Better To Pull The Bandage Off Fast

I have some shocking news for you, boys and girls:

America is manufacturing more stuff than ever before.

Manufacturing jobs have not gone to Gina. They've gone to the machines. We are making more stuff with less people. Capital investment has paid off bigly and yugely for the one percent.

Here's an American auto factory from the 1970s:


Here's an American auto factory today. See if you can find the humans:

I just went to Travel Smith, which is fairly expensive travel wear on line, and randomly checked four different outfits and a suitcase. None was made in the US.

I tried toasters, cell phones and brake pads. None of them even mention where they're made. I know cell phones might be assembled here, but made from parts manufactured overseas, is what I've heard.
I know automation has done some stuff, but considering how much we buy has the tag "made in China" or another foreign country, I find it hard to believe that outsourcing isn't an issue.
Poorly thought out and poorly negotiated Trade policy that did not favor domestic production lead to textiles, electronics, steel, and all sorts of manufactured goods being pushed out of our country and relocated in to nations that use slave labor, and who do not have the regulatory burden and tax burden that exists in The US.
when one doesn't care about people on welfare, making decisions to put more people in welfare is simple. not poorly thought out, that was the thought process, destroy america, it's been underway since the 1930's. killing babies is now ok, next it's people at walmart and then Dayton and city after city. the elites hate you and me. they despise our lives.
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Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?

A bunch of them could I bet. And a bunch of them there would be, to fill whatever demand exists, because that's how capitalism works.
No Offense, but America feeds most of The World, so Agriculture has to be done on a larger scale. I don't like Corporate Farms, but when you are being asked to feed the world you need agriculture on a massive scale. There is still room for little farmers, and those people need some protections and are a dying breed, but I really can't see how wiping out major corporations especially ones involved in the production and distribution of foodstuffs, can do anything but lead to famine on as large scale.
Go to a grocery in California and you will see all the produce with tags that say product of Mexico. That does nothing for American farms! What does the produce in your market say?
Who is opposed to fair trade?

If you want Tomatoes in The Winter, you have to trade with someone that can grow Tomatoes in The Winter, correct?

What you don't want is things like China does, undercutting your market, and your industries by offering products at costs too ridiculously low for anyone to compete with.
This is what they do. They devalue their currency and then subsidize industries, in attempts to wipe out certain aspects of The American Economy, and once they wipe out that industry, they then become the predominant player in it, and then they begin raising prices again and are able to do so in a Non Competitive Environment.

This is the first time that we had a president that is not allowing them to play the same game they have been playing for decades since Bill Clinton let The Chinese Trojan Horse in to our market.
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So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?

A bunch of them could I bet. And a bunch of them there would be, to fill whatever demand exists, because that's how capitalism works.
No Offense, but America feeds most of The World, so Agriculture has to be done on a larger scale. I don't like Corporate Farms, but when you are being asked to feed the world you need agriculture on a massive scale. There is still room for little farmers, and those people need some protections and are a dying breed, but I really can't see how wiping out major corporations especially ones involved in the production and distribution of foodstuffs, can do anything but lead to famine on as large scale.
Go to a grocery in California and you will see all the produce with tags that say product of Mexico. That does nothing for American farms! What does the produce in your market say?
feed me Seymour?
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Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
I feel similarly when people say big corporations would leave if we taxed them more. Good, fuck 'em. Let them go so a million small businesses can take their place and create the kind of competition that makes capitalism amazing. Giant international corporations are what has fucked everything up.

Remember repair shops? You'd take your toaster or VCR or whatever to the guy who'd fix it and have it back to you the next day. Appliances from the orient can't even be repaired...rivets instead of screws to get into the works. Our landfills are full of this crap with no end in sight and if we keep doing it, we'll be buried in our own junk.

The problem is the need for growth. Corporations can’t make profits unless people buy stuff. Appliances you can repair, and clothing that can be passed down to younger siblings aren’t profitable for corporations.
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.
started in 2002, they called it in my company the telecommunications winter and it has been played for far too long now. time to take back our fking businesses!!!!
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Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.
started in 2002, and it has been played for far too long now. time to take back our fking businesses!!!!
If The Democrats cared about America, they would work with The President on trade and Immigration. They would also probably have a better chance at maintaining their majority if they did. They promised to work with The President back in 2018 and this is how they gained The House back. They apparently broke that promise the second they took office.

As it stands, they are in a Full Blown Resistance and somehow think siding with our rivals and our enemies is going to win All of The American People over to their side.
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.

Trump is one of the scumbags you condemn.
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.

Trump is one of the scumbags you condemn.
Why do you think Fighting For Fair Trade for America and American Companies is a "Scummy" thing to do?
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
I have some shocking news for you, boys and girls:

America is manufacturing more stuff than ever before.

Manufacturing jobs have not gone to Gina. They've gone to the machines. We are making more stuff with less people. Capital investment has paid off bigly and yugely for the one percent.

Here's an American auto factory from the 1970s:


Here's an American auto factory today. See if you can find the humans:

I just went to Travel Smith, which is fairly expensive travel wear on line, and randomly checked four different outfits and a suitcase. None was made in the US.

I tried toasters, cell phones and brake pads. None of them even mention where they're made. I know cell phones might be assembled here, but made from parts manufactured overseas, is what I've heard.
I know automation has done some stuff, but considering how much we buy has the tag "made in China" or another foreign country, I find it hard to believe that outsourcing isn't an issue.
Poorly thought out and poorly negotiated Trade policy that did not favor domestic production lead to textiles, electronics, steel, and all sorts of manufactured goods being pushed out of our country and relocated in to nations that use slave labor, and who do not have the regulatory burden and tax burden that exists in The US.
when one doesn't care about people on welfare, making decisions to put more people in welfare is simple. not poorly thought out, that was the thought process, destroy america, it's been underway since the 1930's. killing babies is now ok, next it's people at walmart and then Dayton and city after city. the elites hate you and me. they despise our lives.

Killing thousands of innocent brown people seems to be OK also.
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.

Trump is one of the scumbags you condemn.
Why do you think Fighting For Fair Trade for America and American Companies is a "Scummy" thing to do?

That wasn't what the scummy was describing.
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump the same products once made here back on our market below manufacturing costs?
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.

Trump is one of the scumbags you condemn.
Why do you think Fighting For Fair Trade for America and American Companies is a "Scummy" thing to do?

That wasn't what the scummy was describing.
I think he was describing himself, and his own lack of Moral And Ethical Guidelines as well as his lack of Allegiance to The Greatest Country on The Planet, THE USA!
Wall Street is WILD today because the scumbags are fleeing with their China profits....they gave up on American workers long ago so let's give up on them. The SWAMP is full of all kinds of creatures who see us as suckers...both financially and politically. Trump may be a carouser, maybe a swindler, for sure a tactical genius...I trust him completely with our economy...the numbers don't lie. China will wait until he's reelected to come back to the table, hat in hand, ready to eat some crow....which is exactly what Trump will feed a year and a half, we won't need them anymore.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?

Jobs are not coming back. We have covered this many times.

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