Beware in the suburbs

Black people have rights too, you know.

To what right, specifically, do you refer?
To cross the "redline".

Apparently you don't know what the "red line" refers to.

"Red Lining" is an insurance company tool indicating what areas of town are too risky to write a policy for.

It has nothing to do with who can cross what line.
Wrong. It was (and is) a practice used by banks and property owners to keep the suburbs white.

Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.

Well, I cannot feel too sorry for the 80,000,000 Biden voters if they are personally affected by the plan to move low-cost housing into the suburbs.

Here in Los Angeles, the city council is planning to house homeless people in a very upscale neighborhood. I assume that many of the residents there are liberal Democrats.

Some people are going to be hoist by their own petard.
They’ll just move out.
Perhaps they’ll gentrify the local penitentiary.
Black people have rights too, you know.

To what right, specifically, do you refer?
To cross the "redline".

Apparently you don't know what the "red line" refers to.

"Red Lining" is an insurance company tool indicating what areas of town are too risky to write a policy for.

It has nothing to do with who can cross what line.
Wrong. It was (and is) a practice used by banks and property owners to keep the suburbs white.

Sounds like you're bashing the kneegrows because they're poor.
I gave up on the suburbs twenty years ago.and moved out to the exurbs.
No bus service, no low income housing = paradise.
The idea in lib la la land is that if low income losers get up close and personal with successful people some of the good karma will rub off on the ner-do-wells

But it usually just drags the good people down
The idea in lib la la land is that if low income losers get up close and personal with successful people some of the good karma will rub off on the ner-do-wells

But it usually just drags the good people down

Yeah, that theory was debunked many moons ago, but many lefties still buy into it as long as those folks don’t move in next to their country clubs.
The idea in lib la la land is that if low income losers get up close and personal with successful people some of the good karma will rub off on the ner-do-wells

But it usually just drags the good people down

Yeah, that theory was debunked many moons ago, but many lefties still buy into it as long as those folks don’t move in next to their country clubs.

Correctamundo. The idea of moving bums and welfare queens and refugees from Krapistan where the people have never seen a commode into Middle Class areas is acceptable. But moving them next door to Pelosi or to the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington is beond the pale.
Most Presidents try to improve our country. This dickhead seems to be trying to destroy as much of it as he can.

Democratic politicians in general are doing this. I swear they are getting their paychecks from China and all it takes to get many ignorant Americans to vote for them is to promise more free stuff.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Republicans are such pussies.
You people are so weak.
You people are scared of everything. Everything scares you. Just like back in 2003 when you idiots thought Saddam was going to nuke us and you pushed the War in Iraq, like total fuckin fools.

Idiot Trumpers: Covid is no threat because Trump tells me so... Black people are moving to the suburbs help! help!

Republicans are the party of pussies, and weaklings.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Republicans are such pussies.
You people are so weak.
You people are scared of everything. Everything scares you. Just like back in 2003 when you idiots thought Saddam was going to nuke us and you pushed the War in Iraq, like total fuckin fools.

Idiot Trumpers: Covid is no threat because Trump tells me so... Black people are moving to the suburbs help! help!

Republicans are the party of pussies, and weaklings.

We are less gullible and far more informed than lefties. If you think we are wimps, try breaking into our houses in the middle of the night and see what happens. It won’t be a call to 911 until AFTER the problem has been averted.
Idiot Trumpers: Covid is no threat because Trump tells me so... Black people are moving to the suburbs help! help!

Who said anything about black people moving to the suburbs? I guess you inferred that by “low income”? Lower income folks, black and white, commit more crimes than higher income folks. Having money to live away from the dumpy inner cities can be a luxury. There are low income rural areas I would not want to live. I guess liberals are all for shared misery. It isn’t fair that a successful person can walk down the street in their neighborhood at night with a baby stroller without worrying about getting mugged or otherwise malested. We should all have to experience such peril in the US.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Black people have rights too, you know.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Black people have rights too, you know.

Yeah, they have the right to succeed. We all do.
Wrong. It was (and is) a practice used by banks and property owners to keep the suburbs white
I WISH that were so, but it's all ECONOMICS and keeping property values high.

Place ghetto dwellers in the middle of a nice, well kept suburb and watch what happens to your neighborhood. AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SELL AND MOVE OUT
This guy has been in office for 3 months and already he's screwing up the economy and the American way of life because of some radical progressive foolish ideology. I'm not sure if it is internal pressure from his party, senility, or both.

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