Beware the Morality of the Democrats


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Beware the Morality of the Democrats
By Jeffrey T. Brown ~~ The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral? Such navel gazing by an objectively decent person is foolish. It is intended to bring about either a flawed acceptance of the left’s version of morality, or a subtle coercion to offer no further support for something that arguably offends others, presuming their good faith in being offended. The accusation of immorality, whether express or implied, represents a distraction from the Democrats’ efforts to subvert the country and its inherently moral principles.... The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral?

Our Framers believed in Liberty and their revolution was justified as it was to secure liberty from tyranny. The French and most other European Revolutions were not with the long-term aim of Liberty, but Equality. When violence and force is used for the aim of Equality, it always and everywhere results in TERROR.
A revolution for Liberty means that each man and woman has Individual, Constitutional Rights that are given by God and Inalienable. Violence and force to impose Equality is not even a legitimate revolution, and since it is about facetious "Positive Rights" granted by men, the "Collective" can only be enforced by violence and force. So when the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left begins their arguments standing on their heads talking backwards, it is not surprising that only violence and force will suffice in enforcing compliance for tyrants.
The so called modern Progressive Left isn't moral. They don't subscribe to the idea of morality, their actions cannot be predicted based on consistent moral grounds, they lie as a matter of course and they don't believe in anything they say they believe in. They are elitist opportunists in search of more power.
Consider immigration; Many of the Elitist left supported a wall before they didn't and saw illegal immigration as a problem before claiming that the crisis was manufactured. Facts don't back up their current position so they are left trying to trot out "morality". They claim that every vote should count, appeals to the power of a centralized federal government but when the votes are in and the people's representatives have voted for border control and the courts have confirmed laws concerning immigration, mayors simply declare they oversee a "sanctuary city". So if you can't reason with them, the vote doesn't count, law doesn't matter and the courts are ignored there isn't much left except a shooting war.
Beware the Morality of the Democrats

By Jeffrey T. Brown ~~ The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral? Such navel gazing by an objectively decent person is foolish. It is intended to bring about either a flawed acceptance of the left’s version of morality, or a subtle coercion to offer no further support for something that arguably offends others, presuming their good faith in being offended. The accusation of immorality, whether express or implied, represents a distraction from the Democrats’ efforts to subvert the country and its inherently moral principles.... The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral?

Our Framers believed in Liberty and their revolution was justified as it was to secure liberty from tyranny. The French and most other European Revolutions were not with the long-term aim of Liberty, but Equality. When violence and force is used for the aim of Equality, it always and everywhere results in TERROR.
A revolution for Liberty means that each man and woman has Individual, Constitutional Rights that are given by God and Inalienable. Violence and force to impose Equality is not even a legitimate revolution, and since it is about facetious "Positive Rights" granted by men, the "Collective" can only be enforced by violence and force. So when the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left begins their arguments standing on their heads talking backwards, it is not surprising that only violence and force will suffice in enforcing compliance for tyrants.
The so called modern Progressive Left isn't moral. They don't subscribe to the idea of morality, their actions cannot be predicted based on consistent moral grounds, they lie as a matter of course and they don't believe in anything they say they believe in. They are elitist opportunists in search of more power.
Consider immigration; Many of the Elitist left supported a wall before they didn't and saw illegal immigration as a problem before claiming that the crisis was manufactured. Facts don't back up their current position so they are left trying to trot out "morality". They claim that every vote should count, appeals to the power of a centralized federal government but when the votes are in and the people's representatives have voted for border control and the courts have confirmed laws concerning immigration, mayors simply declare they oversee a "sanctuary city". So if you can't reason with them, the vote doesn't count, law doesn't matter and the courts are ignored there isn't much left except a shooting war.

American Thinker is just another biased, unfair right wing stink tank that uses SELECT INFORMATION (while ignoring any fact that doesn't help their agenda) to promote HATED of all things NOT conservative.

I yawn at their articles.

I fart in your direction.
Beware the Morality of the Democrats

By Jeffrey T. Brown ~~ The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral? Such navel gazing by an objectively decent person is foolish. It is intended to bring about either a flawed acceptance of the left’s version of morality, or a subtle coercion to offer no further support for something that arguably offends others, presuming their good faith in being offended. The accusation of immorality, whether express or implied, represents a distraction from the Democrats’ efforts to subvert the country and its inherently moral principles.... The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral?

