Bible Verses on Homosexuality

Things you should be outraged and taking action against, instead of arguing about two adults that love each other, are female genital mutilation, child sexual abuse, slavery, captured women being use by terrorists for rape and brutality, young boys being used as pedophile sex toys, massacres, massive historic destruction, kids being hung on public display for eating during the day, young girls being give as brides as war prizes.
Get activated by real sins on a massive scale, not errors in translation of the bible.
Go after things that are really unethical, not people who are not harming anyone by wanted to commit to each other in love and life.
You want to get angry, get angry about something deserving of all our outrage, not marriage of two adults.
Help those who have become victims of abuse and brutality. That is you religious and ethical duty. There are real sins and suffering out there. Try saving those people.

What makes you think we aren't?

Why do we have to pick only one sin to speak against?
Things you should be outraged and taking action against, instead of arguing about two adults that love each other, are female genital mutilation, child sexual abuse, slavery, captured women being use by terrorists for rape and brutality, young boys being used as pedophile sex toys, massacres, massive historic destruction, kids being hung on public display for eating during the day, young girls being give as brides as war prizes.
Get activated by real sins on a massive scale, not errors in translation of the bible.
Go after things that are really unethical, not people who are not harming anyone by wanted to commit to each other in love and life.
You want to get angry, get angry about something deserving of all our outrage, not marriage of two adults.
Help those who have become victims of abuse and brutality. That is you religious and ethical duty. There are real sins and suffering out there. Try saving those people.
If someone believes in Christianity then they believe in the concept of sin. You are in no position to dictate what they should ignore. The fact that other sins go on in the world doesn't make any of the others go away, it doesn't work like that.

The bigger sin to me is taking away a people's right to determine things like marriage laws. It is now to be dictated by a ruling class, that's way worse than gay marriage and a big departure from what our country was founded on.

There are so many other things happening far more dire and important.

Yes, I have a right to speak because they are incorrect in their 'interpretation' of the bible as a justification for hate of gays. They should seek the real meanings of the hebrew, not the english translations. I have posted on the mistranslations and given the meanings of the original words.
Yes, I have an obligation to speak up about hate against others that is wrongly based.
Gays are not the problem, hate and intolerance are. Jesus taught people to love and forgive. If you miss those lessons, the rest of the bible is irrelevant. To use the bible as a justification of your prejudice and hate, you are in the wrong.
I'm not a Christian and to pretend disagreement with you by adhering to what the Bible teaches is hate is really dense. The NT wasn't written in Hebrew, it was written in common Greek. You don't even have a rudementary understanding of what's going on.

There are OT passages as well and 2,000 years of exegesis that proves you're a moron. Just because "there are more important things going on" doesn't mean Christians are to ignore sin or excuse it.

What you should do is shut up or learn something before pontificating any further on the subject.
Things you should be outraged and taking action against, instead of arguing about two adults that love each other, are female genital mutilation, child sexual abuse, slavery, captured women being use by terrorists for rape and brutality, young boys being used as pedophile sex toys, massacres, massive historic destruction, kids being hung on public display for eating during the day, young girls being give as brides as war prizes.
Get activated by real sins on a massive scale, not errors in translation of the bible.
Go after things that are really unethical, not people who are not harming anyone by wanted to commit to each other in love and life.
You want to get angry, get angry about something deserving of all our outrage, not marriage of two adults.
Help those who have become victims of abuse and brutality. That is you religious and ethical duty. There are real sins and suffering out there. Try saving those people.
If someone believes in Christianity then they believe in the concept of sin. You are in no position to dictate what they should ignore. The fact that other sins go on in the world doesn't make any of the others go away, it doesn't work like that.

The bigger sin to me is taking away a people's right to determine things like marriage laws. It is now to be dictated by a ruling class, that's way worse than gay marriage and a big departure from what our country was founded on.

There are so many other things happening far more dire and important.

Yes, I have a right to speak because they are incorrect in their 'interpretation' of the bible as a justification for hate of gays. They should seek the real meanings of the hebrew, not the english translations. I have posted on the mistranslations and given the meanings of the original words.
Yes, I have an obligation to speak up about hate against others that is wrongly based.
Gays are not the problem, hate and intolerance are. Jesus taught people to love and forgive. If you miss those lessons, the rest of the bible is irrelevant. To use the bible as a justification of your prejudice and hate, you are in the wrong.
I'm not a Christian and to pretend disagreement with you by adhering to what the Bible teaches is hate is really dense. The NT wasn't written in Hebrew, it was written in common Greek. You don't even have a rudementary understanding of what's going on.

