Better To Pull The Bandage Off Fast

So after you’ve taxed the fuck out of them what will you replace them with? What would the waiting list and cost look like when “small business” is left to produce the nation’s cars? How about breakfast cereal? How about your sugar bowl?

First of all it would take them a long time to actually leave, which I doubt they'd even do because we have the biggest consumer market on the planet and they make an obscene amount of money. The real goal would be to make it easier for smaller local companies to compete so we can bring back jobs and production. If they did leave it would be gradual, and what they do would little by little be replaced as the need arises. Do you understand how supply and demand works? If there is enough demand the supply will follow. I expressed already that because of how deep we are it wouldn't be the most comfortable transition. I think it would be best for the health of our nation, though.
So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?
I feel similarly when people say big corporations would leave if we taxed them more. Good, fuck 'em. Let them go so a million small businesses can take their place and create the kind of competition that makes capitalism amazing. Giant international corporations are what has fucked everything up.

That's not how it works. Leftist always ask you to give an inch on The Power of Government Intrusion and Control in to your lives.

Take for Example the Creation of The IRS and Federal Reserve.

At first when the Income Tax was introduced the tax was only supposed to be levied at 1% for people who made over $20,000 a year. Now total taxation for Local, State and Federal Government is at 54% of the average American's income, when you factor in all taxes, fees and cost incurring regulations.

At first The Federal Reserve and IRS did not have Asset Forfeiture Powers which in my opinion is Unconstitutional.

So once they had this power, one of the first things they did, was intentionally create The Great Depression and seized Billions of Dollars in Wealth and Property, got rid of all our Treasury Notes and Precious Metals , and then replaced them with Private Bank Notes, or (instruments of debt) called Federal Reserve Notes. A Federal Reserve note is not currency. It is a loan from a Private Banking Consortium called The Federal Reserve and they only have value based on one thing..... The Ability of The American People to be taxed, and continue paying those taxes and the Interest that is levied upon them for using Federal Reserve Notes, (Effectively a Loan against your future earnings and ability to continue paying debt to The Fed.

Taxing Corporations to death in this country and driving them offshore and overseas is in the same vein. When that well runs dry, The Leftist will turn to small businesses and raid them of all of their wealth in a never ending cycle of unrestrained spending, and never ending lust for funds to continue to pay for such debt.
This is 2019's Best Post of the Year award winner, right here.
And the politicians in power help this along as the voters put people in that give them the goodies. Federal Reserve Notes are so easy to print up. From nothing!
We ought to just declare the Debt to The Fed Unconstitutional, and go in to negotiations with them to renegotiate it and close our "account" with them, and then abolish them all together and then restore The Treasury back to it's rightful duty, and that is to manage our money supply, and to print Treasury Notes again.

Of Course, Kennedy tried that, and The Federal Reserve Assassinated him, (allegedly)
Stock Market careening this morning since Trump announced increased tariffs that haven't taken effect and won't until the first of September. Why? Because China's cheap, poorly made crap, buried businesses who believed in quality and couldn't match slave-labor wages. So the question is, do we continue down the road of use it until it breaks, toss it in the trash, rinse and repeat? Or do we uncouple from China, make our own quality goods like we always did before? That's an easy answer and one that President Trump is pursuing...we can't survive in China's world...we can't afford low-priced crap as tempting as it's become.

stock-market-today | Markets and Market Data | ^DJI | TheStreet

check your shoes.
Taxing Corporations to death in this country and driving them offshore and overseas is in the same vein.

When that well runs dry

The situation will still be better with more jobs and production in the states. We shouldn't stop trying to reduce the size of government. We could use taxes taken from corporations to remove taxes elsewhere. We don't have to let it make the monster even bigger. Outsourcing is seriously holding back the job market, and if we could find a way to mitigate that even for a while it would be very good for the nation. If taxes on small businesses are forced up later then we can fight that battle later, when it happens. Like I said it'll still be better that we have more production, jobs and competition here rather than in Asia.
So after you’ve taxed the fuck out of them what will you replace them with? What would the waiting list and cost look like when “small business” is left to produce the nation’s cars? How about breakfast cereal? How about your sugar bowl?

First of all it would take them a long time to actually leave, which I doubt they'd even do because we have the biggest consumer market on the planet and they make an obscene amount of money. The real goal would be to make it easier for smaller local companies to compete so we can bring back jobs and production. If they did leave it would be gradual, and what they do would little by little be replaced as the need arises. Do you understand how supply and demand works? If there is enough demand the supply will follow. I expressed already that because of how deep we are it wouldn't be the most comfortable transition. I think it would be best for the health of our nation, though.
So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?

I don't eat that over priced shit and if you knew what was in it you probaly wouldn't either.
So a small business can make enough breakfast cereal to supply America! Right?

A bunch of them could I bet. And a bunch of them there would be, to fill whatever demand exists, because that's how capitalism works.
Stock Market careening this morning since Trump announced increased tariffs that haven't taken effect and won't until the first of September. Why? Because China's cheap, poorly made crap, buried businesses who believed in quality and couldn't match slave-labor wages. So the question is, do we continue down the road of use it until it breaks, toss it in the trash, rinse and repeat? Or do we uncouple from China, make our own quality goods like we always did before? That's an easy answer and one that President Trump is pursuing...we can't survive in China's world...we can't afford low-priced crap as tempting as it's become.

stock-market-today | Markets and Market Data | ^DJI | TheStreet
You are badly stuck in 20th century thinking.

