Zone1 Best Version of the Bible and Why?

That's a lot of looking up. More power to you. Look up enough and you'll know the language.
I just look up stuff that doesn't make complete sense to me as translated. For example, Eve "gave" (the fruit) to Adam and he ate, just doesn't cut it. A study of the word gave yielded a better translation; put upon. In other words Eve nagged Adam into sharing her sin. This is confirmed when God convicted Adam of "hearkening to the voice of his wife". Adam obeyed his wife rather than obeying God.
Greek and Hebrew are necessary for a full(er) understanding.
I think those that worked on the Bible over the early years of translation and then over the past several centuries have done a good job. Definitely not perfect. It's correct as far as it is translated correctly. Which brings us to the point the as translations progress, they do so on a biased line of the translator's normalcy. Take baptism for a talking point. Is it by water or dry baptisms? Is it by sprinkling, pouring water over the head or by full emersion? Your translation, interpretation will be pulled in the normalcy bias direction. I find that most Christians make the error not taking James method of knowing what is true or not. They don't study. They don't meditate on it. They don't ask God with real intent. They ask God with no real strong faith in Christ. They do so with the double mind which could be normalcy bias or forcing translations into their stated goal. And, most important, they don't wait for answers from the Holy Ghost.
Most who say they are 'saved' just mean that they believe they are in a 'state of grace' which if maintained will result in their salvation in the first resurrection.
I don't know about most. You seem to understand the idea of staying on the straight and narrow path to the tree of life. But, I have friends whose dad's were ministers in protestant churches and they all pretty much believed once saved, did matter what you did after that.
I just look up stuff that doesn't make complete sense to me as translated. For example, Eve "gave" (the fruit) to Adam and he ate, just doesn't cut it. A study of the word gave yielded a better translation; put upon. In other words Eve nagged Adam into sharing her sin. This is confirmed when God convicted Adam of "hearkening to the voice of his wife". Adam obeyed his wife rather than obeying God.
That's not how I learned it in Sunday school.
When exposed to a new bible there are always two verses, I check against the KJV. One of them is OT and the other is NT.

KJV Deut. 19 15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. 19

NIV Deut. 19 15 One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

The NIV and most other modern English translation leave out the sin of the witness and make it all about the number of witnesses.

KJV Mathew 5 v 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

NIV Mathew 5 v 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

The NIV and most other modern English translations leave out the phase "without a cause". It changes the meaning of the verse.

I've done the research and checked the OT verse against the original Hebrew and the NT verse against the original Greek. In both cases the KJV was accurate, and the NIV was not.

That would be because KJV was wrong.

Original translation of the text says nothing about "without cause." Thats a KJV fantasy.

NO other translation, other than KJV, mentions "without a cause." That would point fingers at KJV as being wrong, not 9 wrong and 1 right.

More Proof That God Is Santa Claus for Adults

does one wonder what they are translating - and not using the original document written in the 4th century ...

is that because that one no longer exists as the true events of the 1st century are not represented for why they gave their lives -

rather the santa claus kjv or all the rest versions they use to victimize the innocent.
That would be because KJV was wrong.

Original translation of the text says nothing about "without cause." Thats a KJV fantasy.

NO other translation, other than KJV, mentions "without a cause." That would point fingers at KJV as being wrong, not 9 wrong and 1 right.

I agree that no other modern English translation mentions "without a cause".
Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. The man recognizes that there are causes for one person to be angry with another. The NIV and these other translations you refer too are wrong. They take the humanity out of the scripture. This is 100% wrong.
In case you haven't noticed, the Church is dying trying to force a false scripture on congregations.
There are programs that allow translation from the Greek. Stop taking someone's word for it and check it out for yourself.
If so then he also would not have said to the adulterous, go and sin no more. You’ve been duped thinking you are safe and cannot sin. Denying the Holy Ghost is even an option who say they have their calling and election made sure. Your god doesn’t exist.

You've been duped by creepy Joseph Smith, sadly.
And there is your biggest sin. Telling God what he needs and doesn’t need. God decides when prophets are needed. The Bible is not the church nor does it have power and/or authority by itself. It’s just a book. The Bible is simply a blueprint of Christ’s true Church. And your Church has no apostles and prophets in which the Bible says his Church must have as its foundations.

How quickly they turn Judge when confronted, calling out the sins of others. I'm sad you got swindled by the kid who looked at rocks in some kind of hat.
Most who say they are 'saved' just mean that they believe they are in a 'state of grace' which if maintained will result in their salvation in the first resurrection.

Can Christ save who is His or is He beholden to our human whims on the matter?
I agree that no other modern English translation mentions "without a cause".
Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. The man recognizes that there are causes for one person to be angry with another. The NIV and these other translations you refer too are wrong. They take the humanity out of the scripture. This is 100% wrong.
In case you haven't noticed, the Church is dying trying to force a false scripture on congregations.
There are programs that allow translation from the Greek. Stop taking someone's word for it and check it out for yourself.

And then there's this flavor, as though the Holy Spirit, God the Father and God the Son are held hostage by (honestly, what?) TRANSLATIONS.

God created the universe by His Word, and people think if you read the NIV instead of the KJV, or if you don't read from Greek, you are reading "false scripture".

God says "My word will not return void" and people out here quibbling about a phrase or two.

Man, we are a sad lot aren't we?
You've been duped by creepy Joseph Smith, sadly.
You claim to read the Bible but don’t recognize simple biblical concepts. Joseph was a prophet of God. So you are saying I’m duped by God. Your logic doesn’t make sense.
How quickly they turn Judge when confronted, calling out the sins of others. I'm sad you got swindled by the kid who looked at rocks in some kind of hat.
So, do you know how prophets prophesied? Do you know how Moses received all the knowledge of God and his laws? Seer stones of the Urim and Thumim seems what Moses used.
So why not Joseph Smith? Like I said, you aren’t God and don’t get to tell God who he chooses as his prophets. Sorry you have been swindled by preachers after filthy lucre.
The original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts.
Absent that, JPS or ArtScroll. They are English translations Made by and for Jews. They are intended for easy read keeping in mind that the reader has knowledge of Hebrew.
That would be because KJV was wrong.

Original translation of the text says nothing about "without cause." Thats a KJV fantasy.

NO other translation, other than KJV, mentions "without a cause." That would point fingers at KJV as being wrong, not 9 wrong and 1 right.

That would suggest that expressing anger, a normal human emotion/response, is sinful. God and Jesus himself frequently expressed anger at his people, actually killing lots of them.

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That would be because KJV was wrong.

Original translation of the text says nothing about "without cause." Thats a KJV fantasy.

NO other translation, other than KJV, mentions "without a cause." That would point fingers at KJV as being wrong, not 9 wrong and 1 right.

Sans "without a cause" the narrative doesn't make sense.

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