Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Another commie idiot does not understand the concept of free will in Christianity.

Not surprised. Commies always bastardize everything to give themselves power.

And no, I am not Christian. I am Norse Pagan (Thor, Odin, Valhalla, :lol:)


If one does not practice Christianity how can one have free will, even if they claim to practice Christianity.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


No one should call themselves Christian if they don't follow Christ. Grandma going to church all her life doesn't make you a Christian. Voting democrat doesn't make you a Christian. Being an American doesn't make you a Christian. Need I go on?

God is bigger than politics and I embrace fellow believers from all parts of the political spectrum. Leave it at that.
Cognitive dissonance is a prerequisite for being conservative.

The only thing you ever offer here is hatred of the right. Maybe think of something else to say once in a while, hmm? Perhaps then you won’t look like a fucking mindless idiot who can do nothing but hate hate hate hate hate your political opposition.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Only Christians oppose abortion?
Only Republicans are Christians?

Tell me...have you made any contributions yet,
to the ongoing, yearly food drives, this time of year?

If not, will you be?

Have you ever?

Did you help the hungry on Thursday, Thanksgiving?

Have you ever worked a soup kitchen?

Will you be donating any coats, scarfs, hats, gloves?

On average, how much time or money
do you invest/spend on the needy every month?

What do you do, personally,
to help those who are less fortunate?
Oh you’re funny. For one I am not Christian, but even if I was I would be an actual one because I donate to charity on a monthly basis and do volunteer work in my spare time.

You’re just a wannabe.


Donating to charity doesn’t make one a Christian, fucktard.
currently, Persons on social services are means tested. it simply means more to have more kids.

with unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States, Persons will be better able to opt for the ready reserve labor force and "upgrade their skills and service offerings", with recourse to simple compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment. It is a relatively free market, after that.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!


I'm convinced this is just the warm up.

The hatred of Christians is so vicious that pretty soon, if we don't follow NON-CHRISTIANS version of the Jesus you hate anyway, we'll be all ready for your "reeducation camps"


If only you Republicans would not give Christianity a bad name.

You hate us because you hate Him. This was foretold, by the way. Jesus said not to be surprised by it, "they hated me first".

NO, I really do think Republicans give Christianity a bad name. You guys love Paul, not Jesus.

Of course you do. You’re mindless.
Jobs ..

Give a man a fish he will eat for the day, teach him how to fish he will eat for life

Democrats don't offer jobs ..

Teach him how to fish at Trump University, for only $35,000, where the instructors are falsely claimed to have been "hand-picked" by Donald Trump and have never fished a day in their lives.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Only Christians oppose abortion?
Only Republicans are Christians?

Tell me...have you made any contributions yet,
to the ongoing, yearly food drives, this time of year?

If not, will you be?

Have you ever?

Did you help the hungry on Thursday, Thanksgiving?

Have you ever worked a soup kitchen?

Will you be donating any coats, scarfs, hats, gloves?

On average, how much time or money
do you invest/spend on the needy every month?

What do you do, personally,
to help those who are less fortunate?
I was a Republican my entire life up until earlier this year. I finally gave up on the idea the GOP will ever return to it principles now that the Naked Emperor is president.

I have always been charitable. In fact, I have started two non-profits which feed and clothe and shelter the less fortunate.

It is precisely because I see nothing but neverending hate spewing from Trump and his followers which caused me to resign my membership in the party. Their hate is especially directed at minorities and the poor.

I will not abide that. I will not be a part of a party which actively condones that.
Married three times. Cheated on all three wives. Slept with a porn star while third wife was still nursing their newborn. Ran gambling houses and contests of the flesh. Bilked investors out of hundreds of millions in his failed casinos. Robbed the elderly of their retirement nest eggs at a fraudulent real estate get rich quick scam shop.

Clearly a man of God...



Vote Trump Family Values™, but for GOD'S SAKE DON'T BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO!

Everyone already know that the Liberal Bigots hate Christians, but thanks for the constant reminders.
dems crhsitans.jpg
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Oh you’re funny. For one I am not Christian, but even if I was I would be an actual one because I donate to charity on a monthly basis and do volunteer work in my spare time.

You’re just a wannabe.

No billy you aren't one..actual or otherwise. You are just a shallow, soulless liberal who barely has the sentience and self awareness of a house cat. And your shallowness is demonstrated with your silly belief that Christianity is some sort of glorified food pantry....just to give one example.

I suspect it comes from sitting slack jawed in front of the TV.

I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
A warning from 1832 as to why religion was dying in Europe:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17
so concentration camps for Christians are good if we do my go along with Democrat programs and seek instead to follow the Lord. really?

No one said anything about concentration camps, but perhaps a lot of republicans can be re-educated concerning what Christianity really means.

Why don't you tell us what Christianity really means using Scriptures, Penny.


That is the Republican view.

I believe just the opposite.

Please stop lying

I don't lie.

Except you just did. And then you did again when you denied it

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