Betsy DeVos is not acceptable to be Secretary of's why...

I hope she isn't.

She doesn't have a clue about public education, and can only screw it up more than it already is.

I really doubt you van screw it up more. I have no issue with vouchers, try em, it cant get worse.

and the people that live in areas with limited access to schools that use vouchers ?
Well the point is to be able to use any school. Public schools are now social labs, they dont even try to teach real subjects.
"they dont [sic] even try to teach real subjects" so?

They worry about sex ed or how to live as roommates, alot of bullshit that isnt useful.

They need to stick to the real subjects and have people know it.

Were graduating people who cant read in the inner cities. Thats disgusting and liberals just move em.on to get more money, they wouldnt dare investigate as to WHY that is happening.
"They worry about sex ed or how to live as roommates" us that that is part of a school's curriculum.

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Considering that Public Education is the default position and currently must take any and all regardless of ability and does quite well.

That has got to be a joke....We are failing our children....Don't believe me about DeVos? Maybe listen to a fellow traveler....

"Former Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman also appeared before his onetime colleagues to introduce DeVos.

"We just can't accept the status quo in education anymore," Lieberman said. "We need a change agent and an education reformer to be education secretary ... and that is exactly the kind of education secretary I believe Betsy DeVos can and will be."

Trump education pick DeVos promotes school choice at confirmation hearing
How do YOU change a system that has to take all whether they are qualified or even want to be there?

How successful would a football team be if it was run the same way?...having to take all whether they were physically qualified or even wanted to be there?

It is called vouchers.
Why can't parents move their kids to the private/charter school of their CHOICE without mooching off the government?


If someone hates public schools and would never send their children there, why should the taxpayers help them

I note you purposely ignored the fact that they too are taxpayers who would prefer that their tax dollars pay for a better form of education for their children that the same old same old that keeps failing. Look, there is a simple solution. Keep all the dollars in public schools, just start running them like charter schools instead of the failing system we keep trying to make work. Money stays in public schools, kids get a quality education. Win-win. But that won't happen. Democrats want all children to fail equally.
If there has ever been an agency more in need of being closed, it's the DOE. Maybe that will be her fire everybody but a skeleton staff to hang around in case anybody notices they're gone. Send education back to the states...nothing else has ever worked.

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

She didn't deserve this ugly treatment. The Democrats are over-playing their hand now. Their treatment of her was vicious and unnecessary. I think most Americans see that.

No. Us Michiganders said FUCK NO to the Devoss family and their ideas. So why the fuck would Trump pluck that Billionaire out of obscurity and appoint her to run schools? Does he owe Amway money? We will never know because Trump didn't release his taxes so we don't know who he owes.

Is it because He doesn't like public schools? His kids and the Devoss kids never went to public schools so how do they know they are failing? I think they just want the tax breaks. That's all it's ever about with Republicans. They don't want to fix failing schools. They want the teachers to make less.

Hey, fuck public schools. My rich brother sends his kids to private school and I don't have any kids. And I got my college degree a long time ago when college was affordable. I hope they jack up the price of school so that only the select few can get a good education. That will help my rich nephews out a lot and give them a huge head start out in life. My brother works very hard why shouldn't his kids get a better education than you schmucks?

They say pre school is a key factor in if someone turns out successful. Pre school is a great benefit for people who can afford it. I don't care about people who can't afford it. They should have thought about that before having kids. The birth rate needs to go down before the middle class will be valued at all.

And the birth rate has gone down because middle class people don't want to be poor so they don't have kids they can't afford. The only people who do that are poor people. And Republicans want to cut off welfare and foodstamps so that's going to cut the birth rate down too. That's why they want to ban abortion. They want to force poor people to have poor workers.

And if all else fails, just increase immigration.

Hey, what do you know??? I agree with Trump on this

the content of the memos is emblematic of a broader shift within the GOP from a relative consensus among lawmakers that immigrants have been a boon to the economy and a symbol of the American dream to a more pessimistic view that includes prominent calls for reducing overall immigration levels.

RAISE Act, which would cut the number of family-based green cards issued each year in half, from about 1,000,000 to 500,000.

"There's no denying this generation-long surge in low-skilled immigration has hurt blue-collar wages," Cotton told reporters.

Holy crap I agree with Republicans again. Damn it!

This is rediculous. Noone cares about his taxes, so stop trying to work it in

Obamas kids didnt go to public school. They went to the most prestigious school in DC. Did you have an issue with that?

And if too many people are being born, why do you democrats want more people to over the border?

Do you even think about your arguments. You cant say there are too many people the advocate open borders......
No I didn't have issue because he's not trying to define public schools.

We don't want more immigrants. Corporations do. Cheap labor. They keep wages down. Even Republicans are starting to admit it
If there has ever been an agency more in need of being closed, it's the DOE. Maybe that will be her fire everybody but a skeleton staff to hang around in case anybody notices they're gone. Send education back to the states...nothing else has ever worked.
Let's try it and see how it works. Clearly people voted for change so change. I know my fellow libs will fight you but ignoree them you're in power now

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.

