is BALANCE. The reason there are these huge billionaires is because they're able to manipulate the system, this shouldn't be so. The reason people vote is so the govt represents THE PEOPLE. However the electoral system is so skewed that the people don't really have that much of a say, and the rich with their money get a HUGE say. Like by taking Supreme Court justices on holiday and then that said justice then votes for you every time.

Capitalism is the best system, because if a company is run by a government, what's the incentive to work harder? Even on a basic level, give people a little land and allow them to sell their crops, they will work five times harder (or more) than if the land is the government's and they have to give all the crops to the government.

A balance is needed where people are encouraged to work, but where the system is fair. Where small businesses are encouraged and large businesses follow either the same rules, or more difficult rules.
unfettered capitalism destroys anything that gets in its way in the pursuit of profits, including the environment, democracy and human rights.

people who work hard and create businesses should be rich, but the concept of some being billionaires offends me deeply when a half-million Americans are homeless and 85 million of them cannot afford to buy health insurance

What a tard.
unfettered capitalism destroys anything that gets in its way in the pursuit of profits, including the environment, democracy and human rights.

people who work hard and create businesses should be rich, but the concept of some being billionaires offends me deeply when a half-million Americans are homeless and 85 million of them cannot afford to buy health insurance

the soviet union collapsed because people didnt get they simply went to work, sat down and got drunk....nothing got done and everything went to shit.....hooray for socialism
unfettered capitalism destroys anything that gets in its way in the pursuit of profits, including the environment, democracy and human rights.

people who work hard and create businesses should be rich, but the concept of some being billionaires offends me deeply when a half-million Americans are homeless and 85 million of them cannot afford to buy health insurance

Capitalism is unfettered by fiat money which it controlled by government and politics.
Young Bernie thought millionaires shouldn't exist... until he became one.

Susan is sick of going hungry, sick of eating instant noodles morning, noon, and night. She’s tired of falling further and further behind on her bills, tired of being a freeloader in her own home. With no cash coming in, the whole family is in hock to Susan’s absentee landlord, her great-grandmother, who charges each of her tenants a modest rent to cover the property taxes and supplement her Social Security check. Susan’s uncle has been scraping together just enough to pay the utilities with his slim earnings from the occasional side job fixing cars in the backyard. The whole household depends on Susan and Devin’s food stamp benefits in order to eat. So as Susan goes about the work of caring for her baby and searching for a job, she is also learning another skill—the art of surviving on virtually nothing.
Whose fault are Susan's problems? Billionaires? Capitalism?
If she lacks the skills to get a job now, raising the minimum wage will make her even more unemployable. Logic.

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