Biden actually has an issue he will run on other than Trump sucks

So Biden will make Obamacare better?

He couldn't make it worse, and, according to Obama, he can fuck anything up.

That's right everyone. Biden now says Obamacare sucks arse and wants to replace it.

So, the legislation Obamacare that Biden once sold to us is now defunct, according to pretty much everyone running.

Now Biden will fix health care the way he fixed the economy and crime and wars abroad.

I know I can hardly wait.
Well his handlers needed something other than 'Trump sucks.' Different studies and different opinions conclude that just like our education system, our health care system has gone from No. 1 in the world to way down on the list and continues to sink. It isn't all Obama's fault but certainly Obamacare that shredded a fairly decent system and has made it almost unmanageable was a big factor. More Americans had healthcare insurance but most of us saw our premiums increase significantly with much higher copays and deductibles meaning a whole lot more people didn't even try to get healthcare when they needed it.

Trump and the Republicans did their best to fix some of the problems and most of us did enjoy lower premiums, smaller copays and deductibles, and lower premiums as a result of those reforms even as the number of people without healthcare insurance decreased. And most was accomplished by curtailing some of the power government held over the healthcare system and giving people much more choice, options, opportunity, liberty.

Biden has reversed much of that and we all have seen our premiums rise again and copays and deductibles have increased again. It would be pretty much a 100% safe bet that his new initiatives for healthcare will be just as destructive as Obamacare was if not more so.

We need to get the current crop of Democrats out of power folks. I'll be the first to admit that the Republicans bungle and wimp out and don't get it done a lot of the time, but at least they represent people who want less big government and more liberty, choices, options, opportunity. As the result, as bad as the GOP is, they do a hell of a lot less damage.
Once again, our President is doing things for the people

Biden understands the importance of healthcare for all Americans . He has already expanded access to Medicaid and will now expand Obamacare

Meanwhile, Crooked Donnie is looking to disband Obamacare and kick people off of Medicaid ….leaving them with NOTHING

That's right everyone. Biden now says Obamacare sucks arse and wants to replace it.

So, the legislation Obamacare that Biden once sold to us is now defunct, according to pretty much everyone running.

Now Biden will fix health care the way he fixed the economy and crime and wars abroad.

I know I can hardly wait.
Obamacare's problem from the beginning was in doing nothing to contain health care costs other than stiffing providers as their costs skyrocketed.

That's right everyone. Biden now says Obamacare sucks arse and wants to replace it.

So, the legislation Obamacare that Biden once sold to us is now defunct, according to pretty much everyone running.

Now Biden will fix health care the way he fixed the economy and crime and wars abroad.

I know I can hardly wait.

or maybe not... :(

Everything he touches turns to *&^%$

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to F things up"


so much for the laughter... sigh
Biden: If elected I promise to give everyone a free government morning nap, and afternoon nap. Heck I'll join you.
Once again, our President is doing things for the people

Biden understands the importance of healthcare for all Americans . He has already expanded access to Medicaid and will now expand Obamacare

Meanwhile, Crooked Donnie is looking to disband Obamacare and kick people off of Medicaid ….leaving them with NOTHING
It is estimated that half the people on the Social Security disability payments are questionable. Would you support getting as many as the grifters collecting off it to save money? Have you any idea the number of ambulance calls there are in major cities? And those with first responders from the fire departments also? A good percentage do not pay. There are people who call up and use the services as a taxi call and they think that they will be put front of the line for service in the hospital emergency room. City after city adds more and more ambulances as the runs keep adding up. And there is a cost to that. A huge cost. There are repeat callers for the most mundane things. If an EMT tries to tell someone that they may be okay, it can open them up to a lawsuit or even today getting in trouble. Charges of hate. The person paying taxes and whether they have insurance or not is charged. The person paying taxes gets a few whiffs of oxygen and the economic charges go through the roof. And if there is any advanced work done and Paramedics are involved the economic charges can go higher.
So Biden will make Obamacare better?

Hey bot, how can the guy responsible for the problem (Obummacare) ever be part of the solution?

That is like a guy running a red light totaling your car offering to give you a good deal fixing the car he just wrecked in his own garage down the street.
Hey bot, how can the guy responsible for the problem (Obummacare) ever be part of the solution?

That is like a guy running a red light totaling your car offering to give you a good deal fixing the car he just wrecked in his own garage down the street.
What problem?

Tens of millions of people got insurance

If it’s so bad……Why couldn’t Republicans come up with anything better?
Biden failed on the promises of Obamacare, like all the other promises regarding pretty much everything in his life, but somehow, I think for the first time ever he may turn a new leaf.

Nah, Biden's record is pretty awesome. There's a reason his campaign is salivating and (smart) GOP campaigns are groaning at the thought of rightwing idiots bringing up their tired anti-Obamacare shit again.

Biden failed on the promises of Obamacare, like all the other promises regarding pretty much everything in his life, but somehow, I think for the first time ever he may turn a new leaf.

What an optimist I am, eh?

A failed human being trying to do something good for the first time in his life maybe.
I didn't think you were that naive.

we will believe when we see
Obamacare saved millions and Republicans tried to kill them.

ACA was only a slight improvement in that it prevented people from being rejected over pre-existing conditions.
But US health care is twice what should be because we are forced to prepay and the insurance companies are essentially monopolies.
Insurance companies have to be taken out of it, so prices can drop in half.
Once again, our President is doing things for the people

Biden understands the importance of healthcare for all Americans . He has already expanded access to Medicaid and will now expand Obamacare

Meanwhile, Crooked Donnie is looking to disband Obamacare and kick people off of Medicaid ….leaving them with NOTHING

What I would like to see is the VA health care opened to everyone, as a minimal safety net.
That would being down all health care costs to the point you would no longer need insurance.
What problem?

Tens of millions of people got insurance

If it’s so bad……Why couldn’t Republicans come up with anything better?

Health insurance is AWFUL!
Health insurance doubles the price because it not only adds middlemen, but a huge amount of additional paperwork that doctors have to hire experts to do.
Since you are forced to prepay, you have zero ability to influence cost or quality.
Its a monopoly.
Should be illegal.

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