Betsy DeVos Gets Stopped From Entering DC Public School by Protesters

Wonderful, the people voted by protests all over the country. The GOP didn't listen to the people who they work for, not for people with money, she bought her job.

Didn't they know how to vote?

I think most were stopped, but then Hillary won the maj. vote, not Trump, so yes they knew how to vote, and the vote for Devos was not announced yet. I can assure you , if they knew of trumps cabinet picks they he would not of won, the maj of Trump votes would of jumped ship.
Yes she did win the popular vote, those illegals in California certainly showed up at the polls didnt they.
I wouldn't have let a little group like that stop me from walking in. Take a few pics on my cell phone and then pleasantly start saying "Excuse me, please" and walk around them, one at a time, saying "Let's talk about this inside." First one that laid a hand on me, pic goes to the cops. Why didn't she have a couple body guards with her? The Sec. of Education doesn't rate protection? She'll sure know better next time.
It's totally inappropriate for professional educators to behave like that--looks like the guy at the top of the steps by the door is someone from inside the school. Maybe all of them. It's unprofessional behavior, imo.

The protesters were Black Lives Matter, not educators!

Why do you education haters all jump to conclusions?
WTF, Admiral. BLM? When people are as off base as that, they really don't do much for their sides' argument.
Betsy Devis wants to destroy public education. She should have known she would not be welcome.
"Public education" my ASS!
80% of high school (cough) graduates who were 'streamed' through high school (if these students actually had to pass standard tests there would be classrooms full of 25 year olds) don't know if a duck is a bird!
100% the fault of the stranglehold the teacher's unions have had on the education system.
Why didn't BONOBO do anything about the epidemic of failing schools or fuck all about negro on negro inner city violence?
Along comes President Trump who wants actually do something to help and the fucking LIB teacher's unions and the fucking LIB city administrators of major cities are screaming their heads off. WHY!
President Trump wants to stop the tsunami of illegal hard drugs entering the country from Mexico which are destroying entire US towns. What is the response from LIBs? They are screaming their heads off. WHY!
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Related Info (2015) - The 20 ‘Worst’ Public Schools in America

Poor Bethel, 6k people, accessible only by river or air, and serving 54 smaller native settlements. The district in question has 621 students and 13 teachers... The students and teachers can't get to school half the time in the winter because of the storms. It's a mess but we cannot get a road into them so they're just SOL unless the natives abandon their villages and move to "the city" - natives of course don't want to do that. We have a bitch of a time keeping teachers there cause they're just not interested in the 6 months of 44 below zero winter - can't say I blame them, I get moody after a couple months at 20 below myself.

Pretty much the whole city from the airport:

Even the bush pilots [best in the world] get fucked by the wind whipping inland across the flats:

We built them a huge warehouse so they can get most of their supplies in during the summer when the rivers open so at least they're not starving to death anymore (or freezing to death when they were forced to go hunting because supply shipments couldn't make it in.) There's not much else we can really do for them though, so remote. They are entirely dependent upon our Bush pilots and they charge three arms and a leg to fly into there because it so remote and dangerous.
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The real beneficiaries of Democrat kabuki theater is Iran, Isis and even Al Shabab. They see the opposition to our duly elected President as expressions of solidarity with islamic goals.

They might be right.
Betsy Devis wants to destroy public education. She should have known she would not be welcome.
"Public education" my ASS!
80% of high school (cough) graduates who were 'streamed' through high school (if these students actually had to pass standard tests there would be classrooms full of 25 year olds) don't know if a duck is a bird!
100% the fault of the stranglehold the teacher's unions have had on the education system.
Why didn't BONOBO do anything about the epidemic of failing schools or fuck all about negro on negro inner city violence?
Along comes President Trump who wants actually do something to help and the fucking LIB teacher's unions and the fucking LIB city administrators of major cities are screaming their heads off. WHY!
President Trump wants to stop the tsunami of illegal hard drugs entering the country from Mexico which are destroying entire US towns. What is the response from LIBs? They are screaming their heads off. WHY!
In what other profession do people scream about the salary they receive after investing five years in college, national testing and state licensing which includes requirements for continuing education? Does anyone mind about the million dollars in salaries Wall Street tycoons and the CEO's of Apple and others receive? Only Bernie Sanders, and he's got his own reasons.
The reason people scream about teachers' unions is because tax payers pay for their salaries. I guess they'd like people to invest five years in college and then work for minimum wage with no benefits. That would attract great quality educators to the field, wouldn't it?
Unions protect workers from abuses like the dreamscape I just mentioned. As a beginning teacher in a poor rural area, I was making less than a lot of folks with a high school education who are driving truck or fishing. I could work during the summer at a part-time job but I was busy preparing units and teaching materials for the following year. I was putting together lesson plans for five different classes until 11 p.m. every night and getting up at 5 a.m. to grade papers. It is a LOT of work, but I love seeing young minds open and learn. There is a small group of adults out there right now who knows the legend of Beowulf and the drama of the Trojan War thanks to full color chalk drawings all over the blackboard and long recitations (with hints via body language and a lot of hammy acting) and I am not at all sorry for it. A lot of those kids didn't go to college--some of them didn't even finish high school, but they know we've always been a bunch of murderous beer drinkers and that sex starts a lot of drama. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to human nature. Oh yeah, we talked about Shakespeare too.
So fuckin' sue me.
Most people who suck at their jobs can be fired. Teachers, thanks to unions, really can't. So tax payer's are forced to continue to pay in, yet not get much return on the 'investment.' Not saying all teachers are bad, but a decent number of them are. As a parent you don't get to shop for teachers, or schools; you're stuck with whatever happens to come up. Even if you /really/ dislike a teacher, you've got almost no redress if there doesn't happen to be room in another class.

