Best things about 2020!

I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
Thats the only good thing about 2020. Hamilton being on Disney+ was also great. Must have watched it 20 times so far.

If you don’t mind me asking, what three Biden policies are sure to improve your life?
Does your life improve with open borders, free shit for Mexico, $5 fuel, higher taxes, increased regulation?
OR is it strictly FEELZ...”Orange Guy can’t talk mean anymore” sort of thing?

Those aren't Biden's policies.

I like his college plan...both the college access and forgiving loans. I think it should be larger in both cases.
I like that he will rejoin Paris accord.
I like that we will get rid of the tariffs and things will get back to normal
I like that the ACA will be fully funded.
I like that the nation will once again have a leader we can be proud of.
We won't get conflicting messages on Covid 19..

Just a few.

Those aren't Biden's policies.
They certainly are.

I like his college plan...both the college access and forgiving loans. I think it should be larger in both cases.
So free shit for college kids improves your life?

I like that he will rejoin Paris accord.
So free shit for foreign nations improves your life?

I like that we will get rid of the tariffs and things will get back to normal
So rolling over for China improves your life?

I like that the ACA will be fully funded.
So free shit for bottom feeders improves your life?

I like that the nation will once again have a leader we can be proud of.
Proud of an almost dead, barely coherent and confused geriatric patient?

We won't get conflicting messages on Covid 19..
You get your Covid info from the POTUS?
Wow BL you are short sighted and small minded. More education and opportunity for children decreases crime and increases employment, innovation and progress, these things make our world and country better thus positively affecting all of our lives.

what free shit do you think the Paris accord gave to other countries?

tariffs are taxes that Americans pay and have not been effective so far so cutting them is not simply “rolling over on China” it is cutting taxes for American companies thus lowering the price of goods that positivity impacts all our lives. There are other ways to put pressure on China

ACA, healthcare, do I really need to defend why it’s better for more people to have healthcare coverage?!

