Better To Pull The Bandage Off Fast

There are so many American Originating Companies in China producing goods with slave labor that should be created here, it's sickening.
yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico.

The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America out during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slave Labor.

This same "Woman" also could care less about America's Safety, and instead spends her time protecting a steady supply and flow of Illegal Immigrant Brown Latino Slaves over our border that her Corporate Owners demand be imported in to America to work on Dem owned Plantations and Sweat Shops for pennies on the dollar under minimum wage.

Not to mention she does not want The Mexican Drug Trade cut off either, nor will she do anything to stop Human Trafficking.

Nancy Pelois is nothing but a Modern Day Pimp, and living like one in her Walled Complex and Mansion, staffed with Brown Latino Slave Labor.
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yep and tariffing their products to force them out of china and stop abuses of humans is a good thing.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico. The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America our during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slaves.

Sure she is. No argument from me.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico. The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America our during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slaves.

Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.
Multi-millionaire Bill Mahr says"a recession would be worth getting rid of Trump". That's pretty much the Pelousy/Schumer/CNN point of view too....they couldn't care less who gets hurt by their illegals or their policies. In a perfect world they could all be hanged on the South Lawn.

We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?

Jobs are not coming back. We have covered this many times.
Don't complain to us that you are unemployable. How about you make some changes to your life, and pursue success instead of wallow in self pity and fear?
Help Wanted signs are out all over America. Try reading one some time, or better yet, walk in and ask for an application instead of asking for a hand out.
We can agree on that.

I personally do not understand The Left's Opposition to Fair Trade deals with China and Mexico unless they are owned by American Corporations in those Nations that are maximizing profits through slave labor and lax regulations who import their misery for a profit in to THE US.

Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?

Jobs are not coming back. We have covered this many times.
Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico. The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America our during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slaves.

Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.

We aren't bringing back jobs.
Multi-millionaire Bill Mahr says"a recession would be worth getting rid of Trump". That's pretty much the Pelousy/Schumer/CNN point of view too....they couldn't care less who gets hurt by their illegals or their policies. In a perfect world they could all be hanged on the South Lawn.
That's how sick and depraved these people are. So afraid of Trump blocking their Socialist Globalist Agenda, that they want America to go in to a recession so they can get him out of the way. I guess when your COUP fails, and Putin's Dirty Dossier did you no good, this is your only hope.
Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?

Jobs are not coming back. We have covered this many times.
Don't complain to us that you are unemployable. How about you make some changes to your life, and pursue success instead of wallow in self pity and fear?
Help Wanted signs are out all over America. Try reading one some time, or better yet, walk in and ask for an application instead of asking for a hand out.

I'm getting ready to retire.
Nothing wrong with negotiating trade deals. The issue is for them to succeed we need an adult to represent our side.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?

Jobs are not coming back. We have covered this many times.

Lol lowest unemployment in decades. Where did these jobs come from?
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?

Jobs are not coming back. We have covered this many times.

Lol lowest unemployment in decades. Where did these jobs come from?
it's magic! obammy must have used his wand.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico. The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America our during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slaves.

Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.

We aren't bringing back jobs.
Two things Leftists Do:

They Lie

Then they lie about the lies they tell.

Trump's Policy "Magic Wand" Boosts Manufacturing Jobs 399% In First 26 Months Over Obama's Last 26
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico. The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America our during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slaves.

Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.

We aren't bringing back jobs.

Maybe as far as the big picture goes you're right, but I think it's important to note that it's more of a won't and less of a can't. We absolutely could bring jobs back. Will we when international corporations own our politicians? No, probably not.
Who do you suggest? Bill Clinton who sold us out to China and Mexico, to allow profiteers on Wall Street decimate our Domestic Manufacturing, move plants overseas to take advantage of slave labor and dump products on our market below manufacturing costs?

Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
how's he a failure exactly? he's bringing jobs back, and that's not good? You're confused I think. don't you think more people working higher paying jobs a good thing?

Jobs are not coming back. We have covered this many times.
Don't complain to us that you are unemployable. How about you make some changes to your life, and pursue success instead of wallow in self pity and fear?
Help Wanted signs are out all over America. Try reading one some time, or better yet, walk in and ask for an application instead of asking for a hand out.

I'm getting ready to retire.


Oh, yes, I had some bald tires on my car, but thanks to The Millions I earned doing this Russian Collusion Hoax thingy, I got my self a brand new set of Michelins.
I'd say it was a Good Year!
Just because Bill did all of those things does not make Trump any less of a failure here.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico. The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America our during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slaves.

Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.

We aren't bringing back jobs.

Maybe as far as the big picture goes you're right, but I think it's important to note that it's more of a won't and less of a can't. We absolutely could bring jobs back. Will we when international corporations own our politicians? No, probably not.

I'm almost always big picture. Sure we could. We would have to address the businesses though as opposed to the countries.
There is No Failure in trying to Negotiate Fair Trade.

In Fact, Trump Succeeded in Negotiating The USMCA with Canada and Mexico. The Failure then is on an Unpatriotic Obstructionist who is currently serving as House Speaker who refuses to allow The USMCA to be ratified.

In My Opinion, Nancy Pelosi is OWNED by Corporate Profiteers who sold America our during The NAFTA YEARS and who do not want to give up their addiction to Cheap Brown Latino Slaves.

Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.

We aren't bringing back jobs.

Maybe as far as the big picture goes you're right, but I think it's important to note that it's more of a won't and less of a can't. We absolutely could bring jobs back. Will we when international corporations own our politicians? No, probably not.

I'm almost always big picture. Sure we could. We would have to address the businesses though as opposed to the countries.
yep, and trump did, he gave them tax breaks to bring the jobs home, they are doing it, but you haven't heard about that obviously.
Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.

We aren't bringing back jobs.

Maybe as far as the big picture goes you're right, but I think it's important to note that it's more of a won't and less of a can't. We absolutely could bring jobs back. Will we when international corporations own our politicians? No, probably not.

I'm almost always big picture. Sure we could. We would have to address the businesses though as opposed to the countries.
yep, and trump did, he gave them tax breaks to bring the jobs home, they are doing it, but you haven't heard about that obviously.
The Media is actually completely ignoring this and under reporting it.
Sure she is. No argument from me.
BTW, what's worse, giving our intellectual properties away at the cost of our jobs or charging tariffs to bring back the jobs? how is one different than the other except for the americans are working again. no change in the cost of welfare and food stamp giveaways during the non tariff years where everyone was dependent on the state. you all had no problem forfeiting that money.

We aren't bringing back jobs.

Maybe as far as the big picture goes you're right, but I think it's important to note that it's more of a won't and less of a can't. We absolutely could bring jobs back. Will we when international corporations own our politicians? No, probably not.

I'm almost always big picture. Sure we could. We would have to address the businesses though as opposed to the countries.
yep, and trump did, he gave them tax breaks to bring the jobs home, they are doing it, but you haven't heard about that obviously.

No one has.

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