I had to spend half a year being taught by a teacher that publicly accused me of telling a friend to commit suicide. I had given him a mix tape that included the song Suicide Solution by Ozzy. The teacher took it as an encouragement (the song is actually the opposite.) The teachers comment was not only in the news paper but on TV. The fucked up part, that teacher became the principle of the school three years later. Thank's teachers union \o/
I defy ANYONE to go into ANY inner city school and watch what goes on in EVERY FUCKING classroom.....or rather what doesn't go on ie ANY actual teaching!
The 'teachers' as fucking illiterate is the students.....ome worse.
Virtually NO negro student takes ANY school books home to study. What's the point? Their school books are taken from them by negro gang members.
EVERY inner city negro kid KNOWS which gang they BELONG to for LIFE by the time they are six years old!
Most people who suck at their jobs can be fired. Teachers, thanks to unions, really can't. So tax payer's are forced to continue to pay in, yet not get much return on the 'investment.' Not saying all teachers are bad, but a decent number of them are. As a parent you don't get to shop for teachers, or schools; you're stuck with whatever happens to come up. Even if you /really/ dislike a teacher, you've got almost no redress if there doesn't happen to be room in another class.

I had to spend half a year being taught by a teacher that publicly accused me of telling a friend to commit suicide. I had given him a mix tape that included the song Suicide Solution by Ozzy. The teacher took it as an encouragement (the song is actually the opposite.) The teachers comment was not only in the news paper but on TV. The fucked up part, that teacher became the principle of the school three years later. Thank's teachers union \o/
I had a nasty, nasty bulldyke of a gym teacher for three years who made life misery for me and a number of other girls who weren't her favorites. She was a miserable bitch but I didn't turn against the teaching profession because of it. You ever meet someone nasty and unfair at work? In your local PTA or church group? Some people are like that; they can pop up in a school, as well.
The sad thing is, a lot of teachers agree that the tenure laws allow burnt out teachers to stay too long. The reason for the law, though, isn't to protect lousy teachers. It goes straight back to the salary issue. School boards looking at a tight budget and a loudly protesting group of tax payers would fire any teacher about to go up in the pay scale. Whether someone is a good teacher or not can be very subjective and if you look closely enough with a dark enough pair of glasses, you will find reasons whether they exist or not. Some schools here are famous for hiring new teachers for two years and then when they would receive tenure and get a pay raise, the school doesn't renew and hires some other brand new "cheap" teachers.
I agree with you that firing an incompetent teacher should not be next to impossible. Just keep in mind that "incompetent" can be largely in the mind of the beholder, or a personality issue, as it was with you.
Based in Grand Rapids, National Heritage Academies manages 48 schools in Michigan and 32 others in eight states from Colorado to New York.

Its management agreements are known as "sweeps" contracts because the company sweeps almost all state revenues from a school's bank account into its own account.

The money is taxpayer money, yet 46 of NHA's Michigan schools have management agreements that say school property excludesitems financed or paid for with its fee. Only two, Endeavor Charter Academy in the Battle Creek area and Windemere Park Charter Academy in Lansing, have management agreements that state the school owns its contents.

It cost MI taxpayers millions, apart from property taxes and lottery money spent.

Devos has destroyed Mi public schools, and in Detroit some are worst than the Public ones left. This is the plan, own the buildings and get rid of Public Schools, and then no choice but to do prayer in schools. All Christian schools in US, all privately owned. Sound good. Those left behind too bad.
I defy ANYONE to go into ANY inner city school and watch what goes on in EVERY FUCKING classroom.....or rather what doesn't go on ie ANY actual teaching!
The 'teachers' as fucking illiterate is the students.....ome worse.
Virtually NO negro student takes ANY school books home to study. What's the point? Their school books are taken from them by negro gang members.
EVERY inner city negro kid KNOWS which gang they BELONG to for LIFE by the time they are six years old!
Since you are obviously there, witnessing all this, I hope you're rolling up your sleeves and contributing positively to solve the problem.
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?

It is safe bet that the OP and all the protesters are the product of the public school system, that taught them to be pro choice when it comes to abortion but be rigidly no choice when it comes to education.

Difficult to say what is more tragic: .Killing the future in the womb or keeping the living stupid.

The choice is between the abattoir clinic or the private school.

Of course, those who choose the first, don't have to worry about education at all.

