Zone1 Best Version of the Bible and Why?

Manifest Unmanliness

Why didn't those who witnessed the "miracles" fight to save Jesus from crucifixion? The way they and even the Apostles ran and hid proves that there weren't any miracles. Certainly, if Jesus had proved he was God in such an obvious way and promised eternal life, his cult had nothing to lose by fighting the Romans and the High Priests.
Jesus made it clear that his kingdom was not from hence else would his servants fight .
As for those sacrificing themselves in the Roman Coliseum,


not sure being brutalized by the prevailing powers is self sacrifice - they represented liberation theology, self determination is why they as jesus were put to death ...

have they answered - the whereabouts of the 4th century christian bible ...

The King James Version (KJV), also the King James Bible (KJB) and the Authorized Version (AV), is an Early Modern English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, which was commissioned in 1604 and published in 1611

the one above, before their kjb ... they discarded - for lack of authenticity (and) long before 1604 as just what is the post 4th century christian bible - kjb - based on that is verifiable.
My favorite is the Sondervan NKJV Faith Life Illustrated Study Bible.
the one above, before their kjb ... that one, they discarded - for lack of authenticity (and) long before 1604 as just what is the post 4th century christian bible - kjb - based on that is verifiable.

they laugh as jesus is persecuted - d s ...

to write their own religion in their name than the reason jesus and the others in the 1st century gave their lives - the repudiation of judaism their false commandments, hereditary idolatry.

the books of forgeries and fallacies used to persecute and victimize the innocent - the corruptions of the desert religions. as they fancy themselves harbingers of religion.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by those terms, but I'll answer going by what I think you mean. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

If I could have my choice, I would prefer a bible that was a very literal translation of the oldest known biblical texts. But I would want it to be annotated. For example if there was an idiom that makes know sense in English, like the German "Es ist mir Wurst," which literally means "It's a sausage to me," but is an idiom for "I don't care at all," I would like that explained in a footnote.

In that case many pages might be half text and half footnote, but that would be fine because I'd be learning a lot and staying interested.

Maybe there is a bible close to that. Now I wish I had asked a different way. Oy!

When I say in English Break a leg, beat around the bush , or he's deep six

That cannot go into any other Western language as a word for word.

Back translate "he kicked the bucket" into any Biblical Language and it confuses (Greek, Latin, HEbrew)
The worst translation is often literal. I still cringe when translators translate Jesus as saying “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother.." A Jew of His times knows exactly what He is saying because they have the idiom in their OT

Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
[3] And I hated Esau,

So NET Bible correctly says :tn Heb “and I loved Jacob, but Esau I hated.” The context indicates this is technical covenant vocabulary in which “love” and “hate” are synonymous with “choose” and “reject” respectively (see Deut 7:8; Jer 31:3; Hos 3:1; 9:15; 11:1).
Translation is one thing, interpretation is another. Error in one can lead to error in the other.
Humming Humiliation

Translating logos as "the Word" is superficial mumbling, just like "In the beginning was the Number" would be. It tells something about people who would accept either piece of meaninglessness. They are thrill-seekers.

Rhema (as in "rhetoric) is the actual Greek for "word." Logos means something like "plan or message." For example, astrology implies that about the heavenly bodies (teleology).
Jesus made it clear that his kingdom was not from hence else would his servants fight .
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

Nor would they liberate Jehovah's Promised Land from Roman occupation. So his pacifism was treason to his Father's plan.

And in Rome a few centuries later, the Christian escapists stood by while it fell to the proto-Nazi horde. They had become the state religion because they wouldn't fight the patricians' tyranny, but that tactic eventually backfired on the ruling class.
Looking for opinions back by a fax and argument.

In researching this, I realize I had assumed for no good reason that most post king James versions were basically translations of the King James version. Then I saw a recommendation for a modern version that is taking more directly from the original group text. But that was just a brief search.

I always prefer to hear from experts. That’s why I come here to ask.
The one you never take as fact.
Humming Humiliation

Translating logos as "the Word" is superficial mumbling, just like "In the beginning was the Number" would be. It tells something about people who would accept either piece of meaninglessness. They are thrill-seekers.

Rhema (as in "rhetoric) is the actual Greek for "word." Logos means something like "plan or message." For example, astrology implies that about the heavenly bodies (teleology).
Word = Logos in Greek. Christ is God's word(s) in the flesh.

When I say in English Break a leg, beat around the bush , or he's deep six

That cannot go into any other Western language as a word for word.

