Betsy DeVos is not acceptable to be Secretary of's why...

schools are run by Republicans now.....Repub governors in 38 states pick 50% of the state school board of education members...
Schools are run by unelected bureaucrats (primarily leftists), who survive in their jobs no mater who gets elected.

It's like having a house full of roaches and termites.
She's not acceptable because she wants to keep American children so they grow up to be Republican.

It's OK. There are plenty educated immigrants we can bring in to do jobs Republicans can't. We know that works. Trump has done it his entire career.

Yeah...the declining educational levels of American children in schools controlled by democrats shows exactly how good you morons are....
schools are run by Republicans now.....Repub governors in 38 states pick 50% of the state school board of education members...

Sorry unions run the schools

You cant fire teachers
You can't change the curriculum
You cant do anything until the unions are gone, which we are doing.
And not only that, but the teachers unions are a slush fund for the D party. Time to terminate the unions, but the D party will kill to keep their slush fund alive and well.
I can't wait until she is voted in will be the beginning of the end of democrat fascism indoctrination......
I hope she isn't.

She doesn't have a clue about public education, and can only screw it up more than it already is.

I really doubt you van screw it up more. I have no issue with vouchers, try em, it cant get worse.

and the people that live in areas with limited access to schools that use vouchers ?
Well the point is to be able to use any school. Public schools are now social labs, they dont even try to teach real subjects.
"they dont [sic] even try to teach real subjects" so?
She's not acceptable because she wants to keep American children so they grow up to be Republican.

It's OK. There are plenty educated immigrants we can bring in to do jobs Republicans can't. We know that works. Trump has done it his entire career.

Yeah...the declining educational levels of American children in schools controlled by democrats shows exactly how good you morons are....
schools are run by Republicans now.....Repub governors in 38 states pick 50% of the state school board of education members...

Sorry unions run the schools

You cant fire teachers
You can't change the curriculum
You cant do anything until the unions are gone, which we are doing.
And not only that, but the teachers unions are a slush fund for the D party. Time to terminate the unions, but the D party will kill to keep their slush fund alive and well.
How well do the public schools do in non-union states compared to union states?
It's shocking what the Democrats did to her. Unprecedented hate. I truly believe all this Democrat hate is gonna come back to haunt them. Most Americans don't like their never-ending sore loser hissy-fit.
well she got it
She's not acceptable because she wants to keep American children so they grow up to be Republican.

It's OK. There are plenty educated immigrants we can bring in to do jobs Republicans can't. We know that works. Trump has done it his entire career.

Yeah...the declining educational levels of American children in schools controlled by democrats shows exactly how good you morons are....
schools are run by Republicans now.....Repub governors in 38 states pick 50% of the state school board of education members...

Sorry unions run the schools

You cant fire teachers
You can't change the curriculum
You cant do anything until the unions are gone, which we are doing.
And not only that, but the teachers unions are a slush fund for the D party. Time to terminate the unions, but the D party will kill to keep their slush fund alive and well.
How well do the public schools do in non-union states compared to union states?
They suck!
It's shocking what the Democrats did to her. Unprecedented hate. I truly believe all this Democrat hate is gonna come back to haunt them. Most Americans don't like their never-ending sore loser hissy-fit.
Let them keep it up, for all the adults in the country to see.
I can't wait until she is voted in will be the beginning of the end of democrat fascism indoctrination......
I hope she isn't.

She doesn't have a clue about public education, and can only screw it up more than it already is.

Why, because she advocates 'choice'? I thought you progressive libs were all about choice?
Give the test scores to show us how well her "choice" has worked in the state whose shcool system she ruined. Unless ruining education is your goal. Then OK. You got it.

How do you ruin what's already in pieces?

Btw she just won the vote.
Betsy Devos is Trump's pick to be secretary of education.....she is totally unacceptable......

--The public education system is not about educating children and she doesn't understand this.....

--the Public education system is meant to distribute money from taxpayers to the democrat party.....taxes pay teachers salaries, the salaries go to union dues, the union dues go to pay off democrat politicians, the democrat politicians raise taxes on the taxpayers and increase salaries and benefits to the a never ending money laundering cycle.....DeVos does not understand this....

--Making sure that American children get an education so that they can become adults who can provide for themselves and their not the goal of public education......Americans who are self sufficient do not become democrats....DeVos does not understand this...

She is completely unaccetable......she actually believes that it is her job to help educate American give them a chance at a future where they are fully actualized human beings, without the need for government hand outs....

She must not only be opposed, she must be destroyed..
I want her to bend over all the public school teachers and their spouses and fuck them all real good.

They make too much for only working 8 months a year. They don't deserve pensions. They don't deserve collective bargaining
Considering that Public Education is the default position and currently must take any and all regardless of ability and does quite well.

That has got to be a joke....We are failing our children....Don't believe me about DeVos? Maybe listen to a fellow traveler....

"Former Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman also appeared before his onetime colleagues to introduce DeVos.

"We just can't accept the status quo in education anymore," Lieberman said. "We need a change agent and an education reformer to be education secretary ... and that is exactly the kind of education secretary I believe Betsy DeVos can and will be."

Trump education pick DeVos promotes school choice at confirmation hearing
How do YOU change a system that has to take all whether they are qualified or even want to be there?

How successful would a football team be if it was run the same way?...having to take all whether they were physically qualified or even wanted to be there?

It is called vouchers.
Why can't parents move their kids to the private/charter school of their CHOICE without mooching off the government?


If someone hates public schools and would never send their children there, why should the taxpayers help them

Well, you'd be talking about more than half of the Senate, and House then....But taxpayers help them....Point is now moot anyway

Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary; Pence Breaks Tie

Next bitch and moan now available to the left....
She's not acceptable because she wants to keep American children so they grow up to be Republican.

It's OK. There are plenty educated immigrants we can bring in to do jobs Republicans can't. We know that works. Trump has done it his entire career.

Yeah...the declining educational levels of American children in schools controlled by democrats shows exactly how good you morons are....
schools are run by Republicans now.....Repub governors in 38 states pick 50% of the state school board of education members...

Sorry unions run the schools

You cant fire teachers
You can't change the curriculum
You cant do anything until the unions are gone, which we are doing.
The Federal government should not have any control over that.....or much, with each State's educational system, it is paid for and run by State Boards of education....

Or are you some BIG GOVERNMENT LIBERAL where you think the Federal govt should run the show?, even though they contribute only pennies to each States k-12?
The status quo sucks for all, but the D Party. Time for a change.

Vice President Pence cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as education secretary.
Which ends this thread, as far as I'm concerned.
Now let's see if she hurts or helps public schoolss. My guess is she wants to help private school families to not fund public schools. Tax breaks for the rich. That's what she's all about. That and breaking unions.

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