There are OT passages as well and 2,000 years of exegesis that proves you're a moron. Just because "there are more important things going on" doesn't mean Christians are to ignore sin or excuse it.

What you should do is shut up or learn something before pontificating any further on the subject.

Jesus did not speak against gays.
the passages used to condemn homosexuals in the OT is mistranslated. Paul taught his own things to convert pagans to Christianity. He changed what Jesus taught and made it more palatable to romans. It was not judaism of jesus but a totally new religion.

Paul had his own beliefs about sex and celibacy in marriage and as a form of purity for those not married.

Paul never met Jesus in the flesh or follow his sermons and teaching. I don't hold him as a real authority on what Jesus say.

As for the life and teaching of Jesus, there were some 250 gospels and text read by christians before the bible codex. I find many of those around today much more interesting than just the NT. For people seek a spirituality with god, they might be more valuable.

There are many reason for not putting all my eggs in the bible basket, so to speak, and the more I learned about the church the less regard I had for organized religion as it was being taught. Anthropology of Religion was my major, way back in university a life time ago. I might have forgotten a bit over the decades but from reading what people write on the forum, I still have better understanding of the bible and it's history than many

It is not really about what people choose to believe, until it turns in to action against others or becomes hurtful abuse. When people refuse to associate or even serve then as customers, it goes beyond your person thoughts and come into civil racism, it becomes a crime. When you treat them different it become a action of hate. This was not the teachings of the bible or jesus.

Of the five criticism that today's english bible associated with homosexuality, they are based in errors if translation of the OT. People that hate gays are doing it based on mistakes, not on what god wanted. They were about sexual abuses, slavery, prostitution and ritual associated with pagan temples. They were not about homosexuals who were born that way, those often referred to as castrated from birth, because they were not attacked to women.

I object to hate based on a lie.

There are many christian churches that permit gays to wed. Even the catholic church is softening towards gays on many levels. Gays are just people like everyone else. They are the way god/nature made them. They have a right to find the love of another person and make a commitment with them. They have a right to be accepted and not treated with prejudice by others. They are also the children of god, so why can't others treat the that way?
Jesus did not speak against gays.
He didn't speak against goat fucking but ....Matthew 19:5 "4And He answered and said, "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, 5and said, 'FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH '? 6"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."…"
the passages used to condemn homosexuals in the OT is mistranslated.
That's a lie. It's also a bit difficult to spin man shall not lay down with man. Biblical scholars spent the last 2 thousand years studying the NT and longer for the OT. Orthodox Jews haven't seen the "mistranslations". That didn't come up until the lying agenda driven homosexual activist tried to spin it.
Paul taught his own things to convert pagans to Christianity. He changed what Jesus taught and made it more palatable to romans. It was not judaism of jesus but a totally new religion.

Paul had his own beliefs about sex and celibacy in marriage and as a form of purity for those not married.

Paul never met Jesus in the flesh or follow his sermons and teaching. I don't hold him as a real authority on what Jesus say.
Paul said to be celibate or one man to have one wife. Even if the clear passages in Romans and Corinthians confuses you.
As for the life and teaching of Jesus, there were some 250 gospels and text read by christians before the bible codex. I find many of those around today much more interesting than just the NT. For people seek a spirituality with god, they might be more valuable.
Where's your list of the 250? I know there were more but never heard of anything near that. The point though is that it was canonized into Christianity. Gnostics were around from day one too, many sects or cults exist even today but there beliefs aren't what we call the Bible. You apparently want to use the Bible then discard it when it suits your agenda.

However, out of all those supposed books, which passages support homosexuality?
There are many reason for not putting all my eggs in the bible basket, so to speak, and the more I learned about the church the less regard I had for organized religion as it was being taught. Anthropology of Religion was my major, way back in university a life time ago. I might have forgotten a bit over the decades but from reading what people write on the forum, I still have better understanding of the bible and it's history than many

It is not really about what people choose to believe, until it turns in to action against others or becomes hurtful abuse. When people refuse to associate or even serve then as customers, it goes beyond your person thoughts and come into civil racism, it becomes a crime. When you treat them different it become a action of hate. This was not the teachings of the bible or jesus.
You labeling what you don't like as hate (like most libs) doesn't make it so. It just makes you a man with a mouth. How many gay weddings did Jesus attend? How about the adultress? Do you recall the story? Does "go and sin no more" ring a bell?

