Zone1 Best Version of the Bible and Why?

Expert scholars have a bad history of changing doctrine even when they are supposed experts in ancient languages. Take the Jehovah Witnesses and how they have butchered the Bible by even claiming to have known the exact date, year and time of the end of the world and were wrong not once, but 5 times at least. Rather than relying on so called scholars, I would rather rely on a couple of other reasons to choose one to primarily rely on. First, is there a Prophet on the earth or has been recently to know by communicating with the Lord to clear up misunderstandings of doctrine in the Biblical texts. Prophets do not need to be scholars with PhD's behind their names since they are messengers from God to the people of the world. Since there are no churches that have Prophets like this except for those who claim to be connected to Joseph Smith, that's where to start. In 1844, there were no planes for the apostles to get together quickly and go to the Lord to know who was to be his successor. Over time, the mantle fell on Brigham Young. All the people at that meeting saw the mantle of Joseph Smith fall on Brigham Young. So, the correct Church to follow from that point is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt lake City). This Church chooses to use the King James Version. However, there are many errors in it. Joseph Smith was given the knowledge by Christ to correct the errors in doctrine. We have those corrections as does the apostate Church of Jesus Christ, now called the Disciples of Christ. If you go online to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day website, you can find the KJV of the Bible that will show the corrections he made as well. Second, with any study of scripture, everyone must study out the version of their Bibles and ask God if how they are interpreting the scriptures is true or not. The Holy Ghost will bear witness of the truth.
Some mistranslations are so ingrained that the true meanings will not be accepted, the mistranslation in the KJV of pascha into Easter for example. The translators so believed that 'Easter' had replaced Passover that they couldn't help themselves.

Best Version of the Bible and Why?​

Some mistranslations are so ingrained that the true meanings will not be accepted ...

be careful for what you claim -

and what of the lies of moses, etched tablets from the heavens their madeup commandments - abraham and their hereditary idolatry ...

jesus and those in the 1st century gave their lives for the heavenly corrections to be made.

for the 4th century christian bible the truly religious paradisians of the original intent, liberation theology, self determination - know better.

Best Version of the Bible and Why?​

be careful for what you claim -

and what of the lies of moses, etched tablets from the heavens their madeup commandments - abraham and their hereditary idolatry ...

jesus and those in the 1st century gave their lives for the heavenly corrections to be made.

for the 4th century christian bible the truly religious paradisians of the original intent, liberation theology, self determination - know better.
You gotta learn to walk before you can run. That's what the Law was for.

Liberation theology: Freedom from the constraints of the Law.
Self-determination: Work out your own salvation.
There, FIFY.
For translations that are closest to the original Hebrew, either JPS or ArtScroll.
Some mistranslations are so ingrained that the true meanings will not be accepted, the mistranslation in the KJV of pascha into Easter for example. The translators so believed that 'Easter' had replaced Passover that they couldn't help themselves.
The Sacrament of the atonement replaced the Passover ritual.
Liberation theology: Freedom from the constraints of the Law.
Self-determination: Work out your own salvation.
- remember, all in the heavens are equal.

the heavenly religion of antiquity, only one commandment - the triumph of good vs evil. for remission to the everlasting, the final judgement.

the desert religions of - servitude and denial - their books of forgeries and fallacies is the reason jesus and those others gave their lives to correct ... their moment in history for some is alive and well to this day.

too bad for the desert - as for the final judgement that will occur when all remaining are of the same persuasion.
king james , with its poetic language and familiarity, is still the one i like best.
If I'm going to reference a bible for anything, it'd be Noah Webster's King James version.

''The ''poetic language'' in the ''authorized'' KJV makes it a pain in the ass to read.
the heavenly religion of antiquity, only one commandment - the triumph of good vs evil. for remission to the everlasting, the final judgement.

the desert religions of - servitude and denial - their books of forgeries and fallacies is the reason jesus and those others gave their lives to correct ... their moment in history for some is alive and well to this day.

too bad for the desert - as for the final judgement that will occur when all remaining are of the same persuasion.
Jesus rectified (and magnified) the OT commands with a "new" commandment, "that you love one another"*.

* According to knowledge.

You're late to the party. ;)
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If I'm going to reference a bible for anything, it'd be Noah Webster's King James version.

