Betsy DeVos is not acceptable to be Secretary of's why...

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do

"DeVos' confirmation battle has a major silver lining: The public in public education has never been more visible or more vocal, and it is not going back in the shadows. This same public — from rural towns to urban centers, from liberals to conservatives — will now serve as a check and balance, and they will be fierce fighters on behalf of children. I am honored to be a soldier in that movement for children," said Randi Weingarten, president of the 1.6 million-member American Federation of Teachers.

Lily Eskelsen García, president of the 3 million-member National Education Association, tweeted: "We are putting #BetsyDeVos on notice. We are going to hold her accountable on behalf of our more than 50 million students. #resist."

Teachers unions oppose charter schools, arguing that they drain resources from traditional public schools, leaving their students worse off. Charter schools are often nonunion, so the move toward them and away from public schools, which are heavily unionized, represents a threat to labor unions.

“If she wants to work with the educators who work hard every single day—in districts as diverse as McDowell County, W.Va., Detroit, and Scarsdale, N.Y.—to provide children the opportunities they deserve, we renew our invitation to have her visit America’s public schools and see the strategies that work for kids,” Randi Weingarten said in a statement after the vote.

“But it’s more likely we’ll now hear the same trashing of public schools that the disrupters, the privatizers and the austerity hawks have used for the last two decades. That makes this a sad day for children.”

Devos is a billionaire GOP donor. You nuts complain about people donating to Hillary in exchange for favors. This is Trump appointing a donor, in exchange for giving her a position of influence. This is sick if you ask me. And Republicans don't even see the hypocricy.

Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) were the only two Republican senators to vote against DeVos. Democrats were looking for a third Republican to join them in sinking DeVos's nomination, but no other GOP senators defected.

What Randi.said is what i think, the problem isnthe unions dont practice that.
Do you know why the school lunch program is so important to.them?
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.

Get rid of collective bargaining you will save the state a fortune because most teachers will make less than they should and you know it. Get rid of unions and teachers of the future will make $40-$50K max. I think that's all they're worth so I'm cool with that. If you want to be rich don't go to school to be a teacher. If you want summers off be a teacher. No pensions either. Fuck them. I can't wait for them to finally realize how fucked they all are. LOL. I hope there is a teachers strike and your public school children lose a year of education. Then we will really be smarter.

That's really what an 8 months a year job like that is worth. Teachers are making a killing off of the current system.

And Administrator Salaries, Superintendents, Principles, VPs pay is completely outrageous.
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do
They must not like making the money they make, the job security, the time off WITH PAY. Teachers got it real good. Any teacher who doesn't like unions is a fucking moron.

No they get frustrated by the system.

They dont like the way pay is done. Its on seniority and not on merit.
They think many teachers are lazy and should be fired, but they cant be.

They dont like they cant maintain discipline in class, because of rules and regulations.

They dont like social promotion and lack of acccountability.

They dont like that unions are involed in politics and do not care what the membership thinks.

Its jist a few things and its much much more than money. They actually care about what happens to the kids.

I know Ford Union guys who admit the unions have their problems but they wouldn't make what they make if they weren't in a union. They might not understand that. So while they see that unions have flaws and need reforming, they might not realize how good they got it.

I'll tell you what. Have them go work for a charter school.

And tell me which charter schools pay good teachers well. They don't exist!!! They all make less than public school teachers. So any teacher who is anti union is an idiot and probably shouldn't be teaching kids anything. Or they are so rich they don't care about the money. Maybe their husbands make a lot of money.
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..
What have YOU done to fix that in your town with your local school board?

I ran for the school board. I finished second for the seat so I didn't get it but I was close.

What do you do about anything other than go to moonbat leftist chanting protests? Do you find it hard to get your leftist way in the Castro district? LOL
I think its time people review the numbers, drop out rates, test scoring in public schools located in the inner cities and suburbs versus charter schools and privates ( nondenominational and religious). Yes, some schools are better then others, and of course one who lives in the suburbs stands a better chance of receiving a better education then those of the inner city, yet is it not the issue best possible and choice? Who determines that? If a child's parent can afford to live in the suburb or affluent area of a city chances are their quality of education will be greater due to parent involvement in the education system, so what about the less economically fortunate, are you willing to deny them then the opportunity and right to break the cycle of poverty and limit a child's potential?
FYI charter schools reward teachers with annual bonuses based on student achievement not teacher tenure pursuant to the terms of a union contract.
We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do
They must not like making the money they make, the job security, the time off WITH PAY. Teachers got it real good. Any teacher who doesn't like unions is a fucking moron.