I confess that my public school education lacked a pro choice course. You must have gone to school in a different district than me, FJO.
From above article:

Michigan's five other large, for-profit management companies have agreements that say that property purchased with school funds belongs to the school, according to a Free Press review of more than 50 management agreements.

Michael Atkins, general counsel for the Leona Group, an Okemos company that manages 13 charters in Michigan, said whatever the company buys for its schools, "it's always purchased with public funds from those public school academies. They own it, it's their money, they bought it and it's an asset on their books and records. We didn't buy it with our money, we helped them buy it."
OldLady I disagree, it goes back to the teachers union stopping teachers from getting fired. The union up here is massive, one of the largest in the nation, and they string us up regularly for raises, pensions, insurance, etc. We don't get a say because they'll do a "strike" and ten cities go down. They use it as a weapon, viciously. There's a reason the average teacher salary up here is creeping up on $70k/y + bens and it's not based on 'result' matrix's.

I don't particularly dislike teachers, at least not the good ones, but I do very much dislike the union.
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?

It is safe bet that the OP and all the protesters are the product of the public school system, that taught them to be pro choice when it comes to abortion but be rigidly no choice when it comes to education.

Difficult to say what is more tragic: .Killing the future in the womb or keeping the living stupid.

The choice is between the abattoir clinic or the private school.

Of course, those who choose the first, don't have to worry about education at all.

That taught them to be pro choice, being pro choice does not mean being pro abortion. Apparently they were taught the first Amendment.

Your schools weren't, you are pro birth, not pro life, get it. The GOP is greedy and if they are not willing to care for the children brought into the USA due to their laws, (which I might add thanks to PP abortions have become less and less over the years) anti social programs, anti public schools, anti health insurance , anti government, means you are pro birth, not pro life.
Most people who suck at their jobs can be fired. Teachers, thanks to unions, really can't. So tax payer's are forced to continue to pay in, yet not get much return on the 'investment.' Not saying all teachers are bad, but a decent number of them are. As a parent you don't get to shop for teachers, or schools; you're stuck with whatever happens to come up. Even if you /really/ dislike a teacher, you've got almost no redress if there doesn't happen to be room in another class.

I had to spend half a year being taught by a teacher that publicly accused me of telling a friend to commit suicide. I had given him a mix tape that included the song Suicide Solution by Ozzy. The teacher took it as an encouragement (the song is actually the opposite.) The teachers comment was not only in the news paper but on TV. The fucked up part, that teacher became the principle of the school three years later. Thank's teachers union \o/
I had a nasty, nasty bulldyke of a gym teacher for three years who made life misery for me and a number of other girls who weren't her favorites. She was a miserable bitch but I didn't turn against the teaching profession because of it. You ever meet someone nasty and unfair at work? In your local PTA or church group? Some people are like that; they can pop up in a school, as well.
The sad thing is, a lot of teachers agree that the tenure laws allow burnt out teachers to stay too long. The reason for the law, though, isn't to protect lousy teachers. It goes straight back to the salary issue. School boards looking at a tight budget and a loudly protesting group of tax payers would fire any teacher about to go up in the pay scale. Whether someone is a good teacher or not can be very subjective and if you look closely enough with a dark enough pair of glasses, you will find reasons whether they exist or not. Some schools here are famous for hiring new teachers for two years and then when they would receive tenure and get a pay raise, the school doesn't renew and hires some other brand new "cheap" teachers.
I agree with you that firing an incompetent teacher should not be next to impossible. Just keep in mind that "incompetent" can be largely in the mind of the beholder, or a personality issue, as it was with you.

And that is where vouchers come in....under the current system.....bad teachers get paid no matter how bad....and without a block, boards would fire good teachers because they earn a lot...that is the problem with a socialist monopoly on education.....

With vouchers.....schools have an incentive to pay good teachers and keep them...because they want to please the customers.....the parents who choose where to use the voucher...and they have an incentive to get rid of the bad teachers....again, the parents who choose the school........

That is the magic of competition and why vouchers are so important.....we use vouchers for everything we is called money......and if a business wants our money, they have to make us happy....when did the government have to make you happy?
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?

It is safe bet that the OP and all the protesters are the product of the public school system, that taught them to be pro choice when it comes to abortion but be rigidly no choice when it comes to education.

Difficult to say what is more tragic: .Killing the future in the womb or keeping the living stupid.

The choice is between the abattoir clinic or the private school.

Of course, those who choose the first, don't have to worry about education at all.

That taught them to be pro choice, being pro choice does not mean being pro abortion. Apparently they were taught the first Amendment.

Your schools weren't, you are pro birth, not pro life, get it. The GOP is greedy and if they are not willing to care for the children brought into the USA due to their laws, (which I might add thanks to PP abortions have become less and less over the years) anti social programs, anti public schools, anti health insurance , anti government, means you are pro birth, not pro life.

and that is a lie told by pro killers to soothe their guilt.......conservative pro-life people give more to charity, even after having vast sums extracted through taxation, than pro choice killers.....and the thing is....if a woman doesn't want a baby, they can give the baby to people who do want the baby......they can even drop the baby off at a fire station, no questions asked......
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