Better To Pull The Bandage Off Fast

I have some shocking news for you, boys and girls:

America is manufacturing more stuff than ever before.

Manufacturing jobs have not gone to Gina. They've gone to the machines. We are making more stuff with less people. Capital investment has paid off bigly and yugely for the one percent.

Here's an American auto factory from the 1970s:


Here's an American auto factory today. See if you can find the humans:

Taxing Corporations to death in this country and driving them offshore and overseas is in the same vein.

When that well runs dry

The situation will still be better with more jobs and production in the states. We shouldn't stop trying to reduce the size of government. We could use taxes taken from corporations to remove taxes elsewhere. We don't have to let it make the monster even bigger. Outsourcing is seriously holding back the job market, and if we could find a way to mitigate that even for a while it would be very good for the nation.
Yah, sure we will trust you.

After all it was The Left who wanted to see Healthcare become For Profit and created HMOs.
Healthcare Costs Skyrocketed.
It was The Left that suggested that Colleges and Universities Tuition Costs did not need to be regulated.
Tuition Costs continue to exceed inflation rates by a wide margin. Leftist Administrators become Millionaires almost over night.

Now you are trying to sell us on soaking The Rich, and offering us the false promise that Government Greed for Taxation will somehow be magically limited to just a few......

Everyone Else, but YOU..

Ever Hear of The Affordable Health Care Act?

Most Expensive Legislation Ever.

Enjoy your cheap bullshit from China while the U.S jobs market drowns then.

Level The Playing Field through Punitive Tariffs until China wants to deal fairly with us.

Allowing American Corporation access to Cheap Slave Labor both in China and Mexico at the expense of American Jobs, and The American Worker, was the biggest mistake Bill Clinton ever made, and that's saying a lot.

If anyone really cared about The Economy and Fair Trade, then they would Get on Nancy Pelosi's Ass to bring The USMC to a vote, and they would get behind President Trump's Initiative to create a level playing field with Fair Trade Policies.

America should NEVER be another Country's Cash Cow to be Bled Dry.

No Politician should be ever allowed to sell America Out like we have allowed them to do in the past.
I feel similarly when people say big corporations would leave if we taxed them more. Good, fuck 'em. Let them go so a million small businesses can take their place and create the kind of competition that makes capitalism amazing. Giant international corporations are what has fucked everything up.
Name a small business that can make an automobile.
harley davidson?
I do enjoy my cheap shit from China. That's where toasters should be made. Not here.

Do you at least agree that we should be fighting to mitigate outsourcing as much as is practical?
I believe a 30 hour work week is inevitable and desirable.

As for outsourcing, it is not as big a problem as you have been led to bleev. 80 percent of the jobs lost in the past 25 years were automated out of existence.

Thus...30 hour work week.
When I was very young my grandfather told me someday we'd have to deal with China economically.

Do it now or do it later but it has to be done
Yet I just read that this stock market dive is because China did something with its currency, which indicates there is little hope of a trade deal with China.
If that is the case, how long do we keep punishing ourselves without getting any positive response from China?

China is in desperation mode. The only thing they can do is manipulate their currency which, in effect, will only have a short term result here. They are hurting from the tariffs. Hong Kong is in open defiance now of their communist regime. Xi is trying to save face and getting splattered.
As for outsourcing, it is not as big a problem as you have been led to bleev. 80 percent of the jobs lost in the past 25 years were automated out of existence.

Thus...30 hour work week.

Automation is definitely part of what is causing the pain. I think you underestimate how much outsourcing plays a role as well though. Obviously these issues are multifaceted.
At the ratification of our Constitution, 98 percent of Americans were farmers. Everyone down to toddlers worked their asses off 7 days a week from sunup to sundown.

Thanks to mechanization, less than 2 percent of Americans are farmers today.

Do we have 96 percent unemployment as a result?


Now imagine the reaction if some pissant politician promised to "bring back all those lost farming jobs!"

That's how Trump sounds to me. He's an idiot.

Let's travel back in time 60 years...

FARMER: What will my toddler son do when he grows up if he isn't going to be a farmer, dad blast it?

PSYCHIC: (*peers into crystal ball*) Your son is going to be in charge of the maintenance for satellite uplink/downlink terminals at Verizon.

FARMER: What's a satellite, and WHAT THE HELL IS A VERIZON!?!

PSYCHIC: I don't know, but if I were you, I'd be whipping him with a switch if he doesn't get straight A's in mathematics and science.

FARMER: Will he be handsome? Will he be rich?