No they get frustrated by the system.

They dont like the way pay is done. Its on seniority and not on merit.
They think many teachers are lazy and should be fired, but they cant be.

They dont like they cant maintain discipline in class, because of rules and regulations.

They dont like social promotion and lack of acccountability.

They dont like that unions are involed in politics and do not care what the membership thinks.

Its jist a few things and its much much more than money. They actually care about what happens to the kids.

I know Ford Union guys who admit the unions have their problems but they wouldn't make what they make if they weren't in a union. They might not understand that. So while they see that unions have flaws and need reforming, they might not realize how good they got it.

I'll tell you what. Have them go work for a charter school.

And tell me which charter schools pay good teachers well. They don't exist!!! They all make less than public school teachers. So any teacher who is anti union is an idiot and probably shouldn't be teaching kids anything. Or they are so rich they don't care about the money. Maybe their husbands make a lot of money.

Charter Schools don't exist in real competition.......the best jobs are the union jobs..with all the benefits because the higher the benefits the more money the democrats get from laundering the money through the teachers unions....actual competition will also raise the salaries of can't compete against other schools for student voucher with bad you will have to pay them to get the best...they don't have to do that now, since crappy teachers just need to last till tenure kicks in...then they are set for their career....
We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do
They must not like making the money they make, the job security, the time off WITH PAY. Teachers got it real good. Any teacher who doesn't like unions is a fucking moron.

No they get frustrated by the system.

They dont like the way pay is done. Its on seniority and not on merit.
They think many teachers are lazy and should be fired, but they cant be.

They dont like they cant maintain discipline in class, because of rules and regulations.

They dont like social promotion and lack of acccountability.

They dont like that unions are involed in politics and do not care what the membership thinks.

Its jist a few things and its much much more than money. They actually care about what happens to the kids.

I know Ford Union guys who admit the unions have their problems but they wouldn't make what they make if they weren't in a union. They might not understand that. So while they see that unions have flaws and need reforming, they might not realize how good they got it.

I'll tell you what. Have them go work for a charter school.

And tell me which charter schools pay good teachers well. They don't exist!!! They all make less than public school teachers. So any teacher who is anti union is an idiot and probably shouldn't be teaching kids anything. Or they are so rich they don't care about the money. Maybe their husbands make a lot of money.

The Ford union your friends are in...are not public sector unions...the dynamic is completely the end of the day, they need to make good cars and cars that people with "car vouchers" will buy. if the cars suck the consumer with their "car voucher" will by Toyota, or Kia.........that is what increases the salaries of those union guys.....they need people who will actually work to make a good product...

Teachers....not so much...

As soon as they get tenure, their jobs are secure....they can do a crappy job..they still get a check, healthcare and benefits...even as their children lose the ability to have a good life......

The teachers are separated from the end product, and bad work is hidden from the consumer and protected from a consumer who is not happy.....

A teacher who is bad will not be discovered right away.....and when they are...they can't be fired if they have tenure.....

