Betsy DeVos Gets Stopped From Entering DC Public School by Protesters

Ironically, D.C. is the most expensive public school system in the country and also the worst performing. If any district needs to be shaken up it's them.
“An all-voucher or all-school choice system would be a shock to the educational system, but the shake out might be just what the system needs” Lizzie Warren
She really is not qualified for the job, she has no education training or experience working with or for public schools. she bought the job. we can and should talk about problems with public schools.
An 8 year old knows how fix educatin. Fire all the union teachers and replace them.?
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She really is not qualified for the job, she has no education training or experience working with or for public schools. she bought the job. we can and should talk about problems with public schools.
An 8 year old knows how to fix education: fire all the union teachers and replace them with teacher who care.
They shold have let her in. She should volunteer to teach there for the rest of the year. Have we ever had an education secretary with classroom experience? I can't recall one. Yet they somehow know more than anyone about education. This goes for all administrations. Put inept in charge because they are a contributor to your campaign.
De Voss is lucky nobody got violent with her. This is becoming routine for the crybabies that didn't get their candidate into the white house.
Good Lord! Snowflakes already. Well, it is DC after all.

Trump came not a moment too early.

you loons are so funny. when the teatards were out with their little signs you were all happy. but when the majority of voters vote against you pond scum you think we're snowflakes because they aren't sucking up the trump loon insanity?

All those inbreds who are experts should forfeit a decent salary and go in and teach. I stake my life on it they would assume the fetal position once they see reality. Not all kids bow down and beg to be taught. Wimps ypu are.
She really is not qualified for the job, she has no education training or experience working with or for public schools. she bought the job. we can and should talk about problems with public schools.
An 8 year old knows how fix educatin. Fire all the union teachers and replace them.?
And eliminate the dept. of ed. Yank all federal funding and interference in education.
Good Lord! Snowflakes already. Well, it is DC after all.

Trump came not a moment too early.

you loons are so funny. when the teatards were out with their little signs you were all happy. but when the majority of voters vote against you pond scum you think we're snowflakes because they aren't sucking up the trump loon insanity?


Good thing Trump wasn't running for president of California:slap:
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is rebuking those who literally blocked her plan to visit a public school and begin mending fences with teachers after a highly contentious confirmation battle. DeVos attempted to visit Jefferson Middle School Academy in southwest Washington D.C. this morning but WJLA-TV reports that protestors physically blocked her from entering.

Protesters Physically Block Education Secretary From Entering Public School

Trump haters are the rudest most ignorant low life scums, this is exactly what they do, and have no respect for anybody.................Oh love not hate HYPOCRITES..

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