Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

I did indeed watch them and the map changed from Red to Blue between 3:15AM and 3:30AM.
Are you saying every media outlet was wrong?
If they were all wrong how can we trust them?
No it didn’t.
It was not till four days later that the key States of Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania were awarded to Biden

You are just making shit up
No it didn’t.
It was not till four days later that the key States of Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania were awarded to Biden

You are jus making shit up
You just admitted you didn't follow the results.
I bet you were in on what was going to happen.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you were at a poll site that night.
I will imitate Faun and respond, "Prove it!".

Actually, LBJ feared just the opposite. That signing the Civil Rights bill would lose the South for Democrats
History proved LBJ was correct

Lastly, the historical evidence suggests that far from being concerned about securing future generations of black votes, one of Johnson’s main worries — which, to his credit, didn’t prevent him from pushing for passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — was losing the votes of white Southerners. His former press secretary, Bill Moyers, recounted this scene in his 2004 book Moyers on America:

When he signed the act he was euphoric, but late that very night I found him in a melancholy mood as he lay in bed reading the bulldog edition of the Washington Post with headlines celebrating the day. I asked him what was troubling him. “I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come,” he said.
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How would you have reacted if Trump ordered Federal Troops to stop the rioting?
You're a stupid hypocrite.
I wouldn't have a problem with Trump or any other president bringing in federal forces to stop riots. It's a constitutional power, if not a requirement.

The difference is that Trump had a history of sending in federal forces to stop "protests", not riots.
I wouldn't have a problem with Trump or any other president bringing in federal forces to stop riots. It's a constitutional power, if not a requirement.

The difference is that Trump had a history of sending in federal forces to stop "protests", not riots.
Why didn't the Blue mayors stop the riots?
Why were Police fired in Blue cities for doing their job?
Commie Kalifornia use to be The Golden State. Now, because of destructive Left policies the middle class is fleeing.

It is a beautiful state that is turning into a shithole with the most poverty, most homelessness, worst education, highest debt, highest taxation, most government oppression, most Illegals, and highest rents.

Great example of how Progressives fuck up everything they touch.
Don't come to California. It's a good thing if you don't.
That's ridiculous and you're spinning like a top.

Listen up leftist loon, your Clinton committed adultery while in office. It's well known Cankles likes younger women, Buttplug is openly gay....etc etc

Don't pretend to sit on your little glass throne and look superior you asshole
What a loony trump trash.....all in defense of a sexual assaulter and serial adulterer.
No it didn’t.
It was not till four days later that the key States of Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania were awarded to Biden

You are just making shit up
The funny thing is that the election outcome happened just like many people predicted, including Trump in his own way. That the in-person vote would come in first, with Trump leading, because the primaries proved that 70% of republicans would vote in person, and 30% by mail, while only 30% of democrats voted in person, and 70% by mail. Since republican (in-person) votes would be tabulated first, Trump would be winning on election night, just as predicted.

But as the mail-in ballots got counted, then we would see the Biden numbers finally come in. So the election results wouldn't be known for 2-4 days after election day. And although a unique event in history, it was not without precedent.

Trump "spun" the anticipated late arrival of mail-in ballots, as the democrats stealing the election, since the primaries showed that 70% of those votes would likely be for Biden.

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