Our Framers believed in Liberty and their revolution was justified as it was to secure liberty from tyranny. The French and most other European Revolutions were not with the long-term aim of Liberty, but Equality. When violence and force is used for the aim of Equality, it always and everywhere results in TERROR.
A revolution for Liberty means that each man and woman has Individual, Constitutional Rights that are given by God and Inalienable. Violence and force to impose Equality is not even a legitimate revolution, and since it is about facetious "Positive Rights" granted by men, the "Collective" can only be enforced by violence and force. So when the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left begins their arguments standing on their heads talking backwards, it is not surprising that only violence and force will suffice in enforcing compliance for tyrants.
The so called modern Progressive Left isn't moral. They don't subscribe to the idea of morality, their actions cannot be predicted based on consistent moral grounds, they lie as a matter of course and they don't believe in anything they say they believe in. They are elitist opportunists in search of more power.
Consider immigration; Many of the Elitist left supported a wall before they didn't and saw illegal immigration as a problem before claiming that the crisis was manufactured. Facts don't back up their current position so they are left trying to trot out "morality". They claim that every vote should count, appeals to the power of a centralized federal government but when the votes are in and the people's representatives have voted for border control and the courts have confirmed laws concerning immigration, mayors simply declare they oversee a "sanctuary city". So if you can't reason with them, the vote doesn't count, law doesn't matter and the courts are ignored there isn't much left except a shooting war.

Their morality is that of the totalitarian State, by its nature amoral, by practice chaotic, and which they seek to force upon America.
Beware the Morality of the Democrats

By Jeffrey T. Brown ~~ The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral? Such navel gazing by an objectively decent person is foolish. It is intended to bring about either a flawed acceptance of the left’s version of morality, or a subtle coercion to offer no further support for something that arguably offends others, presuming their good faith in being offended. The accusation of immorality, whether express or implied, represents a distraction from the Democrats’ efforts to subvert the country and its inherently moral principles.... The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.” They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, particularly Christianity. This has invited soul searching on the question of whether Democrats are right or wrong in their selective declaration of morality. Some are led to ask whether Democrats might be right -- could a wall be evidence of immorality? What if my desire to protect my country, my family and myself is actually bigoted, and therefore immoral?

Our Framers believed in Liberty and their revolution was justified as it was to secure liberty from tyranny. The French and most other European Revolutions were not with the long-term aim of Liberty, but Equality. When violence and force is used for the aim of Equality, it always and everywhere results in TERROR.
A revolution for Liberty means that each man and woman has Individual, Constitutional Rights that are given by God and Inalienable. Violence and force to impose Equality is not even a legitimate revolution, and since it is about facetious "Positive Rights" granted by men, the "Collective" can only be enforced by violence and force. So when the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left begins their arguments standing on their heads talking backwards, it is not surprising that only violence and force will suffice in enforcing compliance for tyrants.
The so called modern Progressive Left isn't moral. They don't subscribe to the idea of morality, their actions cannot be predicted based on consistent moral grounds, they lie as a matter of course and they don't believe in anything they say they believe in. They are elitist opportunists in search of more power.
Consider immigration; Many of the Elitist left supported a wall before they didn't and saw illegal immigration as a problem before claiming that the crisis was manufactured. Facts don't back up their current position so they are left trying to trot out "morality". They claim that every vote should count, appeals to the power of a centralized federal government but when the votes are in and the people's representatives have voted for border control and the courts have confirmed laws concerning immigration, mayors simply declare they oversee a "sanctuary city". So if you can't reason with them, the vote doesn't count, law doesn't matter and the courts are ignored there isn't much left except a shooting war.
”Progressives” are on an unholy crusade.

They are religious zealots who blindly believe in their Agenda. Since, as they see it, their goals are righteous, they have the moral authority to judge anyone who opposes them as heretics. Once you have been identified as a non-believer, they have the moral authority to destroy you. They are within their rights to mock you, bully you, get you fired, make your life a living hell, and even punch you in the face, or worse.

This brand of extremism of the far left is especially dangerous. Normal radical extremists are usually rooted in some kind of codified law, such as Islam. However what we are seeing with the radical left is even more dangerous, because it is not codified in anything. It’s a loose set ideas that can change the rules on the fly. It is the evil of relativism. Since their religion is heavily rooted in identity politics, they can use any reason to destroy any person. One day you might be in their good graces because you are a black liberal socialist, the next day you are strung up because you once made a gay joke years ago and you are now a “bigot”.
Liberals are far more moral than Conservatives. Cause we actually care about people .

