Betsy DeVos is not acceptable to be Secretary of's why...

devos is THE MOST UNQUALIFIED person of all time past and future, to hold this position.... our nation and children were just screwed from the back and front.... but you all like that..... sickos!

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

You left out eating puppies and kittens. She eats puppies and kittens.

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

She didn't deserve this ugly treatment. The Democrats are over-playing their hand now. Their treatment of her was vicious and unnecessary. I think most Americans see that.

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

Well ours attend private yeah.

Teacher's unions need to be broken, far too many lousy teachers are protected by them
devos is THE MOST UNQUALIFIED person of all time past and future, to hold this position.... our nation and children were just screwed from the back and front.... but you all like that..... sickos!

Oh whatthefuckever. Jesus, you moonbats take whacky to a whole other level.
devos is THE MOST UNQUALIFIED person of all time past and future, to hold this position.... our nation and children were just screwed from the back and front.... but you all like that..... sickos!

Come on now, that's just Drama Queen Butt-Hurt. Chill out. Government-run schools are already an awful mess. She can only improve the situation. I like her. She has some innovative ideas. It's time for that.

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

Well ours attend private yeah.

Teacher's unions need to be broken, far too many lousy teachers are protected by them

I didn't let mine anywhere near public schools.
devos is THE MOST UNQUALIFIED person of all time past and future, to hold this position.... our nation and children were just screwed from the back and front.... but you all like that..... sickos!
I can't wait until she is voted in will be the beginning of the end of democrat fascism indoctrination......
I hope she isn't.

She doesn't have a clue about public education, and can only screw it up more than it already is.

What's to know?

Warp children's minds and remove all accountability from their belief system.
devos is THE MOST UNQUALIFIED person of all time past and future, to hold this position.... our nation and children were just screwed from the back and front.... but you all like that..... sickos!
Oh....and she's a racist tooooo.
The Federal government should not have any control over that.....or much, with each State's educational system, it is paid for and run by State Boards of education....

Or are you some BIG GOVERNMENT LIBERAL where you think the Federal govt should run the show?, even though they contribute only pennies to each States k-12?

From whence do you think that these "pennies" come?

Do you think that they come without strings attached?

Did you just fall off the trunip truck?
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..

devos is THE MOST UNQUALIFIED person of all time past and future, to hold this position.... our nation and children were just screwed from the back and front.... but you all like that..... sickos!

You could eliminate her position and our nation wouldn't hurt.

So if she is so bad, why don't you?

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

And what have unions done for the kids? Nothing. But you can tell she is a fine pick by just how much the lib/progs are losing their minds....
The Federal government should not have any control over that.....or much, with each State's educational system, it is paid for and run by State Boards of education....

Or are you some BIG GOVERNMENT LIBERAL where you think the Federal govt should run the show?, even though they contribute only pennies to each States k-12?

From whence do you think that these "pennies" come?

Do you think that they come without strings attached?

Did you just fall off the trunip truck?

I think that one actually is a turnip.

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