Bible helpful.... but not read much

Which explains why so many religions fight over whose interpretation is best. They don't read it, they just let their preacher tell them what it says, as well as what the meaning is behind the words.

Me? I prefer to find things out for myself rather than take the okey doke of someone who might not know.

Matter of fact, that is one of the main reasons I branched out from Christianity, and investigated Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism as well as Christianity.

And..............interestingly enough, most religions all say the same thing. They all have some form of a Higher Power, they all believe there is something better and something worse after this, they all have some form of a moral code that tells you what is and isn't appropriate behavior.

People would get a lot further along spiritually if they looked at where all the religions are similar, rather than focusing on the differences.

The difference between Catholics and Protestants.
the spoken religion is what most rely on, those that need scriptures are the least religious.

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