Best Korea vs. South Korea


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
So, tomorrow?

So, tomorrow?


A nuclear-armed North Korea was just one more legacy of Jimmy Carter. His administration provided materials for North Korea to build their nuclear bombs. Carter provided $4 billion worth of light water reactors and $100 million in oil in exchange for a promise that North Korea wouldn't develop weapons, but we all know how that turned out.
Fire at s korea and prepares for war
He wants to start a war? He is insane or desperate to hold onto power after his purge?

Where is a good sniper when you need one?
It would almost seem as though someone in the broadcast industry is trying to provoke North Korea into a war.
So, tomorrow?


A nuclear-armed North Korea was just one more legacy of Jimmy Carter. His administration provided materials for North Korea to build their nuclear bombs. Carter provided $4 billion worth of light water reactors and $100 million in oil in exchange for a promise that North Korea wouldn't develop weapons, but we all know how that turned out.
Yea, no Korean war two. Best way to keep America from invading is have a nuke.
He's all talk. You'll see, he won't do shit. He's just an idiot with a failed culture.
Operation Nifty Package was a United States Navy SEALs-operated plan conducted in 1989 designed to capture Panamanian leaderManuel Noriega. When Noriega took refuge in the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See(diplomatic quarter), deafening music and other psychological warfare were used to convince him to exit and surrender himself.

The United States claimed that after ten days of psychological harassment, the Papal Nuncio (ambassador) Monsignor Laboa had threatened to revoke Noriega's sanctuary if he didn't surrender to the United States, although Laboa insisted that he had made no threats of revoking the right of asylum under the Church, but had used his own "precisely calibrated psychological campaign" to force Noriega's departure.[1]
He's all talk. You'll see, he won't do shit. He's just an idiot with a failed culture.

That's what I think -------------------------

Every time. Problem is, it keeps happening over and over.

The world is due for a big war, with all the serious brushfire wars burning now and more starting (Israel/Syria today also). This IS Kim's best chance, with Obama so weak and America pretty much out of the game.

On the other hand, it's time for the U.S./S. Korea military exercises, and Kim does do this EVERY time, bar none. Though it can get messy -- they've sunk a ship and shelled an island, for instance. South Korea doesn't dare respond unless they are willing to wage an all-out war, because Seoul is in easy reach of NK's artillery.

So are our 28,000 "tripwire" soldiers there simply to force us to go to war if SK is attacked and our men all killed. I don't like this strategy.
People are hungry in North Korea. The way to stop an invasion is to set up food carts at the border, and tell the soldiers they can have as much food they want if they surrender.
I don't think North Korean soldiers would fight for Communism.
I think it would be perfectly justifiable for North Korea to blow up the loudspeakers. International law, if there really was such a thing, would probably agree with me on this.
I don't think North Korean soldiers would fight for Communism.
I think it would be perfectly justifiable for North Korea to blow up the loudspeakers. International law, if there really was such a thing, would probably agree with me on this.

Well it seems to me they tried to hit them and miss...Wait a second now the UN has a noise ordinance???
One, I said, 'if there was such a thing.' And two, so use a nuke. (Not necessarily in that order.)
I don't think North Korean soldiers would fight for Communism.
I think it would be perfectly justifiable for North Korea to blow up the loudspeakers. International law, if there really was such a thing, would probably agree with me on this.

Well it seems to me they tried to hit them and miss...Wait a second now the UN has a noise ordinance???
One, I said, 'if there was such a thing.' And two, so use a nuke. (Not necessarily in that order.)
Using a nuke would definitely end NKs hunger problem.
I don't think North Korean soldiers would fight for Communism.
I think it would be perfectly justifiable for North Korea to blow up the loudspeakers. International law, if there really was such a thing, would probably agree with me on this.

Well it seems to me they tried to hit them and miss...Wait a second now the UN has a noise ordinance???
One, I said, 'if there was such a thing.' And two, so use a nuke. (Not necessarily in that order.)
Using a nuke would definitely end NKs hunger problem.
I know I get irritable when I don't eat. Someone blaring a message they don't like my haircut from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. in the morning would certainly make me want to nuke someone.

Seoul continues loudspeaker psyops

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