wake up BL. It’s a new year. Trying growing as person. You’ve been stuck in doucheville for far too long.
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
Not only partisan hacks. Also judges, Trump appointed judges, also Republican Trump supporting Governors and AGs who actually were responsible for overseeing the elections. Fact is y’all can’t prove any of your BS claims. It’s laughable at this point
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
Not only partisan hacks. Also judges, Trump appointed judges, also Republican Trump supporting Governors and AGs who actually were responsible for overseeing the elections. Fact is y’all can’t prove any of your BS . It’s laughable at this point
It's been proven but when people are scared of leftist terrorism then of course they won't rule correctly or even investigate it. Roberts is afraid of the blackmail information they have on him visiting Epstein's island among other things. Just because Trump appointed them based on OTHERS information who he unfortunately trusted doesn't make them right or even loyal Americans. It's CLEAR as day that the LEGISLATURE makes laws that didn't happen in Pennsylvania, the executive branch CHANGED the election laws unilaterally and unconstitutionally.
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
Not only partisan hacks. Also judges, Trump appointed judges, also Republican Trump supporting Governors and AGs who actually were responsible for overseeing the elections. Fact is y’all can’t prove any of your BS . It’s laughable at this point
It's been proven but when people are scared of leftist terrorism then of course they won't rule correctly or even investigate it. Roberts is afraid of the blackmail information they have on him visiting Epstein's island among other things. Just because Trump appointed them based on OTHERS information who he unfortunately trusted doesn't make them right or even loyal Americans. It's CLEAR as day that the LEGISLATURE makes laws that didn't happen in Pennsylvania, the executive branch CHANGED the election laws unilaterally and unconstitutionally.
Hahaha, you’re not serious with that crap are you?!
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
Not only partisan hacks. Also judges, Trump appointed judges, also Republican Trump supporting Governors and AGs who actually were responsible for overseeing the elections. Fact is y’all can’t prove any of your BS . It’s laughable at this point
It's been proven but when people are scared of leftist terrorism then of course they won't rule correctly or even investigate it. Roberts is afraid of the blackmail information they have on him visiting Epstein's island among other things. Just because Trump appointed them based on OTHERS information who he unfortunately trusted doesn't make them right or even loyal Americans. It's CLEAR as day that the LEGISLATURE makes laws that didn't happen in Pennsylvania, the executive branch CHANGED the election laws unilaterally and unconstitutionally.
Hahaha, you’re not serious with that crap are you?!
As a heart attack. If you think leftist terrorism and blackmail doesn't keep lawyers,judges,politicians from ruling and voting the way they REALLY want to then you are mistaken.
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
Not only partisan hacks. Also judges, Trump appointed judges, also Republican Trump supporting Governors and AGs who actually were responsible for overseeing the elections. Fact is y’all can’t prove any of your BS . It’s laughable at this point
It's been proven but when people are scared of leftist terrorism then of course they won't rule correctly or even investigate it. Roberts is afraid of the blackmail information they have on him visiting Epstein's island among other things. Just because Trump appointed them based on OTHERS information who he unfortunately trusted doesn't make them right or even loyal Americans. It's CLEAR as day that the LEGISLATURE makes laws that didn't happen in Pennsylvania, the executive branch CHANGED the election laws unilaterally and unconstitutionally.
Hahaha, you’re not serious with that crap are you?!
As a heart attack. If you think leftist terrorism and blackmail doesn't keep lawyers,judges,politicians from ruling and voting the way they REALLY want to then you are mistaken.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump is president of the USA, he appointed judges who oversaw these cases. He appointed directors of the FBI and DOJ who have peddled trumps bullshit against these “leftists” you're so scared of. And non of these people give cred to this new load of BS. You're brainwashed dude. Get a life
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
Not only partisan hacks. Also judges, Trump appointed judges, also Republican Trump supporting Governors and AGs who actually were responsible for overseeing the elections. Fact is y’all can’t prove any of your BS . It’s laughable at this point
It's been proven but when people are scared of leftist terrorism then of course they won't rule correctly or even investigate it. Roberts is afraid of the blackmail information they have on him visiting Epstein's island among other things. Just because Trump appointed them based on OTHERS information who he unfortunately trusted doesn't make them right or even loyal Americans. It's CLEAR as day that the LEGISLATURE makes laws that didn't happen in Pennsylvania, the executive branch CHANGED the election laws unilaterally and unconstitutionally.
Hahaha, you’re not serious with that crap are you?!
As a heart attack. If you think leftist terrorism and blackmail doesn't keep lawyers,judges,politicians from ruling and voting the way they REALLY want to then you are mistaken.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump is president of the USA, he appointed judges who oversaw these cases. He appointed directors of the FBI and DOJ who have peddled trumps bullshit against these “leftists” you're so scared of. And non of these people give cred to this new load of BS. You're brainwashed dude. Get a life
It just goes to show how little you pay attention that you don't believe leftist terrorism and blackmail and their own personal HIDDEN agendas come first for MANY MANY people President Trump appointed or hired etc.
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
"losing" you mean cheated. Oh and NOTHING good happened this year, just like most every year, nothing grand happened, 2019 was pretty good my 2nd son was born other than that it sucked just like 2018 and 2017 and 2021 won't be any better IMO. Wife JUST graduated college so MAYBE she finds work in her field and we are moving into a new place soon thank god for that. Really looking forward to the 3 and 4$ gas and it's well on it's way, now that pedojoe is close to stealing the presidency from the rightful winner, that will do wonders for my pocket.
Congrats on the kid! I’ll hope 2021 brings you a happier and more optimistic perspective. Perhaps start by tuning out the dishonest propaganda you’ve been consuming and repeating. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump lost. It is what it is. America is still a great country... as it was before Trump. Try and appreciate and enjoy what you are lucky enough to have. Cheers
Oh it was stolen and only partisan hacks would say otherwise there is CLEAR evidence MORE than enough CLEAR evidence that some funny business was going on during election night. So far we are 1 day into 2021 and it's already sucked. It was expected so meh just have to roll with it. If I am lucky at the end of this year I will be 6 months away from graduating we shall see.
Not only partisan hacks. Also judges, Trump appointed judges, also Republican Trump supporting Governors and AGs who actually were responsible for overseeing the elections. Fact is y’all can’t prove any of your BS . It’s laughable at this point
It's been proven but when people are scared of leftist terrorism then of course they won't rule correctly or even investigate it. Roberts is afraid of the blackmail information they have on him visiting Epstein's island among other things. Just because Trump appointed them based on OTHERS information who he unfortunately trusted doesn't make them right or even loyal Americans. It's CLEAR as day that the LEGISLATURE makes laws that didn't happen in Pennsylvania, the executive branch CHANGED the election laws unilaterally and unconstitutionally.
Hahaha, you’re not serious with that crap are you?!
As a heart attack. If you think leftist terrorism and blackmail doesn't keep lawyers,judges,politicians from ruling and voting the way they REALLY want to then you are mistaken.
That’s complete bullshit. Trump is president of the USA, he appointed judges who oversaw these cases. He appointed directors of the FBI and DOJ who have peddled trumps bullshit against these “leftists” you're so scared of. And non of these people give cred to this new load of BS. You're brainwashed dude. Get a life
It just goes to show how little you pay attention that you don't believe leftist terrorism and blackmail and their own personal HIDDEN agendas come first for MANY MANY people President Trump appointed or hired etc.
Dude, you’re just making shit up with NOTHING to substantiate it. Might was well just blame the aliens. Grow up
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!
Thats the only good thing about 2020. Hamilton being on Disney+ was also great. Must have watched it 20 times so far.