''The ''poetic language'' in the ''authorized'' KJV makes it a pain in the ass to read.
But easy to study. For example, it is the only version that allows you to unscramble the meaning of the "talking snake", thanks to the Hebrew lexicon.
kjv and its not close.

You really think God spoke to these peasants and other poor uneducated folks like the KJV says? He'd have gotten deer-in-the-headlights looks from them all.

Reading the KJV makes people feel smart, but it ain't the word of God.

This website ranks them, and ESV, like I'd said, is number 2 in most literal translation.

I guess unless you rank "best" to mean "Hardest to understand" then KJV is definitely the best.
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Looking for opinions back by a fax and argument.

In researching this, I realize I had assumed for no good reason that most post king James versions were basically translations of the King James version. Then I saw a recommendation for a modern version that is taking more directly from the original group text. But that was just a brief search.

I always prefer to hear from experts. That’s why I come here to ask.
YOu have a major decision off the bat. Do you want dynamic translation or literal-formal
Because I have all the Biblical Languages I use RSV Catholic version.. I never use dynamic though sometimes I use old or new JB
For a good reason. The Passover was symbolic of the upcoming atonement event of Jesus Christ. As was Yom Kipper. So, it's not just one replacing another.
YOu have a major decision off the bat. Do you want dynamic translation or literal-formal
Because I have all the Biblical Languages I use RSV Catholic version.. I never use dynamic though sometimes I use old or new JB
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by those terms, but I'll answer going by what I think you mean. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

If I could have my choice, I would prefer a bible that was a very literal translation of the oldest known biblical texts. But I would want it to be annotated. For example if there was an idiom that makes know sense in English, like the German "Es ist mir Wurst," which literally means "It's a sausage to me," but is an idiom for "I don't care at all," I would like that explained in a footnote.

In that case many pages might be half text and half footnote, but that would be fine because I'd be learning a lot and staying interested.

Maybe there is a bible close to that. Now I wish I had asked a different way. Oy!
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by those terms, but I'll answer going by what I think you mean. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

If I could have my choice, I would prefer a bible that was a very literal translation of the oldest known biblical texts. But I would want it to be annotated. For example if there was an idiom that makes know sense in English, like the German "Es ist mir Wurst," which literally means "It's a sausage to me," but is an idiom for "I don't care at all," I would like that explained in a footnote.

In that case many pages might be half text and half footnote, but that would be fine because I'd be learning a lot and staying interested.

Maybe there is a bible close to that. Now I wish I had asked a different way. Oy!
2Peter 1:20-21, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." While your wish is okay for assistance with understanding, it's not for private or only your understanding interpretation. Not by the scholars of man. We are to read and receive understanding by asking God with real intent, faith not wavering and without a double mind what interpretation for us means.
Jesus rectified (and magnified) the OT commands with a "new" commandment, "that you love one another"*.

* According to knowledge.

You're late to the party. ;)

they, jesus reiterated the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - granted a&e per their request for self determination to be equal to those that created and gave them their life - as the goal for their journey the heavens granted them and for all living beings. remission to the everlasting.

- judgement made when the goal is accomplished. christianity is a madeup religion the same as judaism and is the relevancy of the 1st century events.
When exposed to a new bible there are always two verses, I check against the KJV. One of them is OT and the other is NT.

KJV Deut. 19 15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. 19

NIV Deut. 19 15 One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

The NIV and most other modern English translation leave out the sin of the witness and make it all about the number of witnesses.

KJV Mathew 5 v 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

NIV Mathew 5 v 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

The NIV and most other modern English translations leave out the phase "without a cause". It changes the meaning of the verse.

I've done the research and checked the OT verse against the original Hebrew and the NT verse against the original Greek. In both cases the KJV was accurate, and the NIV was not.
they, jesus reiterated the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - granted a&e per their request for self determination to be equal to those that created and gave them their life - as the goal for their journey the heavens granted them and for all living beings. remission to the everlasting.

- judgement made when the goal is accomplished. christianity is a madeup religion the same as judaism and is the relevancy of the 1st century events.
2Peter 1:20-21, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." While your wish is okay for assistance with understanding, it's not for private or only your understanding interpretation. Not by the scholars of man. We are to read and receive understanding by asking God with real intent, faith not wavering and without a double mind what interpretation for us means.
What happens if I discover meanings that no one else, be they scholar or layman, has ever discovered?

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