Betsy DeVos Gets Stopped From Entering DC Public School by Protesters

This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.
More than half hate Trump, so far.

Own that hatred, loser.

Meanwhile, you are protesting the democratic nature of our government, and elections. Hopefully you will die, or land in prison, soon. It's just a matter of time before one of you crackheads jumps the wrong white guy and get a bullet to the head.
Considering that our children are some of the dumbest in the world, we need to welcome change. We need to stop indoctrinating these burger flippers and actually educate them.
The left says they are short on white collar individuals. Instead of importing them, let's educate our own.
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?
You know, I'm staunchly against DeVos...mainly because we all know that she has no clue what she is doing outside of trying to feed her family more taxpayer dollars through subsidized charter schools.

With that being said, preventing somebody who you know has no clue what is going one...from entering a school and perhaps learning more about the equivalent of chopping your nose off to spite your face.
This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.

True, we did not.

That was our mistake.

But it won't happen again.

To arms!

Obama was a criminal. We were not protesting LEGAL elections of the LEGAL actions of our government and leaders.

We protested the ILLEGAL actions of our politicians. And you are right, we should have taken up arms against them, if that's what it took. And it would have been acceptable.

It is not acceptable in this country to violently oppose the results of LEGAL elections and the LAWFUL actions of our LEGALLY ELECTED public servants.
I swear to god these unhinged leftists are just begging to start an out and out riot in this country.

This is getting to the boiling point now.
I wouldn't have let a little group like that stop me from walking in. Take a few pics on my cell phone and then pleasantly start saying "Excuse me, please" and walk around them, one at a time, saying "Let's talk about this inside." First one that laid a hand on me, pic goes to the cops. Why didn't she have a couple body guards with her? The Sec. of Education doesn't rate protection? She'll sure know better next time.
It's totally inappropriate for professional educators to behave like that--looks like the guy at the top of the steps by the door is someone from inside the school. Maybe all of them. It's unprofessional behavior, imo.

She did go in, and there was a peaceful protest and a few radicals , teachers, parents had a peaceful protest. The right wing papers love to spin the truth. Now anyone who had a 50/50 vote, with two Rep voting with the Dems, and the whole country protesting, then the VP comes in for the first that we know in history and breaks the tie for a cabinet member. That should of been sign that people know all about her and are very concerned.
Is it time to start shooting protestors who block government officials from performing their jobs. This is anarchy and it's time to put a stop to it. Make the punishment hurt.
I wouldn't have let a little group like that stop me from walking in. Take a few pics on my cell phone and then pleasantly start saying "Excuse me, please" and walk around them, one at a time, saying "Let's talk about this inside." First one that laid a hand on me, pic goes to the cops. Why didn't she have a couple body guards with her? The Sec. of Education doesn't rate protection? She'll sure know better next time.
It's totally inappropriate for professional educators to behave like that--looks like the guy at the top of the steps by the door is someone from inside the school. Maybe all of them. It's unprofessional behavior, imo.

She did go in, and there was a peaceful protest and a few radicals , teachers, parents had a peaceful protest. The right wing papers love to spin the truth. Now anyone who had a 50/50 vote, with two Rep voting with the Dems, and the whole country protesting, then the VP comes in for the first that we know in history and breaks the tie for a cabinet member. That should of been sign that people know all about her and are very concerned.
You've brightened my day with that news. I don't know if school choice is a good idea or not so I'm staying out of that part of it.
She did go in, and there was a peaceful protest and a few radicals , teachers, parents had a peaceful protest. The right wing papers love to spin the truth. Now anyone who had a 50/50 vote, with two Rep voting with the Dems, and the whole country protesting, then the VP comes in for the first that we know in history and breaks the tie for a cabinet member. That should of been sign that people know all about her and are very concerned.
Bullshit! This is nothing but liberals trying to protect union teachers jobs. They don't give a fuck about our children. Betsy deVos is going to clean the swamp and you people are going down She should know about cleaning things.
Protesters Block The Door And Refuse To Let Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Enter DC School

I'm not really sure what Madam Minister of the Poorly Eductaed wanted to do there, maybe threaten to close them down if they don't comply with the privatization orders?
You know, I'm staunchly against DeVos...mainly because we all know that she has no clue what she is doing outside of trying to feed her family more taxpayer dollars through subsidized charter schools.

With that being said, preventing somebody who you know has no clue what is going one...from entering a school and perhaps learning more about the equivalent of chopping your nose off to spite your face.
Kudos. This is a reasonable argument.
Hillary won 19 states
Trump won 31 states
Wonderful, the people voted by protests all over the country. The GOP didn't listen to the people who they work for, not for people with money, she bought her job.

Didn't they know how to vote?

I think most were stopped, but then Hillary won the maj. vote, not Trump, so yes they knew how to vote, and the vote for Devos was not announced yet. I can assure you , if they knew of trumps cabinet picks they he would not of won, the maj of Trump votes would of jumped ship.
This shit has got to stop. You cannot have such disrespect for authority, even if you don't like them. Half of the nation hated Obama, but we did not act like this.
More than half hate Trump, so far.
Source? You see, liberals constantly talk shit so saying something doesn't make it true.
Public Policy Polling
Yeah, that makes it a fact. If half the country favors impeachment that's proof half of America is brain dead. Hating someone isn't grounds for impeachment.

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