Bezos investigators think that his emails were stolen by a government entity

Bezos investigators think that his emails were stolen by a government entity


Actually, I was just watching Inside Edition, and they were saying that they think the brother of Bezo's girlfriend was the one that got the emails and pics.

Jeff Bezos Suspects Mistress Lauren Sanchez’s Brother Leaked His Sexts

So far, the investigation has closed in on Lauren Sanchez’s brother, Michael Sanchez, as the suspected leaker, Bezos’ security chief Gavin de Becker revealed to The Daily Beast on Thursday.

De Becker said his team had questioned Michael Sanchez about Bezos’ text messages and that “strong leads point to political motives,” citing Michael Sanchez’s vocal support of President Donald Trump, who often criticizes the Bezos-owned Washington Post and Amazon on Twitter.

Actually, Bezos investigator thinks that it was the brother of his girlfriend that leaked the pics and messages to the Enquirer.

I reposted my post number 4, which has the link, so that you can follow it if you wish. But no, that crack about govt entities is made up crap being spread by the right, trying to muddy the waters.

And, considering the way that Pecker went about this, it looks like they could be in trouble, because if it's found that he violated the non prosecution agreement, he's in seriously hot water for a lot more than just this.
Let's see where this goes. trump showed such glee with the news that news about Bezos. AMI probably violated the termed of their agreement with the Southern District of New York. Man! We are dealing with a Mafia on Steroids!
Bezos' investigator thinks texts were intercepted by government entity | Daily Mail Online

So....a strong ally of trump tries to extort Bezos and threatens to publish damaging photos of Bezos and his girlfriend. Was the government entity Saudi Arabia and was the US Government, at the direction of the POS in Chief aiding their efforts?

This is going to blow up bigger and bigger! The tie between trump, AMI, and Saudi Arabia is beginning to come clear. The Saudis wanted the Post to back off of their stories on the murder of their reporter.

This is going to be very BIG! The FBI is probably already investigating this. The POS in the White House may be behind it all.

So it’s “blackmail” to offer a legal binding contract?
Bezos' investigator thinks texts were intercepted by government entity | Daily Mail Online

So....a strong ally of trump tries to extort Bezos and threatens to publish damaging photos of Bezos and his girlfriend. Was the government entity Saudi Arabia and was the US Government, at the direction of the POS in Chief aiding their efforts?

This is going to blow up bigger and bigger! The tie between trump, AMI, and Saudi Arabia is beginning to come clear. The Saudis wanted the Post to back off of their stories on the murder of their reporter.

This is going to be very BIG! The FBI is probably already investigating this. The POS in the White House may be behind it all.

So it’s “blackmail” to offer a legal binding contract?

Blackmail is what Pecker did to Bezos, when he threatened to release some intimate photos and emails if Bezos didn't stop his investigation.

The "legally binding agreement" was the one between AMI and the Southern New York District, where they gave them a non prosecution agreement last year, but if AMI broke the law at any time within 3 years of signing the agreement, they could be prosecuted not only for breaking the law, but also for every thing they disclosed in the non prosecution agreement.

Do try to keep up.
Bezos' investigator thinks texts were intercepted by government entity | Daily Mail Online

So....a strong ally of trump tries to extort Bezos and threatens to publish damaging photos of Bezos and his girlfriend. Was the government entity Saudi Arabia and was the US Government, at the direction of the POS in Chief aiding their efforts?

This is going to blow up bigger and bigger! The tie between trump, AMI, and Saudi Arabia is beginning to come clear. The Saudis wanted the Post to back off of their stories on the murder of their reporter.

This is going to be very BIG! The FBI is probably already investigating this. The POS in the White House may be behind it all.

So it’s “blackmail” to offer a legal binding contract?

Blackmail is what Pecker did to Bezos, when he threatened to release some intimate photos and emails if Bezos didn't stop his investigation.