Back translate "he kicked the bucket" into any Biblical Language and it confuses (Greek, Latin, HEbrew)
The worst translation is often literal. I still cringe when translators translate Jesus as saying “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother.." A Jew of His times knows exactly what He is saying because they have the idiom in their OT

Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
[3] And I hated Esau,

So NET Bible correctly says :tn Heb “and I loved Jacob, but Esau I hated.” The context indicates this is technical covenant vocabulary in which “love” and “hate” are synonymous with “choose” and “reject” respectively (see Deut 7:8; Jer 31:3; Hos 3:1; 9:15; 11:1).
There are very few such idioms in the Bible.
they laugh as jesus is persecuted - d s ...

to write their own religion in their name than the reason jesus and the others in the 1st century gave their lives - the repudiation of judaism their false commandments, hereditary idolatry.

the books of forgeries and fallacies used to persecute and victimize the innocent - the corruptions of the desert religions. as they fancy themselves harbingers of religion.

lol you know nothing.
lol you know nothing.
to write their own religion in their name than the reason jesus and the others in the 1st century gave their lives - the repudiation of judaism their false commandments, hereditary idolatry.

if not the 4th century document they discarded for their 17th century kjv - what is the something for the reason they now have the kjv (version) - than the original document there is no longer a copy of in existence ...

- as has been said were their book ever to run out, disappear - they would have no religion.

not so the paradisian, spoken, heavenly religion of antiquity granted a&e for their journey and self determination as their goal for judgement and remission to the everlasting. ... without the desert.
Looking for opinions back by a fax and argument.

In researching this, I realize I had assumed for no good reason that most post king James versions were basically translations of the King James version. Then I saw a recommendation for a modern version that is taking more directly from the original group text. But that was just a brief search.

I always prefer to hear from experts. That’s why I come here to ask.
Here are the facts about the bible.
God by his will inspired his name in his bible over 7000 places( nearly 6800-OT--over 200 NT) Wicked men by satans will removed Gods name against Gods will and replaced it with titles. Why? to mislead.
Jesus would not use a bible translation with Gods name removed over a translation with Gods name in place. Neither would his real religion. Yet every trinity based religion gives their support to satans will over Gods will on that matter. Why? Because with the name back in it proves they are false religions.
Here is aprime example of the misleading that it does
Joel 2:21-22- Those who call on the name of YHVH(Jehovah) will be saved----quoted 2 x in the NT- Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13--but because the translations that mislead have LORD at Joel and not Gods name, Lord is at both NT spots, but YHVH(Jehovah) belongs at both NT spots as it does at Joel. Thus the mislead will call on the name Jesus instead of YHVH(Jehovah)--and will not get saved. Its satans plan.
Word = Logos in Greek. Christ is God's word(s) in the flesh.
The "flesh of Jesus was just a new metaphor for teaching from God, replacing the existing metaphor for the Word of God, "manna from heaven", the food of angels. Divine instruction.

It is not and was never about God becoming human...
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When I say in English Break a leg, beat around the bush , or he's deep six

That cannot go into any other Western language as a word for word.

Back translate "he kicked the bucket" into any Biblical Language and it confuses (Greek, Latin, HEbrew)
The worst translation is often literal. I still cringe when translators translate Jesus as saying “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother.." A Jew of His times knows exactly what He is saying because they have the idiom in their OT
Of course you are right, but what translates perfectly into every language is the fact that all people of every kingdom, nation, and tribe of people have been comparing other people to lower beasts to either praise or insult people ever since people could talk and continues to this day.

These are universal metaphors in the vernacular of all people on earth whatever their language .

This should shed light on the real meaning and subject of Kosher law and what Jesus was trying to convey by saying "eat my flesh" which has nothing to do with food or God becoming human.
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

Nor would they liberate Jehovah's Promised Land from Roman occupation. So his pacifism was treason to his Father's plan.

And in Rome a few centuries later, the Christian escapists stood by while it fell to the proto-Nazi horde. They had become the state religion because they wouldn't fight the patricians' tyranny, but that tactic eventually backfired on the ruling class.

The Goths were proto Nazis?
The Bible states clearly that some will be alive when Christ returns, and the dead will be raised. The contention (such as it is) comes in whether Christians will endure the tribulation or not. I don't put much stock in that. Whether I am dead or alive--Jesus will return.
If "the death" that Jesus will raised people from is the death that is the result of failing to comply with Divine law, a curse, insanity, then what makes you think it will be any different than the first time he appeared and raised the dead who, since he was the first to rise, were all the people that he was speaking to? What makes you so sure you wouldn't think he was crazy or grandiose or a drunken sinner spewing irrational hubris by teaching that more than 1000 years of traditional interpretations and applications of Biblical teachings were wrong? Even though he was right?

Some listened, some didn't. One was taken, the other was left behind. There is no in-between.

BTW, Everyone who maintains allegiance to Jesus and all who keep Gods commands have been suffering through "the great tribulation" ever since Rome usurped and perverted Christianity and unleashed on the world a false triune edible mangod, a counterfeit substitute Jesus, the antichrist, in 325CE. What are you waiting for? Don't you know the only right course to take?

So in case you haven't figured it out yet, if you worship Jesus as God, you are already very dead.

Now lets see what you are made of, how much 'faith' that you really have in Jesus and the truth...
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