You clearly want the state to slam anyone into the dirt that would dare disagree with you. If a Christian or myself were to not want to participate in the celebration of homosexuality you want me put out of business. THAT'S real hate! Power mad hate. We were founded on freedom, not your kind of tyranny.
Of the five criticism that today's english bible associated with homosexuality, they are based in errors if translation of the OT. People that hate gays are doing it based on mistakes, not on what god wanted. They were about sexual abuses, slavery, prostitution and ritual associated with pagan temples. They were not about homosexuals who were born that way, those often referred to as castrated from birth, because they were not attacked to women.

I object to hate based on a lie.

There are many christian churches that permit gays to wed. Even the catholic church is softening towards gays on many levels. Gays are just people like everyone else. They are the way god/nature made them. They have a right to find the love of another person and make a commitment with them. They have a right to be accepted and not treated with prejudice by others. They are also the children of god, so why can't others treat the that way?
Why can't two brothers marry each other if they truly want to? Why not three people? What about the bisexuals? You're nothing but a cheap lowdown power mad slandering hypocrite that doesn't know jack shit about the Bible.
In Matthew, Jesus is speaking about divorce, and that married couples should be of one flesh. He was answering a direct question about a man divorcing his wife.
He was not asked or answer about other marriage or about homosexuality in the passage.

Incest even between brothers is a specific crime n both the bible and civil law. It was common for kings in other nations to marry their sister or even their daughter to retain the purity of their blood line. Even the gods practiced incest.

This is about homosexuality not incest. Cousins can marry, siblings cannot.

Power mad slandering hypocrite? How typical to divert from a rational discussion.

Obviously you don't don't want your prejudices to be weakened by facts. Don't answer my posts then. Being knowledgeable rather than blinded by faith is not about power. How is it hypocrisy to prefer the idea of tolerance instead of hate? How is it slander to present fact ignored or unknown by others? I don't have to be a bible thumper to have studied religion, all religions of the ancient world.

Even I you don't care, there are others readers that might actually want to learn something they did not know before. Maybe they think about things from a slightly different perspective. In your head, you can believe what you want. When it is verbalized or in some action it effects everyone. If you choose to hate others, keep it to yourself, do restrict the freedoms of other people because of your hate.

Jesus did not want people shunning lepers, instead they should clean the homes of the leper and be kind to them.

It seems unfathomable to have studied the teaching of the gospels and to be so filling with prejudice and hate of others. I'm always appalled by how religion can be used as a weapon against other people. Go hate your pillow if you must, but don't direct that hate at your fellow man.
In Matthew, Jesus is speaking about divorce, and that married couples should be of one flesh. He was answering a direct question about a man divorcing his wife.
He was not asked or answer about other marriage or about homosexuality in the passage.

Incest even between brothers is a specific crime n both the bible and civil law. It was common for kings in other nations to marry their sister or even their daughter to retain the purity of their blood line. Even the gods practiced incest.

This is about homosexuality not incest. Cousins can marry, siblings cannot.

Power mad slandering hypocrite? How typical to divert from a rational discussion.

Obviously you don't don't want your prejudices to be weakened by facts. Don't answer my posts then. Being knowledgeable rather than blinded by faith is not about power. How is it hypocrisy to prefer the idea of tolerance instead of hate? How is it slander to present fact ignored or unknown by others? I don't have to be a bible thumper to have studied religion, all religions of the ancient world.

Even I you don't care, there are others readers that might actually want to learn something they did not know before. Maybe they think about things from a slightly different perspective. In your head, you can believe what you want. When it is verbalized or in some action it effects everyone. If you choose to hate others, keep it to yourself, do restrict the freedoms of other people because of your hate.

Jesus did not want people shunning lepers, instead they should clean the homes of the leper and be kind to them.

It seems unfathomable to have studied the teaching of the gospels and to be so filling with prejudice and hate of others. I'm always appalled by how religion can be used as a weapon against other people. Go hate your pillow if you must, but don't direct that hate at your fellow man.
Fuck you, you lying asshole. I know the spin. The words were "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, 5and said, 'FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE,"

Divorce doesn't make those words become some different than what they are. He was speaking about the purpose of male/female. Pop your head out of your ass.