Cons are a bunch of moral phonies . They go to church on Sunday , but learn nothing while they are there . Jesus would spit in your hatefilled faces .
Coach Hastert says, "Beware the morality of the Democrats, kids!"

Since Trump's election, I have watched the pseuedocons saw off their own moral legs.

It's hilarious now to watch them sitting in judgment of others.

Fucking. Hilarious.
Liberals are far more moral than Conservatives. Cause we actually care about people .

Cons are a bunch of moral phonies . They go to church on Sunday , but learn nothing while they are there . Jesus would spit in your hatefilled faces .
Yeah, like the way you want to punch 15 year old boys in the face for wearing a MAGA hat? Now that's caring! How about the way you encourage people in Honduras to travel 1500 miles only so they can be prevented from crossing the US border? Yeah, that's caring.

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Liberals are far more moral than Conservatives. Cause we actually care about people .

Cons are a bunch of moral phonies . They go to church on Sunday , but learn nothing while they are there . Jesus would spit in your hatefilled faces .
Yeah, like the way you want to punch 15 year old boys in the face for wearing a MAGA hat? Now that's caring! How about the way you encourage people in Honduras to travel 1500 miles only so they can be prevented from crossing the US border? Yeah, that's caring.
James A. Fields Jr. sentenced to life in prison in Charlottesville car attack

Man shouting 'anti-Muslim slurs' kills 2 on Portland train, police say
Democrats have no morality. They stalked Herman Cain's grandkids at elementary school. They have no ethics or morals, their motto may as well be "Lie, cheat, and steal".

It wasn't that way in the not-so-distant past. However, that's the way it is now.
Democrats have no morality. They stalked Herman Cain's grandkids at elementary school. They have no ethics or morals, their motto may as well be "Lie, cheat, and steal".

It wasn't that way in the not-so-distant past. However, that's the way it is now.
Liberals are far more moral than Conservatives. Cause we actually care about people .

Cons are a bunch of moral phonies . They go to church on Sunday , but learn nothing while they are there . Jesus would spit in your hatefilled faces .
Yeah, like the way you want to punch 15 year old boys in the face for wearing a MAGA hat? Now that's caring! How about the way you encourage people in Honduras to travel 1500 miles only so they can be prevented from crossing the US border? Yeah, that's caring.
James A. Fields Jr. sentenced to life in prison in Charlottesville car attack

Man shouting 'anti-Muslim slurs' kills 2 on Portland train, police say
Was there some connection between what I posted and what you posted? Did any Republican defend James A. Fields Jr?
Liberals are far more moral than Conservatives. Cause we actually care about people .

Cons are a bunch of moral phonies . They go to church on Sunday , but learn nothing while they are there . Jesus would spit in your hatefilled faces .
Yeah, like the way you want to punch 15 year old boys in the face for wearing a MAGA hat? Now that's caring! How about the way you encourage people in Honduras to travel 1500 miles only so they can be prevented from crossing the US border? Yeah, that's caring.
James A. Fields Jr. sentenced to life in prison in Charlottesville car attack

Man shouting 'anti-Muslim slurs' kills 2 on Portland train, police say
Was there some connection between what I posted and what you posted? Did any Republican defend James A. Fields Jr?
I hear some of the Nazis in Charlottesville were "nice people".
Liberals are far more moral than Conservatives. Cause we actually care about people .

Cons are a bunch of moral phonies . They go to church on Sunday , but learn nothing while they are there . Jesus would spit in your hatefilled faces .
Yeah, like the way you want to punch 15 year old boys in the face for wearing a MAGA hat? Now that's caring! How about the way you encourage people in Honduras to travel 1500 miles only so they can be prevented from crossing the US border? Yeah, that's caring.
James A. Fields Jr. sentenced to life in prison in Charlottesville car attack

Man shouting 'anti-Muslim slurs' kills 2 on Portland train, police say
Was there some connection between what I posted and what you posted? Did any Republican defend James A. Fields Jr?
I hear some of the Nazis in Charlottesville were "nice people".
You didn't hear it from Trump, asshole.
Liberals are far more moral than Conservatives. Cause we actually care about people .

Cons are a bunch of moral phonies . They go to church on Sunday , but learn nothing while they are there . Jesus would spit in your hatefilled faces .



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