best book(s) on Nazi members, early beliefs?

Jul 14, 2013
Caught Somewhere in Time
More on individual members, rather than the party.

History treats them as if they popped out of nowhere, and were just waiting for world war two to start before materializing. Which is frankly weird, we have paper trails on guys like Marcel Deat from before he collaborated with them.

But not so for Goebbels, Feder, Wagener, Röhm, etc And of course the data exists, but no one wants to talk about it.

All anyone wants to talk about with the Nazis are the war and the Wehrmacht, and I can't hear them over my snores. Anyway, couldn't decide if this fits in politics or history..
The Woodrow Wilson legacy after WW1 forced Germany into a humiliating treaty that guaranteed a political vacuum filled by crazy socialist nationalists. Hitler came into power around the same time that FDR was elected and FDR was well aware of Nazi atrocities. America had it's own problems during the recession that turned into a soup line depression under FDR's leadership and the US refused to admit Jews who were seeking refuge from Nazi tyranny. Pretty ironic in light of the fact that America supports and educates an estimated ten million illegal Hispanics.
The Woodrow Wilson legacy after WW1 forced Germany into a humiliating treaty that guaranteed a political vacuum filled by crazy socialist nationalists. Hitler came into power around the same time that FDR was elected and FDR was well aware of Nazi atrocities. America had it's own problems during the recession that turned into a soup line depression under FDR's leadership and the US refused to admit Jews who were seeking refuge from Nazi tyranny. Pretty ironic in light of the fact that America supports and educates an estimated ten million illegal Hispanics.

Good post. Acceding to the unconscioncable Versailles Treaty delegitimized German democratic government and paved the way for dictatorial rule. Having to give up
hard-won (against Russia) territory in the east fueled Hitler's concept of "lebensraum." Ironically, his early tirades against the Jews were more influenced by political expediency than racial purity.
best book(s) on Nazi members, early beliefs?

Dreams of my Father -- Barack Obama

or "Garden of the Beasts" Eric Larson

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