Besides being opposed to abortion, why would republicans call themselves Christian?

The poor Trumpies are embarrassed at having to defend their Christianity and Trump at the same time. They want some kind of border wall between the two.

It doesn't work that way. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

There simply is no excuse. They can't hide the fact he is one of the most evil people alive, and they deliberately chose him.

Dude you post evil all the time

The poor Trumpies are embarrassed at having to defend their Christianity and Trump at the same time. They want some kind of border wall between the two.

It doesn't work that way. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

There simply is no excuse. They can't hide the fact he is one of the most evil people alive, and they deliberately chose him.

Dude you post evil all the time

I'm sure the truth feels incredibly painful to people like you. Kind of like holy water on a possessed person.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

they don't oppose abortion for themselves on the down low....just for everyone else.
Some thing is terribly wrong, if what has been posted here on this site reflects the views of those who follow God,& those who don't, every thing has become political not spiritual, not humane.
If by "bigoted" you mean that Jesus did not come to save everyone, you are exactly right. That is true. In fact the Bible separates humans into "sheep" and "goats". Not based on race, intellect, or anything other than their willingness to follow God and Christ. That is correct.

The God of the Universe gets to choose.

lol.... oh, i know that. i love though how you ASSume & proclaim who & who is not a christian, though

my personal favorite passage is matthew 6: 5-13.

try it sometime.

I didn't proclaim who is and is not a Christian. You're really offended that God and His Son get to proclaim it. In truth, you want to be the one to do it--you want to be the one who says who gets saved and who does not, based on whatever criteria you choose.

That's really the crux of this thread. It's Christians saying, "God chooses" and it's non-Christians saying "We choose". You're upset that Christians are only pointing to God and PROJECTING on us that WE want to choose.

No, we don't. And we know we don't. It's really you who want to choose. Just own it already.

lol.... ya, you did.

to me. when i made fun of your president citing two corinthians.

Dead wrong. I said you hadn't read 2 Corinthians. I didn't say you're not a Christian. Go back and read what I said.

i know what you said, & i know how it was meant, suzy-Q. do you think president tinkles was 'just wrong'?

do you think he's a christian? lol...........................

I can't judge his heart truly, only God can, of course. But if I had to guess, I would say no, he's not a Christian. He's very friendly to Christians surely. But a person who proclaims Jesus Lord and Savior...nope.

And I did not say you're not a Christian, but if I had to guess I'd surely say signs point to no. Does that mean I'm fit to judge you as headed to Hell? Nope, no indeed. That's waaaay above my pay grade. I can only tell you that if what my spidey senses glean is true, you're in for a world of hurt. And that's no joke. :(
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Funny how you bleeding hearts constantly claim you care for people yet your answer is for someone else to foot the bill.

believe it or not, bleeding hearts pay taxes too. 'render onto ceaser' yada yada yada.........

Believe it or not, the teachings of Jesus on this topic didn't involve the government forcing honorable people to take care of those that refuse to take care of themselves. Interesting how the bleeding hearts that claim to care so much for others use something that is mandated to claim compassion. If they care so much, why do they have to be told?

lol... um............ you got that outa what i said? silly you. oh btw - who the fuck said ANYTHING about forcing to take care of those who can help themselves? & speaking of which, why don't you mind giving limitless amts of your hard earned cash to the real cheats 'eh? you know............. the money changers? cause that is what your prez just did in that there big orange ass tax cut...............

You're the one that referenced taxes and having the government mandate helping others.

Oh, you're one of those that thinks taxes funding things for which the Constitution specifically grants the government the power to fund (i.e. - military) is being cheated. The role of the government is national security and defense. The role of the government isn't to take care of the pieces of shit that demand someone else's money to clothe them, house them, and feed their damn kids.
Only 3 jobs were created by Obama during his 8 years in office -- the very second Trump got into office, he created 29 million jobs his first day.

Because God and Trump worked on a job bill together, #MAGA
lol.... oh, i know that. i love though how you ASSume & proclaim who & who is not a christian, though

my personal favorite passage is matthew 6: 5-13.

try it sometime.

I didn't proclaim who is and is not a Christian. You're really offended that God and His Son get to proclaim it. In truth, you want to be the one to do it--you want to be the one who says who gets saved and who does not, based on whatever criteria you choose.

That's really the crux of this thread. It's Christians saying, "God chooses" and it's non-Christians saying "We choose". You're upset that Christians are only pointing to God and PROJECTING on us that WE want to choose.

No, we don't. And we know we don't. It's really you who want to choose. Just own it already.

lol.... ya, you did.

to me. when i made fun of your president citing two corinthians.

Dead wrong. I said you hadn't read 2 Corinthians. I didn't say you're not a Christian. Go back and read what I said.

i know what you said, & i know how it was meant, suzy-Q. do you think president tinkles was 'just wrong'?

do you think he's a christian? lol...........................

I can't judge his heart truly, only God can, of course. But if I had to guess, I would say no, he's not a Christian. He's very friendly to Christians surely. But a person who proclaims Jesus Lord and Savior...nope.

