Best News All Year! Obamas to Move to Canada!!!

Yes indeed. There is a great chance this nation will finally be rid of the Obamas. It would be high time. I am certain Mr. Trump will declare a national holiday with fireworks and celebration all over.

Obama Declares His Family Will Move To Canada Along With 19% Americans If Trump Is Elected - World Politicus

This is one of those "if it sounds to good to be true" moments.
No, it is another one of those "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!" moments.

Never heard of one of those.....

neither has moronboy


Pretty sure no one's heard of one....
Yes indeed. There is a great chance this nation will finally be rid of the Obamas. It would be high time. I am certain Mr. Trump will declare a national holiday with fireworks and celebration all over.

Obama Declares His Family Will Move To Canada Along With 19% Americans If Trump Is Elected - World Politicus
the Obama moving to Canada is from a Satirical site...

President Obama Begins DNC Speech By Chanting "4 More Years, 4 More Years" | BSJ
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