Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Didn't someone have a Smart Phone?
Just like there's no evidence Bill Clinton had FBI agents hold down women when he raped Smart Phones!
Actually that claim can be disproved by simple reasoning. While Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, the feds (FBI) wouldn't have had even had contact with Clinton, unless he was under investigation for whitewater, and even then, they would have been an adversarial party. After becoming president, the FBI would have only played a peripheral role, with the inner ring being handled by the secret service.
Actually that claim can be disproved by simple reasoning. While Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, the feds (FBI) wouldn't have had even had contact with Clinton, unless he was under investigation for whitewater, and even then, they would have been an adversarial party. After becoming president, the FBI would have only played a peripheral role, with the inner ring being handled by the secret service.
Read Hillary's first book where she writes about Bill's affairs.
Are the riots still going on? NO!!
So the blue mayors did stop the riots. You're just bitching about how long it took.
The Blue mayors did not stop the riots; after the stores were destroyed and plundered, the happy rioters went home to enjoy their spoils.
Don't come to California. It's a good thing if you don't.

I visited California back in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. It was starting to turn Commie but was not yet full blown like it is now. I fortunately got to see San Francisco as a beautiful city before it turned into a shithole.

The middle class is fleeing California now. Too much oppression, taxes too high and too much crime. Nobody that can afford a private school would send their kid to a public school in that state. Hell, we are even getting California emigrants here in Florida.

Pretty soon all that will be left in the state will be the Illegals, Moon Bats, Queers, Negroes and uber rich.

Just wait until that stupid law goes into effect requiring all trucks to be electric. That will shut down West Coast shipping.
The Blue mayors did not stop the riots; after the stores were destroyed and plundered, the happy rioters went home to enjoy their spoils.
Now you're all over the place. You are saying the riots were a "one time" deal, and that afterward, everybody just went home, and didn't return.

Your story is as twisted as a mangled slinky.
Now you're all over the place. You are saying the riots were a "one time" deal, and that afterward, everybody just went home, and didn't return.

Your story is as twisted as a mangled slinky.
Quote me where I stated the riots were a one time deal.
If you had the emotional capability of checking out AP News, Reuters and BBC every day you would discover that Blacks are rioting all the time in every Blue city.
I know you're an ideologue so you won't bother to face the truth.

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