Get rid of collective bargaining you will save the state a fortune because most teachers will make less than they should and you know it. Get rid of unions and teachers of the future will make $40-$50K max. I think that's all they're worth so I'm cool with that. If you want to be rich don't go to school to be a teacher. If you want summers off be a teacher. No pensions either. Fuck them. I can't wait for them to finally realize how fucked they all are. LOL. I hope there is a teachers strike and your public school children lose a year of education. Then we will really be smarter.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do
They must not like making the money they make, the job security, the time off WITH PAY. Teachers got it real good. Any teacher who doesn't like unions is a fucking moron.
The issue is not about Unions its about quality of education and empowering the local community and parents the rights and privileges essential to acquiring the best education possible for their children. The current educational system is a miserable failure, at some point one has to address and recognize its time to think outside the box. As a parent ones concern should be that of the child not some union or teachers compensation package.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do

"DeVos' confirmation battle has a major silver lining: The public in public education has never been more visible or more vocal, and it is not going back in the shadows. This same public — from rural towns to urban centers, from liberals to conservatives — will now serve as a check and balance, and they will be fierce fighters on behalf of children. I am honored to be a soldier in that movement for children," said Randi Weingarten, president of the 1.6 million-member American Federation of Teachers.

Lily Eskelsen García, president of the 3 million-member National Education Association, tweeted: "We are putting #BetsyDeVos on notice. We are going to hold her accountable on behalf of our more than 50 million students. #resist."

Teachers unions oppose charter schools, arguing that they drain resources from traditional public schools, leaving their students worse off. Charter schools are often nonunion, so the move toward them and away from public schools, which are heavily unionized, represents a threat to labor unions.

“If she wants to work with the educators who work hard every single day—in districts as diverse as McDowell County, W.Va., Detroit, and Scarsdale, N.Y.—to provide children the opportunities they deserve, we renew our invitation to have her visit America’s public schools and see the strategies that work for kids,” Randi Weingarten said in a statement after the vote.

“But it’s more likely we’ll now hear the same trashing of public schools that the disrupters, the privatizers and the austerity hawks have used for the last two decades. That makes this a sad day for children.”

Devos is a billionaire GOP donor. You nuts complain about people donating to Hillary in exchange for favors. This is Trump appointing a donor, in exchange for giving her a position of influence. This is sick if you ask me. And Republicans don't even see the hypocricy.

Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) were the only two Republican senators to vote against DeVos. Democrats were looking for a third Republican to join them in sinking DeVos's nomination, but no other GOP senators defected.
The issue is not about Unions its about quality of education and empowering the local community and parents the rights and privileges essential to acquiring the best education possible for their children. The current educational system is a miserable failure, at some point one has to address and recognize its time to think outside the box. As a parent ones concern should be that of the child not some union or teachers compensation package.

That's funny because my brother went to my public school and now he is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Of course now he only sends his kids to private schools but that's what people do when they become rich. But my parents couldn't afford to send him to a private school and he turned out alright. Much better than a lot of kids who go to private schools in fact.

I don't get it. Why do people think public schools are so bad? I know they are in Detroit but not in Metro Detroit.
And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
Expect major changes. Bye bye teachers union.

My Republican buddy's wife is a teacher. They got into a heated argument and told him he'd have to shoot her before she would vote for trump. See her stupid husband doesn't realize what voting for Trump does to teaches pay, pensions, job security. The guy just fucked his own future.

I think it's great. Teachers should only make 40k not $70k

We hate teachers unions. So good.
About pay, its a government job so i thought they paid well?
So with competition (ie vouchers) it makes good teachers more valuable, so their pay goes up.

And it makes it so you van disciplone not only bad teachers, but kids.....which unions dont want.

Unions make a killing off teachers and they force donations so there is no disagreement.

Competition will allow achools the ability to get rid of stupid spending (ie race relations counselors) and put it in teachers salaries.
Teachers are going to shit and it will cost Republicans in 2018, maybe

I know of plenty a of teachers who hate the unions, so im not so sure of that. I think the map is very favorable to republicans, so well see. It depends on how trump and the republicans do
They must not like making the money they make, the job security, the time off WITH PAY. Teachers got it real good. Any teacher who doesn't like unions is a fucking moron.

No they get frustrated by the system.

They dont like the way pay is done. Its on seniority and not on merit.
They think many teachers are lazy and should be fired, but they cant be.

They dont like they cant maintain discipline in class, because of rules and regulations.

They dont like social promotion and lack of acccountability.

They dont like that unions are involed in politics and do not care what the membership thinks.

Its jist a few things and its much much more than money. They actually care about what happens to the kids.
This is about breaking unions and paying teachers less and not giving them pensions anymore. This is about tax breaks for the rich. People who send their kids to private school hate paying for public schools. I get it. But don't pretend that's not what this is about. Devoss doens't care about making public schools better. Do you know what the difference between public and private school is? The parents care more when they are paying for it. Parents of public school kids don't give a fuck.
This is about breaking unions and paying teachers less and not giving them pensions anymore. This is about tax breaks for the rich. People who send their kids to private school hate paying for public schools. I get it. But don't pretend that's not what this is about. Devoss doens't care about making public schools better. Do you know what the difference between public and private school is? The parents care more when they are paying for it. Parents of public school kids don't give a fuck.
The federal government is the answer for nothing...
The issue is not about Unions its about quality of education and empowering the local community and parents the rights and privileges essential to acquiring the best education possible for their children. The current educational system is a miserable failure, at some point one has to address and recognize its time to think outside the box. As a parent ones concern should be that of the child not some union or teachers compensation package.

That's funny because my brother went to my public school and now he is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Of course now he only sends his kids to private schools but that's what people do when they become rich. But my parents couldn't afford to send him to a private school and he turned out alright. Much better than a lot of kids who go to private schools in fact.

I don't get it. Why do people think public schools are so bad? I know they are in Detroit but not in Metro Detroit.

Some public schools are very good, many are adequate l, but many many are horrendous.

Usually inner city schools are the really bad ones. And if you want to know why its so bad, watch Lean on Me.

I went to worthington high school in ohio, its very good.
Public Schools are also included in "School Choice" so why is it the Racist Dem party doesn't want black kids in predominantly white schools?

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