The "legally binding agreement" was the one between AMI and the Southern New York District, where they gave them a non prosecution agreement last year, but if AMI broke the law at any time within 3 years of signing the agreement, they could be prosecuted not only for breaking the law, but also for every thing they disclosed in the non prosecution agreement.

Do try to keep up.

Bezos' investigator thinks texts were intercepted by government entity | Daily Mail Online

So....a strong ally of trump tries to extort Bezos and threatens to publish damaging photos of Bezos and his girlfriend. Was the government entity Saudi Arabia and was the US Government, at the direction of the POS in Chief aiding their efforts?

This is going to blow up bigger and bigger! The tie between trump, AMI, and Saudi Arabia is beginning to come clear. The Saudis wanted the Post to back off of their stories on the murder of their reporter.

This is going to be very BIG! The FBI is probably already investigating this. The POS in the White House may be behind it all.

I bet it was Stormy D and a Russian hacker squad. Mother fucker must PAY!
Bezos' investigator thinks texts were intercepted by government entity | Daily Mail Online

So....a strong ally of trump tries to extort Bezos and threatens to publish damaging photos of Bezos and his girlfriend. Was the government entity Saudi Arabia and was the US Government, at the direction of the POS in Chief aiding their efforts?

This is going to blow up bigger and bigger! The tie between trump, AMI, and Saudi Arabia is beginning to come clear. The Saudis wanted the Post to back off of their stories on the murder of their reporter.

This is going to be very BIG! The FBI is probably already investigating this. The POS in the White House may be behind it all.

So it’s “blackmail” to offer a legal binding contract?

18 U.S. Code § 873.Blackmail
Whoever, under a threat of informing, or as a consideration for not informing, against any violation of any law of the United States, demands or receives any money or other valuable thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

What AMI offered was NOT a contract, it was a threat.
Bezos' investigator thinks texts were intercepted by government entity | Daily Mail Online

So....a strong ally of trump tries to extort Bezos and threatens to publish damaging photos of Bezos and his girlfriend. Was the government entity Saudi Arabia and was the US Government, at the direction of the POS in Chief aiding their efforts?

This is going to blow up bigger and bigger! The tie between trump, AMI, and Saudi Arabia is beginning to come clear. The Saudis wanted the Post to back off of their stories on the murder of their reporter.

This is going to be very BIG! The FBI is probably already investigating this. The POS in the White House may be behind it all.

I bet it was Stormy D and a Russian hacker squad. Mother fucker must PAY!

As far as AMI is concerned, this is very bad. Their deal with the SDNY is in jeopardy. Just what was so important for them to go to such extents to kill a story. This has something to do with trump, with murdering Saudi Arabia, and with cut throat politics.
Stupid idiotic Bezos.....thinking he is above the law!

Hope Jack "The Ripper" Dorsey scum is next!

And if there is any justice on Earth.....he will be next!
Stupid idiotic Bezos.....thinking he is above the law!

Hope Jack "The Ripper" Dorsey scum is next!

And if there is any justice on Earth.....he will be next!

I hope the Enquirer goes under for this....
The big news here is Pecker has been warned. If he breaks the law within three years, all agreements are off. Blackmail is extortion. That's illegal.

Worse, speaking of blackmail, Whitaker said in front of congress that he never discussed the Mueller investigation with Trump.

What if Trump "let slip" that they did indeed discuss it? Whitaker could be blackmailed by Trump.

They used stolen documents to do it too.

Which is possession of stolen goods.

Which is a felony level crime.
This is it I can feelz it.
The big news here is Pecker has been warned. If he breaks the law within three years, all agreements are off. Blackmail is extortion. That's illegal.

Worse, speaking of blackmail, Whitaker said in front of congress that he never discussed the Mueller investigation with Trump.

What if Trump "let slip" that they did indeed discuss it? Whitaker could be blackmailed by Trump.

What if becomes if true. If true becomes we got Trump this time.

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