If you don’t mind me asking, what three Biden policies are sure to improve your life?
Does your life improve with open borders, free shit for Mexico, $5 fuel, higher taxes, increased regulation?
OR is it strictly FEELZ...”Orange Guy can’t talk mean anymore” sort of thing?

Those aren't Biden's policies.

I like his college plan...both the college access and forgiving loans. I think it should be larger in both cases.
I like that he will rejoin Paris accord.
I like that we will get rid of the tariffs and things will get back to normal
I like that the ACA will be fully funded.
I like that the nation will once again have a leader we can be proud of.
We won't get conflicting messages on Covid 19..

Just a few.

Those aren't Biden's policies.
They certainly are.

I like his college plan...both the college access and forgiving loans. I think it should be larger in both cases.
So free shit for college kids improves your life?

I like that he will rejoin Paris accord.
So free shit for foreign nations improves your life?

I like that we will get rid of the tariffs and things will get back to normal
So rolling over for China improves your life?

I like that the ACA will be fully funded.
So free shit for bottom feeders improves your life?

I like that the nation will once again have a leader we can be proud of.
Proud of an almost dead, barely coherent and confused geriatric patient?

We won't get conflicting messages on Covid 19..
You get your Covid info from the POTUS?
Wow BL you are short sighted and small minded. More education and opportunity for children decreases crime and increases employment, innovation and progress, these things make our world and country better thus positively affecting all of our lives.

what free shit do you think the Paris accord gave to other countries?

tariffs are taxes that Americans pay and have not been effective so far so cutting them is not simply “rolling over on China” it is cutting taxes for American companies thus lowering the price of goods that positivity impacts all our lives. There are other ways to put pressure on China

ACA, healthcare, do I really need to defend why it’s better for more people to have healthcare coverage?!

wake up BL. It’s a new year. Trying growing as person. You’ve been stuck in doucheville for far too long.

Wow BL you are short sighted and small minded. More education and opportunity for children decreases crime and increases employment, innovation and progress, these things make our world and country better thus positively affecting all of our lives.
We provide free K-12 education...Fuck it, why don't we pay for masters, doctorate degrees law and med school as well huh?

what free shit do you think the Paris accord gave to other countries?
Many nations weren't meeting finance goals and contributing. Good, real Americans are tired of being suckered and carrying dead weight. FUCK THAT!

tariffs are taxes that Americans pay and have not been effective so far so cutting them is not simply “rolling over on China” it is cutting taxes for American companies thus lowering the price of goods that positivity impacts all our lives. There are other ways to put pressure on China
Tariffs discourage consumers from buying foreign made goods...the imposition of tariffs may take years to become impactful but they do work..that's why you hate them.

ACA, healthcare, do I really need to defend why it’s better for more people to have healthcare coverage?!
The ACA took the politicization of healthcare to a whole new level and commercialized the shit out of it that's all. People were always getting healthcare, they simply may not have had a healthcare plan. The ACA is so awesome for The People that insurance carriers doubled profits with it in place as premiums skyrocketed.