And I did not say you're not a Christian, but if I had to guess I'd surely say signs point to no. Does that mean I'm fit to judge you as headed to Hell? Nope, no indeed. That's waaaay above my pay grade. I can only tell you that if what my spidey senses glean is true, you're in for a world of hurt. And that's no joke. :(

your spidey senses? oh, that's rich, suuuuze.

my guess is you love to talk the talk but when it truly comes down to walking the walk?

you're crippled.
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Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Funny how you bleeding hearts constantly claim you care for people yet your answer is for someone else to foot the bill.

believe it or not, bleeding hearts pay taxes too. 'render onto ceaser' yada yada yada.........

Believe it or not, the teachings of Jesus on this topic didn't involve the government forcing honorable people to take care of those that refuse to take care of themselves. Interesting how the bleeding hearts that claim to care so much for others use something that is mandated to claim compassion. If they care so much, why do they have to be told?

lol... um............ you got that outa what i said? silly you. oh btw - who the fuck said ANYTHING about forcing to take care of those who can help themselves? & speaking of which, why don't you mind giving limitless amts of your hard earned cash to the real cheats 'eh? you know............. the money changers? cause that is what your prez just did in that there big orange ass tax cut...............

You're the one that referenced taxes and having the government mandate helping others.

Oh, you're one of those that thinks taxes funding things for which the Constitution specifically grants the government the power to fund (i.e. - military) is being cheated. The role of the government is national security and defense. The role of the government isn't to take care of the pieces of shit that demand someone else's money to clothe them, house them, and feed their damn kids.

i never used the word 'mandate' so your premise is a lie right outa the gate.

however, taxes that take care of the true welfare queens ie... big corp.... is exactly what government is not mandated to do. yet an almost trillion dollar tax 'cut' did exactly that.

lol......... dupe.
Talk about some serious cherry-picking of the Bible. Those two issues are just based on “no” rather anything pro-active.

I suppose it’s Republican Jesus that they worship!

Only Christians oppose abortion?
Only Republicans are Christians?

Tell me...have you made any contributions yet,
to the ongoing, yearly food drives, this time of year?

If not, will you be?

Have you ever?

Did you help the hungry on Thursday, Thanksgiving?

Have you ever worked a soup kitchen?

Will you be donating any coats, scarfs, hats, gloves?

On average, how much time or money
do you invest/spend on the needy every month?

What do you do, personally,
to help those who are less fortunate?
Oh you’re funny. For one I am not Christian, but even if I was I would be an actual one because I donate to charity on a monthly basis and do volunteer work in my spare time.

You’re just a wannabe.
Oh you’re funny. For one I am not Christian, but even if I was I would be an actual one because I donate to charity on a monthly basis and do volunteer work in my spare time.

You’re just a wannabe.
I'm funny, really, why is that?

For one, you don't have to be a Christian to help people...
secondly, giving doesn't make you an actual Christian

You're a damn, pathetic, liar!

You do not give to charity on a monthly basis,
anymore than you volunteer your time.

I am not a wannabe....
I know what I do and have been doing for years

You are sad
Lol I would not lie about this kind of shit just to win an argument. I am a crisis counselor volunteer and I donate money to every month.
Lol I would not lie about this kind of shit just to win an argument. I am a crisis counselor volunteer and I donate money to every month
You would lie...not to win an argument, there wasn't an argument
You would lie so you wouldn't expose yourself,
as the hypocrite you are

Crisis counselor... really now
Everything you've posted here tells me not!

And,, OK

What does any of that have to do with,
feeding or clothing people or being hands on?
I didn't proclaim who is and is not a Christian. You're really offended that God and His Son get to proclaim it. In truth, you want to be the one to do it--you want to be the one who says who gets saved and who does not, based on whatever criteria you choose.

That's really the crux of this thread. It's Christians saying, "God chooses" and it's non-Christians saying "We choose". You're upset that Christians are only pointing to God and PROJECTING on us that WE want to choose.

No, we don't. And we know we don't. It's really you who want to choose. Just own it already.

lol.... ya, you did.

to me. when i made fun of your president citing two corinthians.

Dead wrong. I said you hadn't read 2 Corinthians. I didn't say you're not a Christian. Go back and read what I said.

i know what you said, & i know how it was meant, suzy-Q. do you think president tinkles was 'just wrong'?

do you think he's a christian? lol...........................

I can't judge his heart truly, only God can, of course. But if I had to guess, I would say no, he's not a Christian. He's very friendly to Christians surely. But a person who proclaims Jesus Lord and Savior...nope.

And I did not say you're not a Christian, but if I had to guess I'd surely say signs point to no. Does that mean I'm fit to judge you as headed to Hell? Nope, no indeed. That's waaaay above my pay grade. I can only tell you that if what my spidey senses glean is true, you're in for a world of hurt. And that's no joke. :(

your spidey senses? oh, that's rich, suuuuze.

my guess is you love to talk the talk but when it truly comes down to walking the walk?

you're crippled.

You're precisely right. That's exactly so. Perhaps now you begin to get it. Or, as Paul said, taken directly from Romans 7 on sin and the law:

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do....for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing....what a wretched man I am! Who can rescue me from this body of death?"

