Bernie's "Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist" line doesn't go far enough, my friends! Walmart could be nationalized. Or turned into giant worker-cooperative

Let me tell you about my friends Susan and Devin

Susan is sick of going hungry, sick of eating instant noodles morning, noon, and night. She’s tired of falling further and further behind on her bills, tired of being a freeloader in her own home. With no cash coming in, the whole family is in hock to Susan’s absentee landlord, her great-grandmother, who charges each of her tenants a modest rent to cover the property taxes and supplement her Social Security check. Susan’s uncle has been scraping together just enough to pay the utilities with his slim earnings from the occasional side job fixing cars in the backyard. The whole household depends on Susan and Devin’s food stamp benefits in order to eat. So as Susan goes about the work of caring for her baby and searching for a job, she is also learning another skill—the art of surviving on virtually nothing.
Let me tell you about my friends Susan and Devin

Susan is sick of going hungry, sick of eating instant noodles morning, noon, and night. She’s tired of falling further and further behind on her bills, tired of being a freeloader in her own home. With no cash coming in, the whole family is in hock to Susan’s absentee landlord, her great-grandmother, who charges each of her tenants a modest rent to cover the property taxes and supplement her Social Security check. Susan’s uncle has been scraping together just enough to pay the utilities with his slim earnings from the occasional side job fixing cars in the backyard. The whole household depends on Susan and Devin’s food stamp benefits in order to eat. So as Susan goes about the work of caring for her baby and searching for a job, she is also learning another skill—the art of surviving on virtually nothing.

The twist: They all vote for DemoKKKrats who enforce the policies that keep them poor.
13 states in America, including red states like Nebraska and Florida, have a 15 dollar minimum wage

i would like to see Warren Buffet live on 7 bucks an hour

a majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. if your cars breaks down or son gets sick, you're looking at financial disaster

Congress hasn't acted on the minimum wage since 2007. it's time! it's time, my friends! the fight is not over. i'm still fightin'!
13 states in America, including red states like Nebraska and Florida, have a 15 dollar minimum wage

i would like to see Warren Buffet live on 7 bucks an hour

a majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. if your cars breaks down or son gets sick, you're looking at financial disaster

Congress hasn't acted on the minimum wage since 2007. it's time! it's time, my friends! the fight is not over. i'm still fightin'!
The Right Hand Does Know What Its Left Hand Is Doing

Preppy Progressives intentionally use "the poor" to refer to people who we know are lazy drifting dopeheads in order to trick people into voting for their Rightist classmates.
The Right Hand Does Know What Its Left Hand Is Doing

Preppy Progressives intentionally use "the poor" to refer to people who we know are lazy drifting dopeheads in order to trick people into voting for their Rightist classmates.
thanks for the misinformed bigot outlook... mario Cuomo said that Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. Before him they were called the unfortunate. But thanks for the giveaway to the rich and the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere.
thanks for the misinformed bigot outlook... mario Cuomo said that Reagan made blame me the poor acceptable. Before him they were called the unfortunate. But thanks for the giveawayto the rich and the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere.
Dude we need tutelage on our spellin & such
of course he's wrong. and so are you.

socialism sucks. the end.
you don't know what it is like most English speakers, brainwashed with 100 years of UK propaganda for savage Capitalists.... start with democracy. if it isn't democratic it isn't socialist, no matter what scumbag lying GOP, Nazis and communists say...

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