Betsy DeVos Gets Stopped From Entering DC Public School by Protesters

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is rebuking those who literally blocked her plan to visit a public school and begin mending fences with teachers after a highly contentious confirmation battle. DeVos attempted to visit Jefferson Middle School Academy in southwest Washington D.C. this morning but WJLA-TV reports that protestors physically blocked her from entering.

Protesters Physically Block Education Secretary From Entering Public School

Trump haters are the rudest most ignorant low life scums, this is exactly what they do, and have no respect for anybody.................Oh love not hate HYPOCRITES..

They only blocked her for a few minutes. They
should have forced her to go back to the airport

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is rebuking those who literally blocked her plan to visit a public school and begin mending fences with teachers after a highly contentious confirmation battle. DeVos attempted to visit Jefferson Middle School Academy in southwest Washington D.C. this morning but WJLA-TV reports that protestors physically blocked her from entering.

Protesters Physically Block Education Secretary From Entering Public School

Trump haters are the rudest most ignorant low life scums, this is exactly what they do, and have no respect for anybody.................Oh love not hate HYPOCRITES..

They only blocked her for a few minutes. They
should have forced her to go back to the airport

According to your post, she's perfect.
Was she going to teach a class? Then by all means let her change the world. Put her in the emotionally disabled room for a month and judge her on how smart those kids have gotten.
From what I see the Tide is turning and the trash can't see that they are being left on the barren beach along with the rest of the dead debris. The morning cleaning crews can scoop it all up come morning light and haul it all away to the dump where it belongs.
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Keep in mind that only 42% of the nation bothered to vote in the 2016 Election...

Lefties are playing russian roulette that the 58% of folks who didn't vote are going to come out on their side in the civil war they're pushing for.

I'd say about 40% of the righties are at the point where they'd be more than happy to oblige these requests.

I think the lefties are going to be in a seriously rude awakening because they actually 'think' they are winning right now, the right has not even begun to fight.

Democrats, I urge you to get out there and publicly disown these factions and people wanting war. It is quickly passing the tipping point of recovery, if you do not act your party is going to be utterly destroyed by these people. You have to realize there is no way they can win their fantasy civil war, don't let them be associated with your parties legacy when that hammer falls. You've already got an uphill battle and it's only going to get worse as these traitors push the envelope under your name. You have got to speak out. Yell at those you donate to, get on the businesses and groups that are "incidentally" funding these domestic terrorists, make it heard that the Democratic Party does not support a civil war.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is rebuking those who literally blocked her plan to visit a public school and begin mending fences with teachers after a highly contentious confirmation battle. DeVos attempted to visit Jefferson Middle School Academy in southwest Washington D.C. this morning but WJLA-TV reports that protestors physically blocked her from entering.

Protesters Physically Block Education Secretary From Entering Public School

Trump haters are the rudest most ignorant low life scums, this is exactly what they do, and have no respect for anybody.................Oh love not hate HYPOCRITES..

They only blocked her for a few minutes. They
should have forced her to go back to the airport

They should have been clubbed senseless and carted off to the tidy-hole.
Hopefully every person in the protesting camp got kicked to the curb where they belong.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Trash gets picked up in my area on Tuesday. I wonder what the schedule is there.
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?

Kinda funny she went there, what I read in the past one of the richest spending per student with one of the crappiest test scores in the nation.

Gotta love the teacher's unions


Would you care to try to fill that Grand Canyon-sized gap you just made with your post?

What do teacher's unions, costs per student, and test scores have anything to do with each other? Come on! Man up!
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?

Kinda funny she went there, what I read in the past one of the richest spending per student with one of the crappiest test scores in the nation.

Gotta love the teacher's unions


Would you care to try to fill that Grand Canyon-sized gap you just made with your post?

What do teacher's unions, costs per student, and test scores have anything to do with each other? Come on! Man up!


Does it confuse you that much?

I wouldn't have let a little group like that stop me from walking in. Take a few pics on my cell phone and then pleasantly start saying "Excuse me, please" and walk around them, one at a time, saying "Let's talk about this inside." First one that laid a hand on me, pic goes to the cops. Why didn't she have a couple body guards with her? The Sec. of Education doesn't rate protection? She'll sure know better next time.
It's totally inappropriate for professional educators to behave like that--looks like the guy at the top of the steps by the door is someone from inside the school. Maybe all of them. It's unprofessional behavior, imo.

The protesters were Black Lives Matter, not educators!

Why do you education haters all jump to conclusions?
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?

Kinda funny she went there, what I read in the past one of the richest spending per student with one of the crappiest test scores in the nation.

Gotta love the teacher's unions


Would you care to try to fill that Grand Canyon-sized gap you just made with your post?

What do teacher's unions, costs per student, and test scores have anything to do with each other? Come on! Man up!


Does it confuse you that much?


You want to take on the answer?

Have you ever tried to make chicken salad out of chicken shit? I bet you would try , but I can guarantee that it doesn't taste the same.
She really is not qualified for the job, she has no education training or experience working with or for public schools. she bought the job. we can and should talk about problems with public schools.
An 8 year old knows how fix educatin. Fire all the union teachers and replace them.?

That looks like an 8 year-old wrote it.

What are you going to do in states without teacher's unions already?
Heh I personally hope vouchers wreck havoc on teachers unions, but I'm admittedly a bit biased as ours has been turning the thumb screws for decades because it's so huge. One of the largest in the nation I hear.
De Voss is lucky nobody got violent with her. This is becoming routine for the crybabies that didn't get their candidate into the white house.
Secret Service needs to drop any snowflake who attacks anyone in the Trump administration. We will see how far Soro's money goes.
All those inbreds who are experts should forfeit a decent salary and go in and teach. I stake my life on it they would assume the fetal position once they see reality. Not all kids bow down and beg to be taught. Wimps ypu are.
. We know how to deal with such thugs infesting the schools. Watch the movie Stand By Me sometime.
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?

It is safe bet that the OP and all the protesters are the product of the public school system, that taught them to be pro choice when it comes to abortion but be rigidly no choice when it comes to education.

Difficult to say what is more tragic: .Killing the future in the womb or keeping the living stupid.

The choice is between the abattoir clinic or the private school.

Of course, those who choose the first, don't have to worry about education at all.
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