Biden Administration PDaily Press Conference Looks Like Joe's Campaigning For President

That was a function of the SEC. The white house should not interfere with the experts doing their job.
No one is talking about 'INTERFERING'. We're talking about answering a damn question.....which Biden and his spokesman have proven they can not do...honestly.
LOLOL You are still looking for drama and showmanship instead of boring ,deliberate and well informed.

Boring yet well-informed would be refreshing coming from the Biden administration instead of lies, blank stares, refusals to comment, and quickly walking out of the room.
It was such a big deal that the trading of the stock was temporarily suspended to protect the Hedge Funds, a move that is in itself a manipulation of the stock market and should (if not) be considered a crime.
That was a function of the SEC. The white house should not interfere with the experts doing their job.
The RobinHood app decided to help the billionaires and screw the small investors. They should be sued into bankruptcy. They clearly have a case.
That was a function of the SEC. The white house should not interfere with the experts doing their job.
No one is talking about 'INTERFERING'. We're talking about answering a damn question.....which Biden and his spokesman have proven they can not do...honestly.
Answering the question is INTERFERING. Whatever they say would either drive the price up or drive the price down. Are you so stupid to think a comment by the president about a stock won't drive markets?
Maybe you didn't read that robinhood allowed the little guy to make a ton of money. As one poster noted, a bunch of college kids got to pay off their student loans from their profits.
It did until it shut down the little guy, moron.
You are complaining they called time-out.
I'm complaining that they have one set of rules for billionaires and another set of rules for the little guy. Of course, we all know you Democrat Reich NAZIs love that.
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors

"The White House is staying out of the GameStop controversy. Asked about the market volatility during Friday morning's press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki punted on the question and directed reporters to statements by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

View attachment 450239

He hasn't said anything about Pelosi and other Democrats making themselves richer while tens of thousands of Americans lose their jobs and livelihood.

Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.
Yeah and Biden says nothing he can do about the coronavirus, after he campaigned on stopping it. What a liar, and with Americans lives.
The RobinHood app decided to help the billionaires and screw the small investors. They should be sued into bankruptcy. They clearly have a case.
The robinhood app is what allowed the small investor to do as their namesake. To take the billions from the hedgefunds that shorted gamestock.

You're just bitching that they called a time-out.
The white house should not put their thumbs on the scales of justice, or put their 2 cents into the stock market.

Billionaire hedge fund pirates have been slipping cash filled envelopes into Fuhrer Quid Pro's pockets for decades. He is obligated to act on their behalf.
God, he's actually defending hedge fund manager! Those billionaires can manipulate the market, but Ma and Pa kettle are only allowed to get looted and swindled.

This is 1984.

Jacksoffinthesoup is a creature of the Reich. He will do anything to protect and promote the Reich. He'll tell any lie, take opposing positions simultaneously, and firmly believe both, as long as the Reich is served.

The uprising by the commoners is what the Reich fears most - it's why they hated Trump, and this hits them at a MUCH deeper level.
Billionaire hedge fund pirates have been slipping cash filled envelopes into Fuhrer Quid Pro's pockets for decades. He is obligated to act on their behalf.
Except the white house isn't even commenting on what's going on, so as not to influence what's happening.
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.

1. A 9/11 death scenario happening every day'

WHO is flying planes into buildings, you insane snowflake?

- Perhaps you are referring to the continued looting, burning, destroying, assaulting, etc... the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists are doing...just as VP Harris declared they should continue to do after the election....

- Perhaps you are talking about the effects of COVID-19, which Biden declared he would get under control once elected and NOW says he can't do a thing, the same virus Democrats are allowing to get worse by throwing vials of vaccine in the trash...

2. Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop

Then why are the Hedge Fund companies / managers freaking out and Congress calling for investigations and hearings about the exposed unstable condition of the stock market that was just inflated / manipulated by a bunch of everyday Day Traders? ?

Don't pay attention do you? A large number of pensions are housed in hedge funds. Pension programs of everyday Americans. If those funds go, so may go the pensions. Get it now?
The stock market operates as it always has. What you have is a bunch of self righteous "freedom fighters" pumping up the stock of a company who's value in the economy is LONG gone.
It's all artificial. What goes up, must come down. It's laughable that these fanboys are calling for everyone buy and hold, don't sell no matter what. And it will end as it usually does.
Riches for some, major disappointment for those who think this is a game.

As far COVID goes, your hero gets all the blame for that. Once again, a Democrat has to come in and clean up the mess of a Republican.
I hope the voters are paying attention this time and send the Republican party to the ash heap of history starting in 2022.
You didn't answer my question. If no one cares about 'Gamestop', why is Congress freaking out and calling for investigations?
Why is Biden's administration avoiding it like it was COVID-19? Perhaps it exposes how volatile / much of a Bubble the stock market is right now....

Of course you think Trump deserves all the 'credit' for COVID, the virus the CCP created in a lab and unleashed on the world, the virus the Democrats used to oppressively violate both Constitutional and civil rights, to destroy 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, and to usher back in Barry's and the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery.

Of course you are ignoring how Biden declared he was going to fix the virus problem ... and has since declared there is nothing he could do, how he publicly rebuked his health team for being inexperienced, unqualified to do their jobs, and who he declared are under-performing.

Of course you are ignoring the fact that Biden was able to find a Transvestite Democrat who needlessly killed more elderly than Cuomo to be Assistant Health Director.
Sry, my fd, Biden will be fine in the COvid front, maybe just a couple of hiccups. If he really fxxk that up, Obama is right about him.
Back to the topic, nothing Dems can do without upset their donors.
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors

"The White House is staying out of the GameStop controversy. Asked about the market volatility during Friday morning's press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki punted on the question and directed reporters to statements by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

View attachment 450239

He hasn't said anything about Pelosi and other Democrats making themselves richer while tens of thousands of Americans lose their jobs and livelihood.

Who fucking cares when you have a 9/11 death scenario happening everyday? Nobody gives a shit about Gamestop. :)
Gamestop stock prices are being artificially inflated by a bunch of fanboys who will in the end be their own undoing.

Good excuse

The Securities and Exchange Commission administers Federal securities laws that seek to provide protection for investors; to ensure that securities markets are fair and honest; and, when necessary, to provide the means to enforce securities laws through sanctions.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was created under authority of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a-78jj) and was organized on July 2, 1934.
God, he's actually defending hedge fund manager! Those billionaires can manipulate the market, but Ma and Pa kettle are only allowed to get looted and swindled.

This is 1984.
Maybe you didn't read that robinhood allowed the little guy to make a ton of money. As one poster noted, a bunch of college kids got to pay off their student loans from their profits.
Why should Robin be allowed to determine how much the little guy can make. They obviously violated their terms of service by interfering with the transactions of their customers who were not doing anything illegal.

They deserve to get their asses sued into the Stone Age.
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors
For 2nd-straight day, White House dodges GameStop scandal as Wall Street bullies ordinary investors

"The White House is staying out of the GameStop controversy. Asked about the market volatility during Friday morning's press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki punted on the question and directed reporters to statements by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

View attachment 450239

He hasn't said anything about Pelosi and other Democrats making themselves richer while tens of thousands of Americans lose their jobs and

LOLOL You are still looking for drama and showmanship instead of boring ,deliberate and well informed. What do you do for a living? Maybe that is influencing your thinking???
We're looking at answers to our questions, not a herd of NAZI propaganda minions covering for their Fuhrer.

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