Two men can't have children. Incest laws were created to prevent birth defects. You lying hypocrites just want your version of morality rammed down people's throats while crying about traditional morality! You can't be that stupid so you're lying. The hate is all yours. You assholes slander people that uphold traditional gender values we've had since recorded history, for obvious reasons.

On one hand you try to twist the Bible then declare it isn't important anyway. No way around one man one wife, sorry. If it doesn't matter just say so but don't make a public fool out of yourself in the process.

No, Jesus didn't say to shun lepers. What sin did lepers commit? Makes no sense. He didn't even say shun adulterers. The point was to go an sin no more. How the fuck can you support that and pretend he's want you to cater a gay wedding?

Keep your hate to yourself asswipe. I hate liars and hypocrites so I'll hate them all I want. With or without your permission. You want the state to grind people down that have values that differ from your own. That makes you a little dictator wannabe.

Did I mention to go fuck yourself?
In Matthew, Jesus is speaking about divorce, and that married couples should be of one flesh. He was answering a direct question about a man divorcing his wife.
He was not asked or answer about other marriage or about homosexuality in the passage.

Incest even between brothers is a specific crime n both the bible and civil law. It was common for kings in other nations to marry their sister or even their daughter to retain the purity of their blood line. Even the gods practiced incest.

This is about homosexuality not incest. Cousins can marry, siblings cannot.

Power mad slandering hypocrite? How typical to divert from a rational discussion.

Obviously you don't don't want your prejudices to be weakened by facts. Don't answer my posts then. Being knowledgeable rather than blinded by faith is not about power. How is it hypocrisy to prefer the idea of tolerance instead of hate? How is it slander to present fact ignored or unknown by others? I don't have to be a bible thumper to have studied religion, all religions of the ancient world.

Even I you don't care, there are others readers that might actually want to learn something they did not know before. Maybe they think about things from a slightly different perspective. In your head, you can believe what you want. When it is verbalized or in some action it effects everyone. If you choose to hate others, keep it to yourself, do restrict the freedoms of other people because of your hate.

Jesus did not want people shunning lepers, instead they should clean the homes of the leper and be kind to them.

It seems unfathomable to have studied the teaching of the gospels and to be so filling with prejudice and hate of others. I'm always appalled by how religion can be used as a weapon against other people. Go hate your pillow if you must, but don't direct that hate at your fellow man.
Fuck you, you lying asshole. I know the spin. The words were "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, 5and said, 'FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE,"

Divorce doesn't make those words become some different than what they are. He was speaking about the purpose of male/female. Pop your head out of your ass.

Two men can't have children. Incest laws were created to prevent birth defects. You lying hypocrites just want your version of morality rammed down people's throats while crying about traditional morality! You can't be that stupid so you're lying. The hate is all yours. You assholes slander people that uphold traditional gender values we've had since recorded history, for obvious reasons.

On one hand you try to twist the Bible then declare it isn't important anyway. No way around one man one wife, sorry. If it doesn't matter just say so but don't make a public fool out of yourself in the process.

No, Jesus didn't say to shun lepers. What sin did lepers commit? Makes no sense. He didn't even say shun adulterers. The point was to go an sin no more. How the fuck can you support that and pretend he's want you to cater a gay wedding?

Keep your hate to yourself asswipe. I hate liars and hypocrites so I'll hate them all I want. With or without your permission. You want the state to grind people down that have values that differ from your own. That makes you a little dictator wannabe.

Did I mention to go fuck yourself?

I gather you did not like my answer.

Insults is your retort? You could not come up with anything better?
I must say we pay a lot of attention to the Old Testament. Wow! Where do people come up with this stuff???
In Matthew, Jesus is speaking about divorce, and that married couples should be of one flesh. He was answering a direct question about a man divorcing his wife.
He was not asked or answer about other marriage or about homosexuality in the passage.

Incest even between brothers is a specific crime n both the bible and civil law. It was common for kings in other nations to marry their sister or even their daughter to retain the purity of their blood line. Even the gods practiced incest.

This is about homosexuality not incest. Cousins can marry, siblings cannot.

Power mad slandering hypocrite? How typical to divert from a rational discussion.

