Beto: The Abbott campaign are instructing their supporters not to come to my rallies because we've been finding so much common ground

I didn't realize that anyone has ever been shot with a telephone.
Or that the First Amendment contains any clause specifying that telophone ownership and use must be "well regulated."


The second doesn't say that about firearms either, it says the militia should be well regulated and the right of the "people" to keep and bear arms "shall not be infringed.". No where does the Constitution conflate the "government" and the "people", they are always referred to as separate entities. You really should learn to read.

The Second Amendment was written for flintlock and blunderbuss!
It actually has ZERO application to 21st century weaponry.

It wasn't even until 2008 when a few conservative judges deviated from the actual intent of the Constitution and legislated from the bench deciding that the 2A applies to private citizens outside the context of a militia.

So don't confuse what a bunch of conservative justices in 2008 thought for what the framers of the Constitution intended.
Get off whatever device you are using to connect to the internet and write your opinion using a quill and ink and send it by a guy on horse back to everyone, because none of that technology was around when the 1st Amendment was written. That's how stupid your argument on the 2nd sounds.
I also stated that the 2A provides a very specific set of circumstances, or parameters for gun ownership.

The First A separation of church and state and the free press is not the same as the Second Amendment.

Apples and oranges.

There is no separation of church and State in the first. You're confusing the "establishment clause" for a nonexistent "separation clause". Learn how to fucking read already.

There is nothing anti-2nd Amendment about wanting gun ownership to be WELL REGULATED.

It is....literally what the 2A says.

It appears to be those opposed to the actual language who are the REAL "anti-2A- ers.

You know, those that oppose strict regulation on firearms.

Once again for the learning impaired, "WELL REGULATED" at the time that the Amendment was written, meant IN GOOD WORKING ORDER.
A WELL REGULATED militia being necessary for.....
"Well regulated"
Those are the key words.
Here, even a third grader can understand this...

I also stated that the 2A provides a very specific set of circumstances, or parameters for gun ownership.

The First A separation of church and state and the free press is not the same as the Second Amendment.

Apples and oranges.

There is no mention of that in the First Amendment, dumbass!
Abbott is a piece of shit. Only decent thing he's done is bussing all these illegals to DC!!!

Beto is nothing more than a marionette for a real estate corporation. His wife wears the pants in the family, as well as the dick.
He's just a little bitch boy that does what he's told. Just like Biden.
There is no separation of church and State in the first. You're confusing the "establishment clause" for a nonexistent "separation clause". Learn how to fucking read already.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

It is pretty clear.
Even for a Texan.

There is, nor can there be, any government sanctioned, "official" religion in the U.S.A.

Also the govment cannot prohibit any "religion," no matter how whacky it may be.

Unless of course, that religious practice or "display" is infringing upon another's right to practice (or not practice) their own belief system.
In that case the (former) practice becomes illegal.

We are seeing this issue coming up in various communities across the U.S. with after school "satanic clubs."
Parents and communities are freaking out about it.
But school districts are in a bind...because once they have allowed one religious after school club (Christiam, Muslim, ect.) then they are bound by constitutional law to allow any other religion.

So as not to be respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof of any other religion.

It is quite the catch-22!

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