So your union buddies at Ford.....actually prosper because of vouchers......
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..
What have YOU done to fix that in your town with your local school board?
like what? not much one can do when common core says that 2+2= 5 is ok. I quit after that. I can't tell an entire school district to take a flying leap. Instead, I chose a president who nominates and gets confirmed a new Education leader to tell them the shit stops today. Now I'm good. thanks. oh, and also I'm happy for the inner city kids who will now have a chance at a real education and not used as pawns for union dues.
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..
What have YOU done to fix that in your town with your local school board?
like what? not much one can do when common core says that 2+2= 5 is ok. I quit after that. I can't tell an entire school district to take a flying leap. Instead, I chose a president who nominates and gets confirmed a new Education leader to tell them the shit stops today. Now I'm good. thanks. oh, and also I'm happy for the inner city kids who will now have a chance at a real education and not used as pawns for union dues.
Most of the inner city kids suck because their parents suck. Good luck fixing those schools when the parents and students don't care
If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..
What have YOU done to fix that in your town with your local school board?
like what? not much one can do when common core says that 2+2= 5 is ok. I quit after that. I can't tell an entire school district to take a flying leap. Instead, I chose a president who nominates and gets confirmed a new Education leader to tell them the shit stops today. Now I'm good. thanks. oh, and also I'm happy for the inner city kids who will now have a chance at a real education and not used as pawns for union dues.
Most of the inner city kids suck because their parents suck. Good luck fixing those schools when the parents and students don't care
and there it is right there. wow, dude. don't step out or nothing. see you are a racist. you just shove all opportunity aside because you are a profiler.
If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in
I wouldn't fit in a public school. I wouldn't join the union. id tell them to fk off.
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..
What have YOU done to fix that in your town with your local school board?
like what? not much one can do when common core says that 2+2= 5 is ok. I quit after that. I can't tell an entire school district to take a flying leap. Instead, I chose a president who nominates and gets confirmed a new Education leader to tell them the shit stops today. Now I'm good. thanks. oh, and also I'm happy for the inner city kids who will now have a chance at a real education and not used as pawns for union dues.
Most of the inner city kids suck because their parents suck. Good luck fixing those schools when the parents and students don't care

And yet there are lines around buildings when charter schools or vouchers for private schools are given out.....

So you can't say that parent's don't care.....they are often as trapped as the student is...if they live in a crap hole of a neighborhood, and don't have the income to move....they have to go to whatever public school is in their district...they can't escape....vouchers....allow them to escape...which is why democrats and unions are against them...
If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in

and that is what vouchers do.........there will be more schools, that are better...because there will be people who will want those school voucher dollars....just like Ford makes cars to get "car vouchers".........Charter schools are not a solution because there are so few, and they are still governed by the public school system...there is an insentive to keep their numbers down.....with vouchers....there will be more schools, and better schools...if your kid isn't getting a good education at your local school, put them in the car and take them to another school...and your voucher gets your kid in....not where you live.
If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in

School vouchers....will create schools that pay teachers more...why? Because bad teachers won't teach kids...and the parents of those kids will take their vouchers somewhere else.....just like car buyers......and in order to get the good teachers to attract those vouchers.....they will have to pay more or those teachers will teach at schools that do....
If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in
I wouldn't fit in a public school. I wouldn't join the union. id tell them to fk off.
Lots of states don't allow teachers' unions. You'd fit right in in Mississippi.
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..
What have YOU done to fix that in your town with your local school board?
like what? not much one can do when common core says that 2+2= 5 is ok. I quit after that. I can't tell an entire school district to take a flying leap. Instead, I chose a president who nominates and gets confirmed a new Education leader to tell them the shit stops today. Now I'm good. thanks. oh, and also I'm happy for the inner city kids who will now have a chance at a real education and not used as pawns for union dues.
Most of the inner city kids suck because their parents suck. Good luck fixing those schools when the parents and students don't care

And yet there are lines around buildings when charter schools or vouchers for private schools are given out.....

So you can't say that parent's don't care.....they are often as trapped as the student is...if they live in a crap hole of a neighborhood, and don't have the income to move....they have to go to whatever public school is in their district...they can't escape....vouchers....allow them to escape...which is why democrats and unions are against them...

Compared to an inner city Detroit school sure. Not the public school I went to in a good neighborhood. People like their public schools in good neighborhoods with high property values.

So you're gonna fix Detroit schools? This I got to see.

I went to a inner city Detroit school till 4th grade. Scary. The schools are under funded and the parents suck. Ask Ben carson he went there too.
If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in

School vouchers....will create schools that pay teachers more...why? Because bad teachers won't teach kids...and the parents of those kids will take their vouchers somewhere else.....just like car buyers......and in order to get the good teachers to attract those vouchers.....they will have to pay more or those teachers will teach at schools that do....
You think you can get more for less. That's what corporations always do.
If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in

School vouchers....will create schools that pay teachers more...why? Because bad teachers won't teach kids...and the parents of those kids will take their vouchers somewhere else.....just like car buyers......and in order to get the good teachers to attract those vouchers.....they will have to pay more or those teachers will teach at schools that do....
You think you can get more for less. That's what corporations always do.
I hope you do fuck the teachers. I am not onee.

But the same way you fuck them you will cut my social security 30℅ and raise retirement to 67

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