Betsy DeVos is not acceptable to be Secretary of's why...

If charter schools had better teachers and paid more OK but they don't.

I know charter school teachers. They couldn't find a good public school to teach in

School vouchers....will create schools that pay teachers more...why? Because bad teachers won't teach kids...and the parents of those kids will take their vouchers somewhere else.....just like car buyers......and in order to get the good teachers to attract those vouchers.....they will have to pay more or those teachers will teach at schools that do....
You think you can get more for less. That's what corporations always do.
I hope you do fuck the teachers. I am not onee.

But the same way you fuck them you will cut my social security 30℅ and raise retirement to 67
Does it make you feel better to believe that evil Republicans will be responsible for cutting your social security 30℅ and raise retirement to 67 rather than the cold hard reality that social security is not sustainable?

If someone makes you a promise that they can't deliver and then later a different person tells you the truth that that promise can't be met, which one was responsible for your misfortune? The person who lied to you or the person who told you the truth?
We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do
They must not like making the money they make, the job security, the time off WITH PAY. Teachers got it real good. Any teacher who doesn't like unions is a fucking moron.

No they get frustrated by the system.

They dont like the way pay is done. Its on seniority and not on merit.
They think many teachers are lazy and should be fired, but they cant be.

They dont like they cant maintain discipline in class, because of rules and regulations.

They dont like social promotion and lack of acccountability.

They dont like that unions are involed in politics and do not care what the membership thinks.

Its jist a few things and its much much more than money. They actually care about what happens to the kids.

I know Ford Union guys who admit the unions have their problems but they wouldn't make what they make if they weren't in a union. They might not understand that. So while they see that unions have flaws and need reforming, they might not realize how good they got it.

I'll tell you what. Have them go work for a charter school.

And tell me which charter schools pay good teachers well. They don't exist!!! They all make less than public school teachers. So any teacher who is anti union is an idiot and probably shouldn't be teaching kids anything. Or they are so rich they don't care about the money. Maybe their husbands make a lot of money.

First let me thank you for the civil and informative discussion. That doesn't happen so much on this board or in life when discussing politics.
With pay, I worked for the Honda plant in Marysville Ohio out of high school, before I went to college. With a high school degree, I made $10/hour in 1991, so it was pretty decent. And that plant was non union.

Sure unions can be a force for good. I like the 40 hour workweek and some things, but now they are just trying to find a reason to exist.

Also I do respect private sector unions a whole lot more than public sector ones. I don't think the public sector needs unions, my dad is a professor and not in a union and makes pretty good money.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do
They must not like making the money they make, the job security, the time off WITH PAY. Teachers got it real good. Any teacher who doesn't like unions is a fucking moron.

No they get frustrated by the system.

They dont like the way pay is done. Its on seniority and not on merit.
They think many teachers are lazy and should be fired, but they cant be.

They dont like they cant maintain discipline in class, because of rules and regulations.

They dont like social promotion and lack of acccountability.

They dont like that unions are involed in politics and do not care what the membership thinks.

Its jist a few things and its much much more than money. They actually care about what happens to the kids.

I know Ford Union guys who admit the unions have their problems but they wouldn't make what they make if they weren't in a union. They might not understand that. So while they see that unions have flaws and need reforming, they might not realize how good they got it.

I'll tell you what. Have them go work for a charter school.

And tell me which charter schools pay good teachers well. They don't exist!!! They all make less than public school teachers. So any teacher who is anti union is an idiot and probably shouldn't be teaching kids anything. Or they are so rich they don't care about the money. Maybe their husbands make a lot of money.

First let me thank you for the civil and informative discussion. That doesn't happen so much on this board or in life when discussing politics.
With pay, I worked for the Honda plant in Marysville Ohio out of high school, before I went to college. With a high school degree, I made $10/hour in 1991, so it was pretty decent. And that plant was non union.

Sure unions can be a force for good. I like the 40 hour workweek and some things, but now they are just trying to find a reason to exist.

Also I do respect private sector unions a whole lot more than public sector ones. I don't think the public sector needs unions, my dad is a professor and not in a union and makes pretty good money.
My brother is a VP for a fortune 500 manufacturer. He deals with unions. I asked him how would labor do if unions were gone and he says we'd all be screwed.

They've convinced us we don't need unions anymore. That's so no true.

Unions need to be reformed though. No more protecting bad workers.
"Betsy DeVos is not acceptable to be Secretary of Education..."

....and yet she is.

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