Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

I remember when coolidge vetoed a bill to give 10K bucks to farmers to help them. He said it wasnt the federal govts job and it would not be good for people to start depending on the government.
We need another one of him. Of course, it wont happen. America is too goddamn stupid and in love with corrupt wing nuts.
That was almost 100 years ago
How old are you?
The greatest economist of the 20th century said we should have done nothing, just let the Depression play out. It would have ended in 1933 or 1934. But like today, the Left fearmongered and caused panic so they could take over, implement socialism, and cause ten more years of misery. This is precisely what Chimpy did with the Democrat-caused recession. The economy didn't snap out of it until the great Trump was overwhelmingly elected to fix the mess in 2016.
The greatest economist of the 20th century said we should have done nothing, just let the Depression play out. It would have ended in 1933 or 1934. But like today, the Left fearmongered and caused panic so they could take over, implement socialism, and cause ten more years of misery. This is precisely what Chimpy did with the Democrat-caused recession. The economy didn't snap out of it until the great Trump was overwhelmingly elected to fix the mess in 2016.
Hoover let it “play out”
It got worse

Hoover let it “play out”
It got worse

View attachment 604456
Your graph demonstrates unemployment started to level off in the summer of 1932, proving Friedmann's point. It would have ended shortly thereafter, had the Communists not fearmongered and stolen power, just like they did 15 years earlier in Russia. Hoover did it right. Roosevelt prolonged it ten more years. Shameful. This is why FDR is in the bottom tier of presidents of all time. The damage he did will probably never be undone.

I think that settles our debate. No point in my having to repeat about Friedmann. Anything further from you is now trolling. I guess I won, though I generally try to be humble about these things.
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Your graph demonstrates unemployment started to level off in the summer of 1932, proving Friedmann's point. It would have ended shortly thereafter, had the Communists not fearmongered and stolen power, just like they did 15 years earlier in Russia.
Leveled off at 25 percent
It dropped after FDR implemented his policies
Refer to post #427. We're done. Thanks.
Your post does not prove your point

What it proves is that unemployment rose from 3 percent to 25 percent in three years of Hoover “hands off” policies

It proves that unemployment dropped 14 percent under FDR

So much for your economic policies
Ladies and gentlemen, let this be a little tutorial on how to handle trolls. My rule of thumb is I have to repeat the same facts more than twice, and they can offer no rebuttal, I end the debate because I have won it. If they prolong it by saying the same stuff, it's trolling.
You are wrong on both criticisms. Without Operation Warp Speed, we would not have gotten the COVID vaccine so fast. "Peaceful transfer of power"? Anyone who was watching what happened could tell that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. He had the right to have the votes double-checked

Doesn't do any good when idiots refuse to take it.
January 6th was not an insurrection. If it were, there would have been guns in the hands of a lot of the Capitol trespassers.
It was a FAILED insurrection. And I have no doubt that those of you denying it would have been all in for it, if it hadn't FAILED.
Carrying on Clinton's Policies.
I was on Wall Street at the time.
Really, so you swept the gutters of Wall Street and carried on Clinton's Presidency to end trickle down, and prove Reagan's claim that government can be a problem (see: Trumpism) and Clinton, Obama and now Biden are working for WE THE PEOPLE & Corporations are not people.

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