The problem is you think you're better than this. You are truly the worse of the Judges, because you are calling me crippled but cannot see the planks in both of your eyes.

That's fine.

God will leave you to it. For a time.
Funny how you bleeding hearts constantly claim you care for people yet your answer is for someone else to foot the bill.

believe it or not, bleeding hearts pay taxes too. 'render onto ceaser' yada yada yada.........

Believe it or not, the teachings of Jesus on this topic didn't involve the government forcing honorable people to take care of those that refuse to take care of themselves. Interesting how the bleeding hearts that claim to care so much for others use something that is mandated to claim compassion. If they care so much, why do they have to be told?

lol... um............ you got that outa what i said? silly you. oh btw - who the fuck said ANYTHING about forcing to take care of those who can help themselves? & speaking of which, why don't you mind giving limitless amts of your hard earned cash to the real cheats 'eh? you know............. the money changers? cause that is what your prez just did in that there big orange ass tax cut...............

You're the one that referenced taxes and having the government mandate helping others.

Oh, you're one of those that thinks taxes funding things for which the Constitution specifically grants the government the power to fund (i.e. - military) is being cheated. The role of the government is national security and defense. The role of the government isn't to take care of the pieces of shit that demand someone else's money to clothe them, house them, and feed their damn kids.

i never used the word 'mandate' so your premise is a lie right outa the gate.

however, taxes that take care of the true welfare queens ie... big corp.... is exactly what government is not mandated to do. yet an almost trillion dollar tax 'cut' did exactly that.

lol......... dupe.

When you used the word "taxes" you didn't have to say mandate. Are you arguing taxes are voluntary?

Perhaps you can explain how allowing people to keep more of what they made is welfare. Didn't those getting to keep it earn it then have it taken so those that didn't earn it can get their welfare?

Someone having a lesser percentage of what they earned taken isn't welfare. Someone getting something funded by the very taxes they don't pay and who do no contribute to society is. If you want the true welfare queen, the poor, to have what they want, reach into your pocket and give them yours if you truly care. Paying taxes doesn't meet that. Do it voluntarily for them or let them do without.
lol.... ya, you did.

to me. when i made fun of your president citing two corinthians.

Dead wrong. I said you hadn't read 2 Corinthians. I didn't say you're not a Christian. Go back and read what I said.

i know what you said, & i know how it was meant, suzy-Q. do you think president tinkles was 'just wrong'?

do you think he's a christian? lol...........................

I can't judge his heart truly, only God can, of course. But if I had to guess, I would say no, he's not a Christian. He's very friendly to Christians surely. But a person who proclaims Jesus Lord and Savior...nope.

And I did not say you're not a Christian, but if I had to guess I'd surely say signs point to no. Does that mean I'm fit to judge you as headed to Hell? Nope, no indeed. That's waaaay above my pay grade. I can only tell you that if what my spidey senses glean is true, you're in for a world of hurt. And that's no joke. :(

your spidey senses? oh, that's rich, suuuuze.

my guess is you love to talk the talk but when it truly comes down to walking the walk?

you're crippled.

You're precisely right. That's exactly so. Perhaps now you begin to get it. Or, as Paul said, taken directly from Romans 7 on sin and the law:

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do....for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing....what a wretched man I am! Who can rescue me from this body of death?"

The problem is you think you're better than this. You are truly the worse of the Judges, because you are calling me crippled but cannot see the planks in both of your eyes.

That's fine.

God will leave you to it. For a time.

lol. uh-huh. you are a good talker, but you voted in evil.

there's nothing more crippled in spirit than that.
lol.... ya, you did.

to me. when i made fun of your president citing two corinthians.

Dead wrong. I said you hadn't read 2 Corinthians. I didn't say you're not a Christian. Go back and read what I said.

i know what you said, & i know how it was meant, suzy-Q. do you think president tinkles was 'just wrong'?

do you think he's a christian? lol...........................

I can't judge his heart truly, only God can, of course. But if I had to guess, I would say no, he's not a Christian. He's very friendly to Christians surely. But a person who proclaims Jesus Lord and Savior...nope.

And I did not say you're not a Christian, but if I had to guess I'd surely say signs point to no. Does that mean I'm fit to judge you as headed to Hell? Nope, no indeed. That's waaaay above my pay grade. I can only tell you that if what my spidey senses glean is true, you're in for a world of hurt. And that's no joke. :(

your spidey senses? oh, that's rich, suuuuze.

my guess is you love to talk the talk but when it truly comes down to walking the walk?

you're crippled.

You're precisely right. That's exactly so. Perhaps now you begin to get it. Or, as Paul said, taken directly from Romans 7 on sin and the law:

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do....for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing....what a wretched man I am! Who can rescue me from this body of death?"

The problem is you think you're better than this. You are truly the worse of the Judges, because you are calling me crippled but cannot see the planks in both of your eyes.

That's fine.

God will leave you to it. For a time.

Do you really want to understand their hatred for Christians?

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first...If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also...They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin....this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason."

John chapter 15

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