Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Your Bible thumping just spotlights your shallowness Billy. And your lost status. The Bible, created by the church and not vice versa, is well beyond your understanding yet you are beating it every time I look. But its far and aways too deep for you.

If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.
Jobs ..

Give a man a fish he will eat for the day, teach him how to fish he will eat for life

Democrats don't offer jobs ..

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

Republicans only know how to set fires

What does that even mean?

Greenville south Carolina was a shit hole before the Republicans took over and now it's a heathly city.

Democrats turned the once richest city Detroit into a shit hole.
then jesus was bigoted towards anyone who didn't follow him, & thought them lesserhumans because of it?

hmmmmm...... then, you ARE a christian by those standards.

If by "bigoted" you mean that Jesus did not come to save everyone, you are exactly right. That is true. In fact the Bible separates humans into "sheep" and "goats". Not based on race, intellect, or anything other than their willingness to follow God and Christ. That is correct.

The God of the Universe gets to choose.

lol.... oh, i know that. i love though how you ASSume & proclaim who & who is not a christian, though

my personal favorite passage is matthew 6: 5-13.

try it sometime.

I didn't proclaim who is and is not a Christian. You're really offended that God and His Son get to proclaim it. In truth, you want to be the one to do it--you want to be the one who says who gets saved and who does not, based on whatever criteria you choose.

That's really the crux of this thread. It's Christians saying, "God chooses" and it's non-Christians saying "We choose". You're upset that Christians are only pointing to God and PROJECTING on us that WE want to choose.

No, we don't. And we know we don't. It's really you who want to choose. Just own it already.

lol.... ya, you did.

to me. when i made fun of your president citing two corinthians.

Dead wrong. I said you hadn't read 2 Corinthians. I didn't say you're not a Christian. Go back and read what I said.

i know what you said, & i know how it was meant, suzy-Q. do you think president tinkles was 'just wrong'?

do you think he's a christian? lol...........................
Your homes have fences around them and you have locks on your doors and a big dog in the yard and no trespassing signs. This country is my home and I expect the same. Yes, be kind to strangers but that does not mean you have to take them in your home and provide shelter, food, medical care and educate them. And stand your ground laws allow you to defend your home against intruders or an invasion as at the border. Illegal immigration is a crime and the punishment is deportation and not amnesty or a path to citizenship. Automatic birthright citizenship is an anchor,

those seeking asylum are not committing a crime.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Funny how you bleeding hearts constantly claim you care for people yet your answer is for someone else to foot the bill.

believe it or not, bleeding hearts pay taxes too. 'render onto ceaser' yada yada yada.........
I guess Republican Christians were unable to find a real Christian in their party to run for President. They had no choice but to run the most corrupt person on the planet.

Trump was the best person they could find.
You realize that quote is fake right? Gandhi loved Christians.
That's not the point, which flew right over your head.

So you want to use a fake quote to justify your position and you don’t think that’s relevant or even matters?

Why should the truth matter?

I think its true, can you prove its false?

If you think it’s true then you feel free to provide a citation. I’ve been searching for one for years. I’ve talked Gandhi biographers, including his own grandson, who have no idea where the quote came from. So we would love you find the source for us.

Gandhi loves Christians. His message of nonviolence and peace was with all people. He studied many Christian works, in fact, many of his ideas for nonviolence came from the sermon on the mount.

He had Christian friends, many who worked with him in his efforts in both South Africa and India. The idea that he didn’t like Christians flies in the face of so much that he did and taught that it’s almost absurd
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Funny how you bleeding hearts constantly claim you care for people yet your answer is for someone else to foot the bill.

believe it or not, bleeding hearts pay taxes too. 'render onto ceaser' yada yada yada.........

Believe it or not, the teachings of Jesus on this topic didn't involve the government forcing honorable people to take care of those that refuse to take care of themselves. Interesting how the bleeding hearts that claim to care so much for others use something that is mandated to claim compassion. If they care so much, why do they have to be told?
I guess Republican Christians were unable to find a real Christian in their party to run for President. They had no choice but to run the most corrupt person on the planet.

Trump was the best person they could find.

that's why uncle vlad had pence in his back pocket - just to get the fundies to swallow hard.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Funny how you bleeding hearts constantly claim you care for people yet your answer is for someone else to foot the bill.

believe it or not, bleeding hearts pay taxes too. 'render onto ceaser' yada yada yada.........

Believe it or not, the teachings of Jesus on this topic didn't involve the government forcing honorable people to take care of those that refuse to take care of themselves. Interesting how the bleeding hearts that claim to care so much for others use something that is mandated to claim compassion. If they care so much, why do they have to be told?

lol... um............ you got that outa what i said? silly you. oh btw - who the fuck said ANYTHING about forcing to take care of those who can help themselves? & speaking of which, why don't you mind giving limitless amts of your hard earned cash to the real cheats 'eh? you know............. the money changers? cause that is what your prez just did in that there big orange ass tax cut...............
Jobs ..

Give a man a fish he will eat for the day, teach him how to fish he will eat for life

Democrats don't offer jobs ..

Teach him how to fish at Trump University, for only $35,000, where the instructors are falsely claimed to have been "hand-picked" by Donald Trump and have never fished a day in their lives.

You know, not everything is about Donald Trump
The poor Trumpies are embarrassed at having to defend their Christianity and Trump at the same time. They want some kind of border wall between the two.

It doesn't work that way. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

There simply is no excuse. They can't hide the fact he is one of the most evil people alive, and they deliberately chose him.
In 2nd Corinthians Paul stresses the importance of forgiving others, what was your point?

who has trump forgiven for showing any kind of backbone or what he perceives as disloyalty to him? lol....

'two corinthians'..................
In 2nd Corinthians Paul stresses the importance of forgiving others, what was your point?

who has trump forgiven for showing any kind of backbone or what he perceives as disloyalty to him? lol....

'two corinthians'..................
If you asked Trump what his favorite part of the Bible is, he'd probably say, "Chapter 11".
The poor Trumpies are embarrassed at having to defend their Christianity and Trump at the same time. They want some kind of border wall between the two.

It doesn't work that way. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

There simply is no excuse. They can't hide the fact he is one of the most evil people alive, and they deliberately chose him.

Show us where Jesus says who we should vote for.

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