The future is not in Americans making toasters!
Stock Market careening this morning since Trump announced increased tariffs that haven't taken effect and won't until the first of September. Why? Because China's cheap, poorly made crap, buried businesses who believed in quality and couldn't match slave-labor wages. So the question is, do we continue down the road of use it until it breaks, toss it in the trash, rinse and repeat? Or do we uncouple from China, make our own quality goods like we always did before? That's an easy answer and one that President Trump is pursuing...we can't survive in China's world...we can't afford low-priced crap as tempting as it's become.

stock-market-today | Markets and Market Data | ^DJI | TheStreet

check your shoes.
If you have half a brain you'll be scooping up good stocks at bargain prices.
We need to be retooling our education system to train our children for the highly skilled jobs of tomorrow, not the low-skilled toaster manufacturing jobs of yesterday.

Trump is an ignorant pissant.
Taxing Corporations to death in this country and driving them offshore and overseas is in the same vein.

When that well runs dry

The situation will still be better with more jobs and production in the states. We shouldn't stop trying to reduce the size of government. We could use taxes taken from corporations to remove taxes elsewhere. We don't have to let it make the monster even bigger. Outsourcing is seriously holding back the job market, and if we could find a way to mitigate that even for a while it would be very good for the nation.
Yah, sure we will trust you.

After all it was The Left who wanted to see Healthcare become For Profit and created HMOs.
Healthcare Costs Skyrocketed, and continue to every time a Leftist wants to change something "for the worse".

It was The Left that suggested that Colleges and Universities Tuition Costs did not need to be regulated.

Tuition Costs continue to exceed inflation rates by a wide margin. Leftist Administrators become Millionaires almost over night.

It was The Left who assured us that if we went to war on poverty, the people would quit making bad decisions leading to their own poverty.

After $23 Trillion Spent, we have broken homes, single parents, drug and rat infested cities, and Abortion Clinics who have killed off 50 Million African Americans, and Americans of all kinds for a Profit.

We are currently $22 Trillion in Debt as a direct result of failed leftist tax and spend policies.
We would have had Mars Colonized by now if it weren't for Leftists.

Now you are trying to sell us on soaking The Rich, and offering us the false promise that Government Greed for Taxation will somehow be magically limited to just a few......

Everyone Else, but YOU..

Ever Hear of The Affordable Health Care Act?

Most Expensive Legislation Ever.
Taxing Corporations to death in this country and driving them offshore and overseas is in the same vein.

When that well runs dry

The situation will still be better with more jobs and production in the states. We shouldn't stop trying to reduce the size of government. We could use taxes taken from corporations to remove taxes elsewhere. We don't have to let it make the monster even bigger. Outsourcing is seriously holding back the job market, and if we could find a way to mitigate that even for a while it would be very good for the nation.
Yah, sure we will trust you.

After all it was The Left who wanted to see Healthcare become For Profit and created HMOs.
Healthcare Costs Skyrocketed.
It was The Left that suggested that Colleges and Universities Tuition Costs did not need to be regulated.
Tuition Costs continue to exceed inflation rates by a wide margin. Leftist Administrators become Millionaires almost over night.

Now you are trying to sell us on soaking The Rich, and offering us the false promise that Government Greed for Taxation will somehow be magically limited to just a few......

Everyone Else, but YOU..

Ever Hear of The Affordable Health Care Act?

Most Expensive Legislation Ever.

Enjoy your cheap bullshit from China while the U.S jobs market drowns then.
Stock Market careening this morning since Trump announced increased tariffs that haven't taken effect and won't until the first of September. Why? Because China's cheap, poorly made crap, buried businesses who believed in quality and couldn't match slave-labor wages. So the question is, do we continue down the road of use it until it breaks, toss it in the trash, rinse and repeat? Or do we uncouple from China, make our own quality goods like we always did before? That's an easy answer and one that President Trump is pursuing...we can't survive in China's world...we can't afford low-priced crap as tempting as it's become.

stock-market-today | Markets and Market Data | ^DJI | TheStreet
You are badly stuck in 20th century thinking.

The future is not in Americans making toasters!

But we are still the most innovative country and others like China should not be allowed to steal it for free. Only 10% of Chinese may for their MSFT products. That’s batshit thievery.
Taxing Corporations to death in this country and driving them offshore and overseas is in the same vein.

When that well runs dry

The situation will still be better with more jobs and production in the states. We shouldn't stop trying to reduce the size of government. We could use taxes taken from corporations to remove taxes elsewhere. We don't have to let it make the monster even bigger. Outsourcing is seriously holding back the job market, and if we could find a way to mitigate that even for a while it would be very good for the nation.
Yah, sure we will trust you.

After all it was The Left who wanted to see Healthcare become For Profit and created HMOs.
Healthcare Costs Skyrocketed.
It was The Left that suggested that Colleges and Universities Tuition Costs did not need to be regulated.
Tuition Costs continue to exceed inflation rates by a wide margin. Leftist Administrators become Millionaires almost over night.

Now you are trying to sell us on soaking The Rich, and offering us the false promise that Government Greed for Taxation will somehow be magically limited to just a few......

Everyone Else, but YOU..

Ever Hear of The Affordable Health Care Act?

Most Expensive Legislation Ever.

Enjoy your cheap bullshit from China while the U.S jobs market drowns then.
I do enjoy my cheap shit from China. That's where toasters should be made. Not here.
When I was very young my grandfather told me someday we'd have to deal with China economically.

Do it now or do it later but it has to be done
Yet I just read that this stock market dive is because China did something with its currency, which indicates there is little hope of a trade deal with China.
If that is the case, how long do we keep punishing ourselves without getting any positive response from China?

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