Bi-partisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on cruel puppy experiments

Your usual, emotional, 'Nuh-Uh' is duly is your SURRENDER on this issue. Thanks for the useless, ignorant snowflake drive-by.

It wasn’t a surrender it was pointing out irony. I get why you need to pretend it’s a surrender/victory thing. Y’all have gotten so used to living in a fantasyland. Pretty sad
Like I predicted, you would just ignore it. You got to remember these law breakers don't care about you.
I’m not asking for it so I can ignore it I’m asking for it so I can see and discuss it. Why are you trying so damn hard Not to directly post or talking about it?!
It was an emotionally-generated opinion, one called out by numerous posters after me, those who know your M.O. all too well. BUSTED.

No shit, most everything we say is emotionally generated opinion. That’s exactly what your OP was that I was responding to. You were being hypocritical and ironic, I pointed out the irony. It’s not complicated
No shit, most everything we say is emotionally generated opinion.
Almost everything YOU say. I do research, post facts, post supporting I don't look stupid, like you, by responding by saying, 'Nuh-Uh'....
Almost everything YOU say. I do research, post facts, post supporting I don't look stupid, like you, by responding by saying, 'Nuh-Uh'....
Haha, no you don’t do that, not from credible sources and then you spin lies around them. Take your two “felony” claims that Fauci committed. Both laughable. Supporting China by saying he didn’t think the virus was made in a lab. It is still the position of NIH that the virus was naturally made. No evidence as of yet showing it came from a lab. That’s not even close to a felony.

Your second “felony” claim is also BS. They gave a grant with conditions that specifically said that it could not be used for GOF. Fauci said they don’t fund GOF reseach, that’s your big lie?! No report had come back showing it was used for GOF. Yet you liars try and spin that Fauci funded the development of COVID-19 in Wuhan and lied to congress. Your shit is laughable and easily shown as a steaming pile of horseshit
Haha, no you don’t do that, not from credible sources and then you spin lies around them. Take your two “felony” claims that Fauci committed. Both laughable. Supporting China by saying he didn’t think the virus was made in a lab. It is still the position of NIH that the virus was naturally made. No evidence as of yet showing it came from a lab. That’s not even close to a felony.

Your second “felony” claim is also BS. They gave a grant with conditions that specifically said that it could not be used for GOF. Fauci said they don’t fund GOF reseach, that’s your big lie?! No report had come back showing it was used for GOF. Yet you liars try and spin that Fauci funded the development of COVID-19 in Wuhan and lied to congress. Your shit is laughable and easily shown as a steaming pile of horseshit
Still denying reality.

"Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive," White Coat Waste told Changing America. "They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies."

...they cut their vocal cords so that the dogs could not even howl in pain

as their faces were being eaten off by hordes of sand fleas...

(the Beagles constant baking "distrubed" the "researchers.")


Fauci....hero of the left

I wish I hadn't read this. This is so fucking disturbing I don't think I'll ever get this picture out of my head. Sick fucking bastards deserve to be water boarded 16 hours a day for the rest of their natural lives.
I’m not asking for it so I can ignore it I’m asking for it so I can see and discuss it. Why are you trying so damn hard Not to directly post or talking about it?!
You Leftards deny the ChiCom Flu is manmade despite the overwhelming evidence. You’ll defend Fauci as long as your masters tell you to.
Nope. It was a diversion by Schiff ,Nadler ,and Fauci.

I see, funding under Trump wasn't actually funded under Trump. You are no better than those who pretend Fauci did not lie. This is why we can not get anything accomplished anywhere.
i don't have time for puppies

human beings are being tortured every day in this country

and no one bats an eye... well, some of us do..

but we don't appear to have much power..

What happened to Gosnell should happen to all abortion "doctors"

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