Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

I remember when coolidge vetoed a bill to give 10K bucks to farmers to help them. He said it wasnt the federal govts job and it would not be good for people to start depending on the government.
We need another one of him. Of course, it wont happen. America is too goddamn stupid and in love with corrupt wing nuts.
You remember Coolidge? How old ARE you?
Ladies and gentlemen, let this be a little tutorial on how to handle trolls. My rule of thumb is I have to repeat the same facts more than twice, and they can offer no rebuttal, I end the debate because I have won it. If they prolong it by saying the same stuff, it's trolling.
It's pretty sad when you have to declare you "won" something because no one else will. What a sad sad life you lead.
Really, so you swept the gutters of Wall Street and carried on Clinton's Presidency to end trickle down, and prove Reagan's claim that government can be a problem (see: Trumpism) and Clinton, Obama and now Biden are working for WE THE PEOPLE & Corporations are not people. View attachment 604463
Clinton quadrupled the number of H1-Bs in the US.
Don't tell me how Clinton saved the US economy.
His economy, along with GW not correcting it, caused the crash.
It's not trolling, it's a're an idiot.

Perhaps you should start a Thread centering on your profession so we can see if you're an idiot through and through.
More trolling instead of sticking with the topic of this thread. How surprising. :heehee: The Right sure can't handle facts and debate of facts.
The closet I came to being in a riot was in Tampa bay at a Bucs vs Bears game, guys were shoving to use the bathroom..

In front of me was a dad and his young sons, I got up on a garbage can and screamed " Quit pushing we have young boys here" they stoped and the dad says to me thanks.

My good deed for the day.
"The closet"? :heehee:
Impeachments were baseless partisan hack witch hunts. No charges were ever filed, unlike with the red-nosed philanderer, Bubba Clinton.
Trump did win the 2020 election by a wide margin. It was stolen from him. That's common knowledge by now.
Yep, you are pumped full of lunatic Trump bullshit, so no wonder you think Trump was great.

You say it's all partisan. But a number of Republicans voted to impeach Trump, and among that didn't many used excuses like "it should be left to voters to decide to remove him for his behavior" or "Trump is no longer President, so we can't impeach him"

Even staunch Trump allies like House minority leader McCarthy proposed censure as an alternative to impeachment.
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Trump has disgraced the office. He's been a bully and vulgar clown world wide.. and he's so pitifully uneducated.
Over and over again, the trump trash have shown us they LIKE a bully and vulgar clown.
LBJ was a jerk, but he was anything but evil

He cared about Civil Rights, the poor, Healthcare for the poor and elderly

Any President including JFK, Nixon or Goldwater would have gotten us into Vietnam. LBJ wanted nothing to do with Vietnam but didn’t want to appear soft on Communism
The only Candidate from the time who may have resisted going in to Vietnam was Hubert Humphrey
Probably a big reason why trump trash don't like him.

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