Beto: The Abbott campaign are instructing their supporters not to come to my rallies because we've been finding so much common ground

"Well regulated" means just what it says.

Not a bunch of whackos....people who can't even negotiate a simple 4 way stop in traffic....people whom I wouldn't even trust to take out my goddamned trash....running around the U.S.A. with completely UNREGULATED deadly firepower!

That is not the intent of the authors.

Yep, you're really, really stupid.

Like militias with guns "working properly."
That little freak that shot up the kids in Uvalde this year was NOT "well regulated."
Don't you agree?

Neither were the police.

Are you suggesting that "well regulated" only applied to the condition of weaponry at the time?

If so then why didn't Madison say "A militia with well regulated firearms being necessary for the preservation of a free state?"

Instead he specifically stated that the bearers of the "arms".....the militia itself, should be "well regulated."

Madison said no such thing, retard.

I also stated that the 2A provides a very specific set of circumstances, or parameters for gun ownership.

Which is bullshit, it just says that the people have an uninfringeable right to keep and bear arms. The language is MORE absolute than when it comes to first amendment rights, not less. Can you not read English?
If you are a Trump apologist PLEASE don't act like you're afraid of Adolph Hitler.
Trump is the most Hitler-esque polotician the U.S. has ever seen!
even Yang did better than our handsome skateboarding Texan Beto in the 2020 presidential campaign

i admit that!

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