Obviously you don't don't want your prejudices to be weakened by facts. Don't answer my posts then. Being knowledgeable rather than blinded by faith is not about power. How is it hypocrisy to prefer the idea of tolerance instead of hate? How is it slander to present fact ignored or unknown by others? I don't have to be a bible thumper to have studied religion, all religions of the ancient world.

Even I you don't care, there are others readers that might actually want to learn something they did not know before. Maybe they think about things from a slightly different perspective. In your head, you can believe what you want. When it is verbalized or in some action it effects everyone. If you choose to hate others, keep it to yourself, do restrict the freedoms of other people because of your hate.

Jesus did not want people shunning lepers, instead they should clean the homes of the leper and be kind to them.

It seems unfathomable to have studied the teaching of the gospels and to be so filling with prejudice and hate of others. I'm always appalled by how religion can be used as a weapon against other people. Go hate your pillow if you must, but don't direct that hate at your fellow man.
Fuck you, you lying asshole. I know the spin. The words were "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, 5and said, 'FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE,"

Divorce doesn't make those words become some different than what they are. He was speaking about the purpose of male/female. Pop your head out of your ass.

Two men can't have children. Incest laws were created to prevent birth defects. You lying hypocrites just want your version of morality rammed down people's throats while crying about traditional morality! You can't be that stupid so you're lying. The hate is all yours. You assholes slander people that uphold traditional gender values we've had since recorded history, for obvious reasons.

On one hand you try to twist the Bible then declare it isn't important anyway. No way around one man one wife, sorry. If it doesn't matter just say so but don't make a public fool out of yourself in the process.

No, Jesus didn't say to shun lepers. What sin did lepers commit? Makes no sense. He didn't even say shun adulterers. The point was to go an sin no more. How the fuck can you support that and pretend he's want you to cater a gay wedding?

Keep your hate to yourself asswipe. I hate liars and hypocrites so I'll hate them all I want. With or without your permission. You want the state to grind people down that have values that differ from your own. That makes you a little dictator wannabe.

Did I mention to go fuck yourself?

I gather you did not like my answer.

Insults is your retort? You could not come up with anything better?
I did answer and you have no answer but deflection. Just like I thought. You insulted me first, grow some balls or go home.
The Bible is rife with scripture clearly staying homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to God Do you disagree?

My cousin ( Passed away last year ), when he lived in a trailer with his wife,beside his in-laws house - his wife was sitting on the front porch with I believe her mother if I am remembering right.

She ( my cousins wife ) was sitting on the front porch of her parents house, facing the hillside across from them, and stating that someone she knew of.......someone she talked to...or something to that effect was that they were "Gay-Straight" or "Straight-Gay" - maybe she used both terms, I do not remember exactly. But she described the term(s) and what the difference was. For some reason.....something got into her to talk about homosexuality, which to my belief is not in her personality.

My former brother in law, at his trailer ( the one my parents now live in ) , about June of the year 2001, him and five or six guys were in the trailer....and they were "All over each other". I peeked in the master bedroom, and two guys were in bed...... asleep and arm in arm with each other. I JUST ABOUT PUKED !. Just a few months before that......I was at an Emergency Room working a Metro EMS....either dropping off a patient, or picking one up.....and their was some male nurses behind the counter......either were or pretending to be homosexual, overtly "Checking me out".....a few even smiling at me broadly. Previous to that.....I was in the Metro area north of where I live, going to a club; and a male followed two women out....and he had sex toys in his possession.

Me and my ex-wife ( I don't remember if were dating at the time...or were married ) - standing on the south end of the house that my cousins.... in-laws were living in at the time ( He retired from AEP ) ,she to the west side and me to the right ( South end of the house ). We were on the south side of my cousins in-laws house, and if memory serves me right.....we were just finishing swimming in the pool ; and my ex-wife mistakenly ( I think she may have wanted to embarrass me intentionally ) forgot to shave her legs ( another a later time ) and she give me a glance as if a bomb was about to go off. She gave me that questionable and squinted glance that says only to her "I am being careful". Hmmm - My theorys and hypothesis strengthen more about the scope of the surveillance against me.....and my relatives and friends. People being......coached?

Gay talk, lesbian talk, my ex-wifes glance at and conversation inside my cousins trailer - talk of dope and marijuana growers. This was about the August of 1998 or so. My cousins wife speaking bad about my ex-wife.....and she does not know that I know it.

