Best Spielberg Movies- your top 5

I'd substitute Jaws for Poltergeist. I didn't care for that one.
Didn't miss them...Not in my top 5.

I quit watching all TV years ago and I only sometimes watch nostaglic movies

This week I rewatched both Raiders and Last Crusades

Last week I saw Matrix again

The week before it was SPR and Return of the King.

I try to watch 2-3 nostaglic movies per week
Why are few people taking SL ???

Seems to be some latent A.S. if you asked me
Though I like most of Spielburg's work, SPR is easily his most grossy overrated film...Implausible-as-hell plot lines and scenes, sappy two-dimensional characters, and technical direction that is among the worst of any "serious" war film I've ever seen.

How anyone thinks that C grade toxic waste dump is "great", I'll never fathom.

They had 1 guy who was a Redneck with a great SHOT, another guy who had every Italian stereotype on the planet and a 3rd guy who could ACT or look more jewish.

I see now.

what about the Last Crusade

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