Zone1 Best Version of the Bible and Why?

The Bible was organized and chosen by men. So, depends on if you believe in men or God. Catholics believe they are the ones ordained to give Godly truth and the Bible is a tool to substantiate that. I believe your relationship with God is personal and is neither necessitated by the Bible or Church, however, both can be vehicles to have a better understanding of God if you have a discerning spirit.
The Bible was organized and chosen by men.
We have to study what was 'chosen' for the Bible. Of course, we are free to read outside of the Bible which can be helpful for historical context.
We have to study what was 'chosen' for the Bible. Of course, we are free to read outside of the Bible which can be helpful for historical context.
We don't HAVE to do anything. I'll be the first person to say there are excellent lessons to live by in the Bible but an open mind, eyes and spirit are critical. There are things you "can't no know" and ultimately, your relationship with God is personal
We don't HAVE to do anything. I'll be the first person to say there are excellent lessons to live by in the Bible but an open mind, eyes and spirit are critical. There are things you "can't no know" and ultimately, your relationship with God is personal
Some like to study the Bible on a deeper level, even just for their own amusement. ;)
Some like to study the Bible on a deeper level, even just for their own amusement. ;)
I really doubt anyone reads the Bible for amusement (with the exception of fictional character Alex from Clockwork Orange).
only by combining the three desert religions could there be a consensus if there were one for their view in that specific time period what constitutes their monotheistic beliefs ...

which when reduced fails in all ways the heavenly objective of spiritual immortality as the creators of life and the universe, the self determination sought by a&e from the beginning.
I really doubt anyone reads the Bible for amusement (with the exception of fictional character Alex from Clockwork Orange).
Some of the mistranslations are amusing because if you don't laugh, you'd have to cry.
Some of the mistranslations are amusing because if you don't laugh, you'd have to cry.
Oh, I have read some. KJV is a hard read for most people but some of the more recent/modern versions are just as hard a read (but in a different way)
Oh, I have read some. KJV is a hard read for most people but some of the more recent/modern versions are just as hard a read (but in a different way)
The modern versions have the same mistakes as the KJV.
The Bible was organized and chosen by men. So, depends on if you believe in men or God. Catholics believe they are the ones ordained to give Godly truth and the Bible is a tool to substantiate that. I believe your relationship with God is personal and is neither necessitated by the Bible or Church, however, both can be vehicles to have a better understanding of God if you have a discerning spirit.
Wow, 3 fallacies in a couple sentences.
Men of the Church, about whom Jesus said 'The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it"
There is never in the Bible that choice because God chooses men (the Prophets) and Jesus is even stronger against your position "HE who hears you hears ME "
The Bible doesn't substantiate anything there was no common access to it for over 400-500 years of the Christian era
Men of the Church, about whom Jesus said 'The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it"
There is never in the Bible that choice because God chooses men (the Prophets) and Jesus is even stronger against your position "HE who hears you hears ME "
Recently learned something new about this passage. Today we read it as the Gates of Hell on the offense against the Church, and that offense will not prevail. In earlier times it was read as the Church being on the offense, and not even the gates of hell will stop the Church. Found that very interesting.
Wow, 3 fallacies in a couple sentences.
Men of the Church, about whom Jesus said 'The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it"
There is never in the Bible that choice because God chooses men (the Prophets) and Jesus is even stronger against your position "HE who hears you hears ME "
The Bible doesn't substantiate anything there was no common access to it for over 400-500 years of the Christian era
God has protected the Bible to a large extent, but not fully. There are errors, some incidental, some deliberate. God has also hidden some stuff that requires serious study to understand. Also noteworthy is that the Bible is the history and the prophecies concerning Israel, and the church. It is not the business of anyone else.
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Thanks to Strong's Concordance with Greek and Hebrew Lexicon, the KJV remains the best study bible version.
Considering that the KJV was written prior to the discovery of text that were older than manuscripts the KJV was written from, the KJV is not the best version.
The Bible was organized and chosen by men. So, depends on if you believe in men or God. Catholics believe they are the ones ordained to give Godly truth and the Bible is a tool to substantiate that. I believe your relationship with God is personal and is neither necessitated by the Bible or Church, however, both can be vehicles to have a better understanding of God if you have a discerning spirit.
Yep. I don't read anywhere in the Bible, that Jesus said Christians need to read and believe in the Bible, nor do I read in the Bible where the Bible says that one needs to believe in the Bible. But, here we are.

If the first Century Christians didn't need a Bible to be saved and understand doctrine, than why would Christians today need it?

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