Betsy DeVos Gets Stopped From Entering DC Public School by Protesters

This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.
More than half hate Trump, so far.
Source? You see, liberals constantly talk shit so saying something doesn't make it true.
Public Policy Polling
Yeah, that makes it a fact. If half the country favors impeachment that's proof half of America is brain dead. Hating someone isn't grounds for impeachment.
Apparently many on the Right don't agree with you.
39% of those polled were Dems vs 30% were Reps out of 712 people. Lol
This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.
More than half hate Trump, so far.
Source? You see, liberals constantly talk shit so saying something doesn't make it true.
Public Policy Polling
She got in, didn't she. She didn't back down and leave.
Betsy DeVos tried to go to a D.C. school. Protesters briefly blocked her entrance - The Boston Globe
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos encountered protesters Friday morning outside a D.C. middle school and found her way barred as she tried to enter through a side door, forcing her to retreat into a government vehicle as a man shouted ‘‘Shame!’’

Eventually, DeVos got inside for an event starting at about 10 a.m. that included the D.C. schools chancellor and others. The event was closed to the media.

DeVos had to enter through the back door.
She really is not qualified for the job, she has no education training or experience working with or for public schools. she bought the job. we can and should talk about problems with public schools.
And in the Economist poll where he still has a 45% favorable rating, that is with only 376 identifying as Reps against 553 that were Dems. I can't believe these polls! They are so warped, just as most of the msm is. I'd bet his approval is probably closer to the 50_52% range, if it wasn't so warped.

39% of those polled were Dems vs 30% were Reps out of 712 people. Lol
This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.
More than half hate Trump, so far.
Source? You see, liberals constantly talk shit so saying something doesn't make it true.
Public Policy Polling
How much did she contribute to Trump?
She really is not qualified for the job, she has no education training or experience working with or for public schools. she bought the job. we can and should talk about problems with public schools.
If I'm not mistaken it was $4k a year

To which I say: ooooo! I spent more than that on fucking milk last year...
Democrats have a history of blocking people from entering schools.

Is it time to start shooting protestors who block government officials from performing their jobs. This is anarchy and it's time to put a stop to it. Make the punishment hurt.

That seems kind of harsh to Kim Davis, just for stopping her government employees from doing their jobs, but, if you feel that strongly about it.... Also, that would ramp up tjhe violence in Oregon the next time the radical right takes over government property and blocks government employees from the facility.
This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.

True, we did not.

That was our mistake.

But it won't happen again.

To arms!

Obama was a criminal. We were not protesting LEGAL elections of the LEGAL actions of our government and leaders.

We protested the ILLEGAL actions of our politicians. And you are right, we should have taken up arms against them, if that's what it took. And it would have been acceptable.

It is not acceptable in this country to violently oppose the results of LEGAL elections and the LAWFUL actions of our LEGALLY ELECTED public servants.
Your buddy saids it was not a legal election. Are you calling Trump a liar.
This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.

True, we did not.

That was our mistake.

But it won't happen again.

To arms!

Obama was a criminal. We were not protesting LEGAL elections of the LEGAL actions of our government and leaders.

We protested the ILLEGAL actions of our politicians. And you are right, we should have taken up arms against them, if that's what it took. And it would have been acceptable.

It is not acceptable in this country to violently oppose the results of LEGAL elections and the LAWFUL actions of our LEGALLY ELECTED public servants.
Your buddy saids it was not a legal election. Are you calling Trump a liar.

It wasn't legal in California, NYC...

We're going to address that, don't worry. Cuz it's a crime to engage in election fraud. People who do it are arrested and put in prison forever.
This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.

True, we did not.

That was our mistake.

But it won't happen again.

To arms!

Obama was a criminal. We were not protesting LEGAL elections of the LEGAL actions of our government and leaders.

We protested the ILLEGAL actions of our politicians. And you are right, we should have taken up arms against them, if that's what it took. And it would have been acceptable.

It is not acceptable in this country to violently oppose the results of LEGAL elections and the LAWFUL actions of our LEGALLY ELECTED public servants.
Your buddy saids it was not a legal election. Are you calling Trump a liar.

It wasn't legal in California, NYC...

We're going to address that, don't worry. Cuz it's a crime to engage in election fraud. People who do it are arrested and put in prison forever.

Please, investigate the 2016 election.

What happened to the investigation of Russia & Trump colluding to help Trump win???
Wonderful, the people voted by protests all over the country. The GOP didn't listen to the people who they work for, not for people with money, she bought her job.

Didn't they know how to vote?

I think most were stopped, but then Hillary won the maj. vote, not Trump, so yes they knew how to vote, and the vote for Devos was not announced yet. I can assure you , if they knew of trumps cabinet picks they he would not of won, the maj of Trump votes would of jumped ship.

What the working class that won it for Trump didn't think he would put someone for vouchers ahead of education? We all knew what his basic philosophy was.


Actually many times he said he wanted to help the inner city schools, and in Mi, her home state, ed. has gone For Profit and private and not only do we pay property tax for our local schools but now we support vouchers and private schools. Since Devos wants to Expand the Kingdom of God in the US, she obviously does not realize the separation of Church and State, perhaps she should get a job as a Sunday school teacher, then she can teach young earth creation , Noahs flood, etc, like BJU, If you want your kids to go to parochial school pay for it yourself and no tax deductions or credits.

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