PSYCHIC: Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see...
If you are a dumb motherfucking c*nt, it is a lot easier to impose tariffs as a crowd pleaser than it is to bust your fucking ass and retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow.
China is in desperation mode. The only thing they can do is manipulate their currency which, in effect, will only have a short term result here. They are hurting from the tariffs. Hong Kong is in open defiance now of their communist regime. Xi is trying to save face and getting splattered.

When everything is said and done nobody has a bigger dick than the United States. They need us a lot more than we need them.
So after you’ve taxed the fuck out of them what will you replace them with? What would the waiting list and cost look like when “small business” is left to produce the nation’s cars? How about breakfast cereal? How about your sugar bowl?

You lost track of the subject...Kelloggs, Post, etc. are American companies...the cereal is American-grown, mostly in Michigan. Sugar? We can bury any country in sugar beets and sugar cane. Of course GM, Ford, Chrysler, Telsa and the rest can stay HUGE as long as they satisfy our domestic needs..who cares what they do overseas? Look at the small banks....we don't need just BofA, Wells Fargo and Chase handling our money...small banks can be easily capitalized like S&Ls once were. I can't think of a single product outside of coffee and bananas we'd ever need to import....we used to make our own clothing, shoes, electronics....look how fast oil and NG came back once the Rats foot was taken off their throats.
So after you’ve taxed the fuck out of them what will you replace them with? What would the waiting list and cost look like when “small business” is left to produce the nation’s cars? How about breakfast cereal? How about your sugar bowl?

You lost track of the subject...Kelloggs, Post, etc. are American companies...the cereal is American-grown, mostly in Michigan. Sugar? We can bury any country in sugar beets and sugar cane. Of course GM, Ford, Chrysler, Telsa and the rest can stay HUGE as long as they satisfy our domestic needs..who cares what they do overseas? Look at the small banks....we don't need just BofA, Wells Fargo and Chase handling our money...small banks can be easily capitalized like S&Ls once were. I can't think of a single product outside of coffee and bananas we'd ever need to import....we used to make our own clothing, shoes, electronics....look how fast oil and NG came back once the Rats foot was taken off their throats.

I didn't even think about banks.


More competition in banking would be an enormously good thing.
Taxing Corporations to death in this country and driving them offshore and overseas is in the same vein.

When that well runs dry

The situation will still be better with more jobs and production in the states. We shouldn't stop trying to reduce the size of government. We could use taxes taken from corporations to remove taxes elsewhere. We don't have to let it make the monster even bigger. Outsourcing is seriously holding back the job market, and if we could find a way to mitigate that even for a while it would be very good for the nation.
Yah, sure we will trust you.

After all it was The Left who wanted to see Healthcare become For Profit and created HMOs.
Healthcare Costs Skyrocketed.
It was The Left that suggested that Colleges and Universities Tuition Costs did not need to be regulated.
Tuition Costs continue to exceed inflation rates by a wide margin. Leftist Administrators become Millionaires almost over night.

Now you are trying to sell us on soaking The Rich, and offering us the false promise that Government Greed for Taxation will somehow be magically limited to just a few......

Everyone Else, but YOU..

Ever Hear of The Affordable Health Care Act?

Most Expensive Legislation Ever.

Enjoy your cheap bullshit from China while the U.S jobs market drowns then.
I do enjoy my cheap shit from China. That's where toasters should be made. Not here.
So where are all the Brown Latino Slaves Democrats want to keep importing going to work?
Oh in The Democrat Owned, sweat shops and plantations for pennies on the dollar below minimum wage.
So after you’ve taxed the fuck out of them what will you replace them with? What would the waiting list and cost look like when “small business” is left to produce the nation’s cars? How about breakfast cereal? How about your sugar bowl?

You lost track of the subject...Kelloggs, Post, etc. are American companies...the cereal is American-grown, mostly in Michigan. Sugar? We can bury any country in sugar beets and sugar cane. Of course GM, Ford, Chrysler, Telsa and the rest can stay HUGE as long as they satisfy our domestic needs..who cares what they do overseas? Look at the small banks....we don't need just BofA, Wells Fargo and Chase handling our money...small banks can be easily capitalized like S&Ls once were. I can't think of a single product outside of coffee and bananas we'd ever need to import....we used to make our own clothing, shoes, electronics....look how fast oil and NG came back once the Rats foot was taken off their throats.

I didn't even think about banks.