A show I watched with David Spade about the year 2002......him and his colleague ( Young - thin and bright eyed ) were sitting down at as table....and talking about something tall, strong....ect..ect ( A penis ).

**** SECRECY is the Key to survival ****

Lowest common denominator

Ulterior motives ( usually very repetitive and overbearing )

Some people are just down right retaliatory and immature.

Gays are almost everywhere - its just that some people are really good at hiding it, and some get a little bit of alcohol in their system.......and their true nature comes out.

Then some people....teenagers and college students, are drugged - some heavily. At least the hospitals are still in business.......right.

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No, not after the killing of the first born of the Egyptians...
Yeah even before that, sodom and gamorha, as if there was only one good family in those cities, or even before that, when the earth was supposedly flooded. Hmm God of genocide, murder, jealousy, anger. Makes me feel all warm inside. From that to a God of love and forgiveness unless you are gay, as christians now say. How can anyone equate the two as being the same God? Reading it and as christians say it was written by a divine hand, there is nothing all knowing about either God or if they are the same He evolved and quickly by biblical standards. Sigh what people want to believe because it was tradition instead of thought is dangerous.

Anyway ( to the OP) it doesn't matter what a hate filled book of death says. Live your life, let others live theirs, because gays can now marry will not affect your marriage. Marriage is between you and your spouse and whatever God or no God you believe in. I never understood why christians want to control people's bedrooms and lives, it is not attacking churches if less then 2 % of the population marries it is silly to argue when the energy should be used to help people. Besides Christians are not the only religion in America. Totally silly this whole argument was. I am glad it is over.

I have news for you. God doesn't "owe" us anything.
He's perfect, we're not.
His grace and mercy allows us a place in Heaven as his children.

If you don't believe this, you should just say "God doesn't exist" and move on. You can't define God to fit your purposes.
Ok I will define God as laid out in the bible. God said lets create man in "our image". Implying that there are other gods, because the Angels have a variety of forms with multiple faces. Man and woman he created them... Also implying that God is both sexes a hermaphadite. And separated the sexes making two instead of one. Yet he is referred to as "he" all the time. So either he is a hermaphadite which he separated both sexes into different forms or he is actually a "he" and since there are no mention of female gods nor female Angels then all of heaven is filled with males or hermaphadites. That does not sound heavenly to me but let's go on. So God must be a hermaphadite with both sexes. Interesting to say the least. But we were formed in their image, so there are more then one God, even the first commandment implies that there are more then one God, thou shalt not worship another God before me, he did not say there are no other gods only that we should only follow him. So your God is a hermaphadite with other hermaphadite gods similar to him. And that he is not the only God out there, by his own accounting, all very interesting.
No, not after the killing of the first born of the Egyptians...
Yeah even before that, sodom and gamorha, as if there was only one good family in those cities, or even before that, when the earth was supposedly flooded. Hmm God of genocide, murder, jealousy, anger. Makes me feel all warm inside. From that to a God of love and forgiveness unless you are gay, as christians now say. How can anyone equate the two as being the same God? Reading it and as christians say it was written by a divine hand, there is nothing all knowing about either God or if they are the same He evolved and quickly by biblical standards. Sigh what people want to believe because it was tradition instead of thought is dangerous.

Anyway ( to the OP) it doesn't matter what a hate filled book of death says. Live your life, let others live theirs, because gays can now marry will not affect your marriage. Marriage is between you and your spouse and whatever God or no God you believe in. I never understood why christians want to control people's bedrooms and lives, it is not attacking churches if less then 2 % of the population marries it is silly to argue when the energy should be used to help people. Besides Christians are not the only religion in America. Totally silly this whole argument was. I am glad it is over.

I have news for you. God doesn't "owe" us anything.
He's perfect, we're not.
His grace and mercy allows us a place in Heaven as his children.