wake up BL. It’s a new year. Trying growing as person. You’ve been stuck in doucheville for far too long.
In "Doucheville" the twisted fucks champion violent racist organizations like BurnLootMurder, they assault America's history, tradition and culture, they challenge our constitutional rights, they hate Americas right to sovereignty..etc etc
You know all about Doucheville, I'm pretty sure you're the Mayor.
Wow BL you are short sighted and small minded. More education and opportunity for children decreases crime and increases employment, innovation and progress, these things make our world and country better thus positively affecting all of our lives.
We provide free K-12 education...Fuck it, why don't we pay for masters, doctorate degrees law and med school as well huh?
To avoid the novel I’ll address your points in different posts. Some are moving to provide free education beyond grade school. Its not a bad idea. As for post graduate many companies do pay for employees to go into those programs. Education is much to expensive. The goal right now from progressives is to give low income children more opportunities to receive higher education.
what free shit do you think the Paris accord gave to other countries?
Many nations weren't meeting finance goals and contributing. Good, real Americans are tired of being suckered and carrying dead weight. FUCK THAT!
So we weren't giving free shit to other countries per your statement about the Paris accord. Glad we cleared that one up.
Wow BL you are short sighted and small minded. More education and opportunity for children decreases crime and increases employment, innovation and progress, these things make our world and country better thus positively affecting all of our lives.
We provide free K-12 education...Fuck it, why don't we pay for masters, doctorate degrees law and med school as well huh?
To avoid the novel I’ll address your points in different posts. Some are moving to provide free education beyond grade school. Its not a bad idea. As for post graduate many companies do pay for employees to go into those programs. Education is much to expensive. The goal right now from progressives is to give low income children more opportunities to receive higher education.

haha...the thing is you'll never be able to save the "low income children" as your policies do nothing but harvest more of the filthy same. For every poor kid you save you harvest three more from Mexico or in a Dem run super shithole. It's a fight you can't win unless you get out of your own way.
tariffs are taxes that Americans pay and have not been effective so far so cutting them is not simply “rolling over on China” it is cutting taxes for American companies thus lowering the price of goods that positivity impacts all our lives. There are other ways to put pressure on China
Tariffs discourage consumers from buying foreign made goods...the imposition of tariffs may take years to become impactful but they do work..that's why you hate them.
I find it interesting that you support the Government using taxation to discourage Americans from buying certain goods. Sounds more like a progressive policy than a liberal one. I'm actually not completely against Tariffs, I was against Trumps lies about them when he said that China was paying them and not American companies. China and the trade imbalance is an issue that needs to be dealt with. I don't think Trumps bully approach as effective or a smart way to deal with the problem.
what free shit do you think the Paris accord gave to other countries?
Many nations weren't meeting finance goals and contributing. Good, real Americans are tired of being suckered and carrying dead weight. FUCK THAT!
So we weren't giving free shit to other countries per your statement about the Paris accord. Glad we cleared that one up.

We were, we were investing and carrying the weight of nations that weren't investing with us.
Are you always noble as fuck when armed with the checkbooks of others?
ACA, healthcare, do I really need to defend why it’s better for more people to have healthcare coverage?!
The ACA took the politicization of healthcare to a whole new level and commercialized the shit out of it that's all. People were always getting healthcare, they simply may not have had a healthcare plan. The ACA is so awesome for The People that insurance carriers doubled profits with it in place as premiums skyrocketed.
Premiums were skyrocketing before the ACA and while people may have been receiving ER care without insurance its undeniable that it is a better situation for our country and medical community to have more people with coverage so hospitals and taxpayers don't eat more costs than they would otherwise. The ACA had and has many problems, we should be working to fix them not politicizing the Repeal and Replace with no plan to replace.
Wow BL you are short sighted and small minded. More education and opportunity for children decreases crime and increases employment, innovation and progress, these things make our world and country better thus positively affecting all of our lives.
We provide free K-12 education...Fuck it, why don't we pay for masters, doctorate degrees law and med school as well huh?
To avoid the novel I’ll address your points in different posts. Some are moving to provide free education beyond grade school. Its not a bad idea. As for post graduate many companies do pay for employees to go into those programs. Education is much to expensive. The goal right now from progressives is to give low income children more opportunities to receive higher education.

haha...the thing is you'll never be able to save the "low income children" as your policies do nothing but harvest more of the filthy same. For every poor kid you save you harvest three more from Mexico or in a Dem run super shithole. It's a fight you can't win unless you get out of your own way.
You are conflating issues now. We are talking about education and its pretty undeniable that a better educated population is better for society as a whole.
I’m taking the obvious.

Trump losing the 2020 election!

What’s your highlight of GOOD things that happened in 2020?!

Trump losing his ass and hopefully, when charged with bank and insurance fraud by the DA of Manhattan and the SDNY, losing his freedom.

what free shit do you think the Paris accord gave to other countries?
Many nations weren't meeting finance goals and contributing. Good, real Americans are tired of being suckered and carrying dead weight. FUCK THAT!
So we weren't giving free shit to other countries per your statement about the Paris accord. Glad we cleared that one up.

We were, we were investing and carrying the weight of nations that weren't investing with us.
Are you always noble as fuck when armed with the checkbooks of others?
What were we investing in? Give me some examples

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