More competition in banking would be an enormously good thing.
The Federal Reserve with the help of The IRS destroyed that idea when they intentionally took actions to wipe out all The Community and Privately Owned Banks in this country.

They Called it Banking Consolidation.

Historians called it THE GREAT DEPRESSION.
I have some shocking news for you, boys and girls:

America is manufacturing more stuff than ever before.

Manufacturing jobs have not gone to Gina. They've gone to the machines. We are making more stuff with less people. Capital investment has paid off bigly and yugely for the one percent.

Here's an American auto factory from the 1970s:


Here's an American auto factory today. See if you can find the humans:

I just went to Travel Smith, which is fairly expensive travel wear on line, and randomly checked four different outfits and a suitcase. None was made in the US.

I tried toasters, cell phones and brake pads. None of them even mention where they're made. I know cell phones might be assembled here, but made from parts manufactured overseas, is what I've heard.
I know automation has done some stuff, but considering how much we buy has the tag "made in China" or another foreign country, I find it hard to believe that outsourcing isn't an issue.
Yet I just read that this stock market dive is because China did something with its currency, which indicates there is little hope of a trade deal with China.
If that is the case, how long do we keep punishing ourselves without getting any positive response from China?

I should get paid tutoring fees with you. China decided to devalue their currency, meaning export prices will be cheaper...the yuan is now 7 to l dollar. This is indeed a WAR now...the kind that's kind of fun to fight because nobody gets body parts blown off. They've also ordered their businesses not to buy American ag products...fine, like somebody said earlier, wait until February when they run out. Mao did crap like this and China was destitute until Bush41, Kissinger, Haig and the rest of the fuckers who sold us out, organized the WTO and made China a powerhouse with OUR money....Japan is on it's ass, Europe gave up long ago, only SE Asia can complete with China in the slave labor industries.....fuck them starve when the world sees Trump kick their ass.
So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?

A bunch of them could I bet. And a bunch of them there would be, to fill whatever demand exists, because that's how capitalism works.
No Offense, but America feeds most of The World, so Agriculture has to be done on a larger scale. I don't like Corporate Farms, but when you are being asked to feed the world you need agriculture on a massive scale. There is still room for little farmers, and those people need some protections and are a dying breed, but I really can't see how wiping out major corporations especially ones involved in the production and distribution of foodstuffs, can do anything but lead to famine on a large scale.
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So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?

A bunch of them could I bet. And a bunch of them there would be, to fill whatever demand exists, because that's how capitalism works.
No Offense, but America feeds most of The World, so Agriculture has to be done on a larger scale. I don't like Corporate Farms, but when you are being asked to feed the world you need agriculture on a massive scale. There is still room for little farmers, and those people need some protections and are a dying breed, but I really can't see how wiping out major corporations especially ones involved in the production and distribution of foodstuffs, can do anything but lead to famine on as large scale.

If we needed to make certain exceptions in certain cases then so be it.
I have some shocking news for you, boys and girls:

America is manufacturing more stuff than ever before.

Manufacturing jobs have not gone to Gina. They've gone to the machines. We are making more stuff with less people. Capital investment has paid off bigly and yugely for the one percent.

Here's an American auto factory from the 1970s:


Here's an American auto factory today. See if you can find the humans:

I just went to Travel Smith, which is fairly expensive travel wear on line, and randomly checked four different outfits and a suitcase. None was made in the US.

I tried toasters, cell phones and brake pads. None of them even mention where they're made. I know cell phones might be assembled here, but made from parts manufactured overseas, is what I've heard.
I know automation has done some stuff, but considering how much we buy has the tag "made in China" or another foreign country, I find it hard to believe that outsourcing isn't an issue.
Poorly thought out and poorly negotiated Trade policy that did not favor domestic production lead to textiles, electronics, steel, and all sorts of manufactured goods being pushed out of our country and relocated in to nations that use slave labor, and who do not have the regulatory burden and tax burden that exists in The US.
So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?

A bunch of them could I bet. And a bunch of them there would be, to fill whatever demand exists, because that's how capitalism works.
No Offense, but America feeds most of The World, so Agriculture has to be done on a larger scale. I don't like Corporate Farms, but when you are being asked to feed the world you need agriculture on a massive scale. There is still room for little farmers, and those people need some protections and are a dying breed, but I really can't see how wiping out major corporations especially ones involved in the production and distribution of foodstuffs, can do anything but lead to famine on as large scale.
Go to a grocery in California and you will see all the produce with tags that say product of Mexico. That does nothing for American farms! What does the produce in your market say?

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