If you don't believe this, you should just say "God doesn't exist" and move on. You can't define God to fit your purposes.
Ok I will define God as laid out in the bible. God said lets create man in "our image". Implying that there are other gods, because the Angels have a variety of forms with multiple faces. Man and woman he created them... Also implying that God is both sexes a hermaphadite. And separated the sexes making two instead of one. Yet he is referred to as "he" all the time. So either he is a hermaphadite which he separated both sexes into different forms or he is actually a "he" and since there are no mention of female gods nor female Angels then all of heaven is filled with males or hermaphadites. That does not sound heavenly to me but let's go on. So God must be a hermaphadite with both sexes. Interesting to say the least. But we were formed in their image, so there are more then one God, even the first commandment implies that there are more then one God, thou shalt not worship another God before me, he did not say there are no other gods only that we should only follow him. So your God is a hermaphadite with other hermaphadite gods similar to him. And that he is not the only God out there, by his own accounting, all very interesting.

And if you say God was sexless, then I will point you to genesis 6 in which it speaks of the sons of God, and if you say I cannot take that literally then I will say that it is a part of Noah's flood and if I cannot take the sons of God literally as being gods children then why should I take the flood literally. Or does he only do a few literal things that are part of the same story? In which case I assume that is why christians pick and choose what to follow and what to believe in their bible.
No, not after the killing of the first born of the Egyptians...
Yeah even before that, sodom and gamorha, as if there was only one good family in those cities, or even before that, when the earth was supposedly flooded. Hmm God of genocide, murder, jealousy, anger. Makes me feel all warm inside. From that to a God of love and forgiveness unless you are gay, as christians now say. How can anyone equate the two as being the same God? Reading it and as christians say it was written by a divine hand, there is nothing all knowing about either God or if they are the same He evolved and quickly by biblical standards. Sigh what people want to believe because it was tradition instead of thought is dangerous.

Anyway ( to the OP) it doesn't matter what a hate filled book of death says. Live your life, let others live theirs, because gays can now marry will not affect your marriage. Marriage is between you and your spouse and whatever God or no God you believe in. I never understood why christians want to control people's bedrooms and lives, it is not attacking churches if less then 2 % of the population marries it is silly to argue when the energy should be used to help people. Besides Christians are not the only religion in America. Totally silly this whole argument was. I am glad it is over.

I have news for you. God doesn't "owe" us anything.
He's perfect, we're not.
His grace and mercy allows us a place in Heaven as his children.

If you don't believe this, you should just say "God doesn't exist" and move on. You can't define God to fit your purposes.
Ok I will define God as laid out in the bible. God said lets create man in "our image". Implying that there are other gods, because the Angels have a variety of forms with multiple faces. Man and woman he created them... Also implying that God is both sexes a hermaphadite. And separated the sexes making two instead of one. Yet he is referred to as "he" all the time. So either he is a hermaphadite which he separated both sexes into different forms or he is actually a "he" and since there are no mention of female gods nor female Angels then all of heaven is filled with males or hermaphadites. That does not sound heavenly to me but let's go on. So God must be a hermaphadite with both sexes. Interesting to say the least. But we were formed in their image, so there are more then one God, even the first commandment implies that there are more then one God, thou shalt not worship another God before me, he did not say there are no other gods only that we should only follow him. So your God is a hermaphadite with other hermaphadite gods similar to him. And that he is not the only God out there, by his own accounting, all very interesting.

And if you say God was sexless, then I will point you to genesis 6 in which it speaks of the sons of God, and if you say I cannot take that literally then I will say that it is a part of Noah's flood and if I cannot take the sons of God literally as being gods children then why should I take the flood literally. Or does he only do a few literal things that are part of the same story? In which case I assume that is why christians pick and choose what to follow and what to believe in their bible.

Here is something for the Christian women on here! From the old and the New Testament so women be good christians and follow your scriptures! LoL

Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
1 Corinthians 11:5
But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head--it is the same as having her head shaved.
1 Corinthians 11:13
Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?
1 Corinthians 14:21
In the Law it is written: "With other tongues and through the lips of foreigners I will speak to this people, but even then they will not listen to me, says the Lord."
1 Corinthians 14:35
If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.
1 Timothy 2:11
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
1 Timothy 2:12
I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
1 Peter 3:1
Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives,
The Bible is rife with scripture clearly staying homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to God Do you disagree?

That's the Old Testament which all ya supposed Christians pay no attention to. Except when the subject of gay marriage comes up.

On the other hand Noomi
Spiritual Healing and restoration is in the New Testament
And if you notice, the same people who promote gays for coming out of the closet
"pay no attention" when gays come out as straight. The hypocrisy seems equal,
where people only care to focus on what supports their agenda. Fair enough? To say people are equal in this?

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