Beware russia,iran,syria you attack tiny israel at your peril!!


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
BEWARE RUSSIA,IRAN,SYRIA YOU ATTACK TINY ISRAEL AT YOUR PERIL!!This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: My love for Jerusalem and Mount Zion is passionate and strong. 15 But I am very angry with the other nations that are now enjoying peace and security. I was only a little angry with my people, but the nations inflicted harm on them far beyond my intentions.

16 “‘Therefore, this is what the LORD says: I have returned to show mercy to Jerusalem. My Temple will be rebuilt, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, and measurements will be taken for the reconstruction of Jerusalem.’

17 “Say this also: ‘This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: The towns of Israel will again overflow with prosperity, and the LORD will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem as his own.’” ZECHARIAH 1:14-17
BEWARE RUSSIA,IRAN,SYRIA YOU ATTACK TINY ISRAEL AT YOUR PERIL!!This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: My love for Jerusalem and Mount Zion is passionate and strong. 15 But I am very angry with the other nations that are now enjoying peace and security. I was only a little angry with my people, but the nations inflicted harm on them far beyond my intentions.

16 “‘Therefore, this is what the LORD says: I have returned to show mercy to Jerusalem. My Temple will be rebuilt, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, and measurements will be taken for the reconstruction of Jerusalem.’

17 “Say this also: ‘This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: The towns of Israel will again overflow with prosperity, and the LORD will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem as his own.’” ZECHARIAH 1:14-17


TPOLK: "He was on the yahoo boards spamming away with his christian wacko nutter end times stuff..."

God is blessing Israel.

i know you get bored easily. does that...bother you - that scripture ? just wondering.

p.s.: that's the King James version. In a Catholic Bible - it's almost the same wording -but the "king james" version" ...a little plain. In a Catholic Bible - it's much more eloquently written.... Catholicism is much more elaborate.........

when sealadeadbolt claims that 'catholics' are not christians - he's wrong. there shouldn't be any in-fighting. we're all Christians...

p.s.s: Polk, too much time is invovled to talk to you about...God, but, It's better with God ! think what you want :cuckoo: it's ok. i 'ain't' bothered by it. people w/out God...I'm
SORRY for you.
BEWARE RUSSIA,IRAN,SYRIA YOU ATTACK TINY ISRAEL AT YOUR PERIL!!This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: My love for Jerusalem and Mount Zion is passionate and strong. 15 But I am very angry with the other nations that are now enjoying peace and security. I was only a little angry with my people, but the nations inflicted harm on them far beyond my intentions.

16 “‘Therefore, this is what the LORD says: I have returned to show mercy to Jerusalem. My Temple will be rebuilt, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, and measurements will be taken for the reconstruction of Jerusalem.’

17 “Say this also: ‘This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: The towns of Israel will again overflow with prosperity, and the LORD will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem as his own.’” ZECHARIAH 1:14-17


TPOLK: "He was on the yahoo boards spamming away with his christian wacko nutter end times stuff..."

God is blessing Israel.

i know you get bored easily. does that...bother you - that scripture ? just wondering.

p.s.: that's the King James version. In a Catholic Bible - it's almost the same wording -but the "king james" version" ...a little plain. In a Catholic Bible - it's much more eloquently written.... Catholicism is much more elaborate.........

when sealadeadbolt claims that 'catholics' are not christians - he's wrong. there shouldn't be any in-fighting. we're all Christians...

p.s.s: Polk, too much time is invovled to talk to you about...God, but, It's better with God ! think what you want :cuckoo: it's ok. i 'ain't' bothered by it. people w/out God...I'm
SORRY for you.

And just which god (s) are you feeling sorry for me not believing in? Oh wait the only real god and let me guess the xtain god! If you are to lazy to debate on the religious board I understand .:eek::eek::eek:

Do us a favor keep you xtains and xtain gods out of Israel. We Jews have been on the reviving end of your xtain 'blessings" for too long , go "bless" some one else
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I think that rather depends on the Christian involved, TP.......whether they're blessing or 'blessing' us!

Unless, of course, one wishes to assert that 'all Christians are the same' as to intention???
I think that rather depends on the Christian involved, TP.......whether they're blessing or 'blessing' us!

Unless, of course, one wishes to assert that 'all Christians are the same' as to intention???
Catholics outrank Christian's.
BEWARE RUSSIA,IRAN,SYRIA YOU ATTACK TINY ISRAEL AT YOUR PERIL!!This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: My love for Jerusalem and Mount Zion is passionate and strong. 15 But I am very angry with the other nations that are now enjoying peace and security. I was only a little angry with my people, but the nations inflicted harm on them far beyond my intentions.

16 “‘Therefore, this is what the LORD says: I have returned to show mercy to Jerusalem. My Temple will be rebuilt, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, and measurements will be taken for the reconstruction of Jerusalem.’

17 “Say this also: ‘This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: The towns of Israel will again overflow with prosperity, and the LORD will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem as his own.’” ZECHARIAH 1:14-17

Is this before or after Christians slaughter non converting Jews ?
t_polkow: "And just which god (s) are you feeling sorry for me not believing in? Oh wait the only real god and let me guess the xtain god!"

"If you are to lazy to debate on the religious board I understand" :eek::eek::eek:"

tpolkow, Do I seem lazy to you, LoL......
(no..i don't 'jog' - a usual, it's a metaphor).

"Do us a favor keep you xtains and xtain gods out of Israel. We Jews have been on the reviving end of your xtain 'blessings" for too long , go "bless" some one else"

Too bad - going to it ...anyway.

- regardless, why would someone be bothered by "someone else" --praying (to GOD) for their people and their country..? can't you just accept it..we pray for israel...(and the whooole world).

"debate on the religious board"

Only in the minds of people who subscribe to an evil Catholic Supremacist Ideology! :eek:
WTF are you talking about?

Catholicism is the Supreme Law of the Bible!
Funny part is, assholes like groinboy constantly accuse Jews of having "supremacist" or "chosen" ideology.

Lo and behold: "Catholics outrank Christian's" and "WTF are you talking about? Catholicism is the Supreme Law of the Bible!"

Ha ha ha. Hilarious. These Jew haters are very entertaining.
Funny part is, assholes like groinboy constantly accuse Jews of having "supremacist" or "chosen" ideology.

Lo and behold: "Catholics outrank Christian's" and "WTF are you talking about? Catholicism is the Supreme Law of the Bible!"

Ha ha ha. Hilarious. These Jew haters are very entertaining.
It's a little more than just odd, you think a conversation about Catholics and Christian's, has anything to do with hating jews.

You play that "jew card" so much that it has become nothing but empty rhetoric.
Fact is that you know jack

You have proved that with your insane idea of "solution" to this conflict.

Which is "Israel committes suicide", "Palestinians doing a happy dance", in short.
Fact is that you know jack

You have proved that with your insane idea of "solution" to this conflict.

Which is "Israel committes suicide", "Palestinians doing a happy dance", in short.
You consider complying with international law is insane?

That explains a lot.
If the international law is slowly helping Israel's destruction, than it's worthless.
If the international law is slowly helping Israel's destruction, than it's worthless.
International law was created in part as a result of the world communities' reaction to the Holocaust.

By violating international law, you are shitting on the memory of all the victims who died in the Holocaust.

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