Best Spielberg Movies- your top 5

Saving Private Ryan
Schindlers List
Raders of the Lost Ark
Jurassic Park
Last Crusades

What do u think
Though I like most of Spielburg's work, SPR is easily his most grossy overrated film...Implausible-as-hell plot lines and scenes, sappy two-dimensional characters, and technical direction that is among the worst of any "serious" war film I've ever seen.

How anyone thinks that C grade toxic waste dump is "great", I'll never fathom.
Why is SP so low ??
Saving Private Ryan? Because after the extraordinary opening segment of the Normandy Beach it is a fairly ordinary war drama.

He's had so many great movies I didn't even have a spot for Jaws. But Raiders is perhaps the standard bearer for action movies, Jurassic is incredible, effects-wise, since it's pre-CGI, and Minority Report is just outstanding in every way. But nothing tops Schindler's List. It's just an epic movie.
Spielberg is over rated. He came on the scene with "Jaws" that relied on hokey mechanical stuff and he almost failed in the attempt. A young Richard Dreyfuss pronounced the movie a failure while it was still being filmed but the public wanted to believe it even if the gimmicks failed. Spielberg was smart enough to trust the emerging digital technology that seems lame by today's standards.
Spielberg is over rated. He came on the scene with "Jaws" that relied on hokey mechanical stuff and he almost failed in the attempt. A young Richard Dreyfuss pronounced the movie a failure while it was still being filmed but the public wanted to believe it even if the gimmicks failed. Spielberg was smart enough to trust the emerging digital technology that seems lame by today's standards.
Good movie story telling calls for a willful suspension of disbelief.....Kinda like pro rasslin'.
Though I like most of Spielburg's work, SPR is easily his most grossy overrated film...Implausible-as-hell plot lines and scenes, sappy two-dimensional characters, and technical direction that is among the worst of any "serious" war film I've ever seen.

How anyone thinks that C grade toxic waste dump is "great", I'll never fathom.

You think SP is a C movie and SL is a masterpiece
You think SP is a C movie and SL is a masterpiece
I've rehashed that stink bomb with more than a few real military men.....Anyone with any serious knowledge of military ops (let alone those of the time), how troops would have acted in certain high risk situations, knowledge of physics and ballistics, human nature, and military hardware, easily sees the slew of monstrous holes in that shitty plot.
His first movie was a made for TV thriller called "Duel". What he was able to do with a puny TV budget is pretty amazing.

Saving Private Ryan
Schindlers List
Raders of the Lost Ark
Jurassic Park
Last Crusades

What do u think
All are good movies. I would included "Twister" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" on the list, both iconic movies that should be in everybody's collection. The original "Raiders of the Lost Ark" was a well done film. Some of the others not so much. I absolutely HATED the way he did "War Horse"--made what should have been a great movie into a really REALLY bad one that I would never choose to see twice.

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