Bi-partisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on cruel puppy experiments

Did I say I trusted China? No. Do yourself a favor and don’t put words in my mouth.
Half your facts are unproven conspiracies. Fact. You haven’t provided any evidence so far to back up that Fauci was lying. If you could then I’d give you kudos but you’re squirming away from giving details and direct answers. That’s a sign that you got nothing
Move on along.
Did I say I trusted China? No. Do yourself a favor and don’t put words in my mouth.
Half your facts are unproven conspiracies. Fact. You haven’t provided any evidence so far to back up that Fauci was lying. If you could then I’d give you kudos but you’re squirming away from giving details and direct answers. That’s a sign that you got nothing

he did. :)
Well slap me in the face then. Let’s see it
It is still under review. They do look suspicious as hell. The intel. agencies have already stated, there is very low confidence that the pathogen is of natural origin, and Eco-Health Watch has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.



“The NIH has acknowledged that EcoHealth violated the terms of its grant and has been non-compliant. Yet, at the same time, NIH takes the word of this grant policy violator that EcoHealth is fully accounting for its research and that none of it had anything to do with the pandemic.

“We need full compliance with Congressional oversight. These documents are only the first step from the NIH in rebuilding public trust. They must be fully transparent about any research they have funded in China and how they will ensure proper oversight of risky research in the future. They owe it to the American people to be a better partner in revealing how this pandemic started. Every day that goes by, it will be harder to get answers to best prepare us in preventing future pandemics.”
Did I say I trusted China? No. Do yourself a favor and don’t put words in my mouth.
Half your facts are unproven conspiracies. Fact. You haven’t provided any evidence so far to back up that Fauci was lying. If you could then I’d give you kudos but you’re squirming away from giving details and direct answers. That’s a sign that you got nothing

NIH Documents Provide New Evidence U.S. Funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan​

U.S.-funded experiment in China posed biosafety risks but did not cause Covid-19 pandemic, scientists say.​

". . . The experiment also raises questions about assertions from Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins that NIH-funded projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not involve gain-of-function research. In May, Fauci testifiedbefore Congress: “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” The documents do not establish whether Fauci was directly aware of the work.

Scientists working under a 2014 NIH grant to the EcoHealth Alliance to study bat coronaviruses combined the genetic material from a “parent” coronavirus known as WIV1 with other viruses. They twice submitted summaries of their work that showed that, when in the lungs of genetically engineered mice, three altered bat coronaviruses at times reproduced far more quickly than the original virus on which they were based. The altered viruses were also somewhat more pathogenic, with one causing the mice to lose significant weight. The researchers reported, “These results demonstrate varying pathogenicity of SARSr-CoVs with different spike proteins in humanized mice.”
But the terms of the grant clearly stipulated that the funding could not be used for gain-of-function experiments. The grant conditions also required the researchers to immediately report potentially dangerous results and stop their experiments pending further NIH review. According to both the EcoHealth Alliance and NIH, the results were reported to the agency, but NIH determined that rules designed to restrict gain-of-function research did not apply.

The Intercept consulted 11 scientists who are virologists or work in adjacent fields and hold a range of views on both the ethics of gain-of-function research and the Covid-19 origins search. Seven said that the work appears to meet NIH’s criteria for gain-of-function research.
One said that the experiment “absolutely does not meet the bar” for gain-of-function research. “You can’t predict that these viruses would be more pathogenic, or even pathogenic at all in people,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist with the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan. “They also did not study transmissibility at all in these experiments,” meaning that the scientists did not look at whether the viruses could spread across a population.. . ."

Slade will continue to deny the obvious reality. He is a programmed Fauci Cultist.
Did I say I trusted China? No. Do yourself a favor and don’t put words in my mouth.
Half your facts are unproven conspiracies. Fact. You haven’t provided any evidence so far to back up that Fauci was lying. If you could then I’d give you kudos but you’re squirming away from giving details and direct answers. That’s a sign that you got nothing
You got the quote you asked for, your the reason Trump will win in 2024.
It is still under review. They do look suspicious as hell. The intel. agencies have already stated, there is very low confidence that the pathogen is of natural origin, and Eco-Health Watch has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.



“The NIH has acknowledged that EcoHealth violated the terms of its grant and has been non-compliant. Yet, at the same time, NIH takes the word of this grant policy violator that EcoHealth is fully accounting for its research and that none of it had anything to do with the pandemic.

“We need full compliance with Congressional oversight. These documents are only the first step from the NIH in rebuilding public trust. They must be fully transparent about any research they have funded in China and how they will ensure proper oversight of risky research in the future. They owe it to the American people to be a better partner in revealing how this pandemic started. Every day that goes by, it will be harder to get answers to best prepare us in preventing future pandemics.”
Still under review is a good honest answer. Fauci is a liar and should burn in hell for funding the dev of COVID-19 is the idiotic answer that too many idiots are out there saying.
Still under review is a good honest answer. Fauci is a liar and should burn in hell for funding the dev of COVID-19 is the idiotic answer that too many idiots are out there saying.
You were shown the evidence and you still stick up for him.
What was done to the puppies is a sick atrocity. But maybe let's focus on what is about to be done TO OUR CHILDREN. Right? Some children are going to die from these vaccines. You can count on that. And for what? For a virus that for them is much less deadly than the flu?

Get a grip, everyone. These kids do NOT need to be mass inoculated for this
Seems ye are talking about China now...

Have ye discovered that FDA need two animal tests to allow to go forward with Human Trials.

The diease they were were trying to cure has infected over 3 million people since 2000 and there is no known cure or vaccine.

And finally can the people complaining please tell us about battery chicken farms...
Try this little fact, Fauci is the director of NIH. Which did fund gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. You telling me fauci didn't know where the money he was in charge of went? Then he should be fired for that alone.
Fyi, Dr Frances S Collins is the Director of NIH, not Dr. Fauci.
What was done to the puppies is a sick atrocity. But maybe let's focus on what is about to be done TO OUR CHILDREN. Right? Some children are going to die from these vaccines. You can count on that. And for what? For a virus that for them is much less deadly than the flu?

Get a grip, everyone. These kids do NOT need to be mass inoculated for this
Thanks for the bullshit..

Lets explain something to you... This is a war and the Virus is the enemy... You help the enemy when you spread false information...

Don't try and say you aren't... You are, please show actual evidence of this vaccine killing children at a rate even close to how much children have been killed...

By the way 572 under the age of 18 have been killed in the US by this virus... This doesn't account the long term effects of getting COVID, if a child is in an ICU bed they are generally in a coma, that means the ventilator is doing there breathing, which means there lungs are getting damaged for life

So what does it feel like to be advocating the killing of kids to meet your political agenda... Please take this into account, these people will kill your kids rather than believe science and admit their politics is wrong..
Fauci created the COVID at the behest of the Democrats in collusion with Red China.

It was done and funded under Trump. Obama banned the funding and Trump lifted the ban. Are you saying Trump is working for the Dem's?
Here is the actual funding document that clearly funds gain of function.

Im sure you will claim it doesn’t cuz you are a Braindead Fauci Cultist.

I've gone through the first 20 pages out of the 500 plus pages in the document and so far no mention of illegal gain of function research..... What page is this disclosure on, that you claim is in this document?

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