Biden Administration Uses it’s Power to Censor Social Media

Flaming example #1>>>>


Well that's something that has been known for quite a while now....Musk saw to that with the Twitter Files.

"Misinformation" is legit info that the leftist dems don't want anyone to hear about.

You know, like Hunter's laptop.....Russian propaganda they said, believe us they said. :laughing0301:
The government did not force anyone to publish or not publish anything

This is the same excuse bosses use when accused of sexual harassment..."I did not force her to blow me".

When an entity as powerful as the US Fed Govt "ask" a business to do something, it is more than just asking.

It is the role of government to protect the public.
These COVID lies killed thousands.

Where do you want it to end, should the Fed Govt have agents walking about and if they hear someone telling a "lie" should they go over and "ask" them not to say that thing any more?
There is a huge problem, it is not the place of the Govt to tell, or even suggest, to a private entity what they should allow to be posted.
I would agree, if there was accountability.

You see, the thing about Legacy Media is that if they got it wrong and posted misinformation, they could be held accountable. They could be sued for libel or slander or damages. Which is why they have teams of lawyers making sure that misinformation isn't spread.

I think this occasionally has problems, in that the media won't say what is obvious to all, such as Trump is losing his ever-loving mind.

The problem with "some guy on Twitter" is that he can post blatantly false information telling someone to take sheep dip to treat Covid, and people die from that.

So simple enough solution, let people sue Facebook and Twitter for libel, slander, etc. It would means some pretty heavy moderation, though.
This is the same excuse bosses use when accused of sexual harassment..."I did not force her to blow me".

When an entity as powerful as the US Fed Govt "ask" a business to do something, it is more than just asking.

Where do you want it to end, should the Fed Govt have agents walking about and if they hear someone telling a "lie" should they go over and "ask" them not to say that thing any more?

Is the government going to shut down FB or Twitter or any other site that has done nothing illegal over what it's published?

Give me one example of that, just one.

I'm guessing you oppose government requirements for:
airline safety
drug safety
product safety?

Try thinking reasonably rather than as a knee-jerk MAGAT looking for your "Butthurt of the Day"
This is the same excuse bosses use when accused of sexual harassment..."I did not force her to blow me".

When an entity as powerful as the US Fed Govt "ask" a business to do something, it is more than just asking.
Except merely ASKING her to blow her boss is sexual harassment, whether she blew him or not. So it's not even a good analogy.

The government actually DOES have the legal authority to monitor the internet. A while back, it asked various porn sites to crack down on questionable content, and they did. Right or wrong?
The problem with "some guy on Twitter" is that he can post blatantly false information telling someone to take sheep dip to treat Covid, and people die from that.

If people are stupid enough to follow the advice of someone on Twitter, mankind is better off without them.

So simple enough solution, let people sue Facebook and Twitter for libel, slander, etc. It would means some pretty heavy moderation, though.

And the same would have to hold true for sites like this, which would be the end of all small forums.
If people are stupid enough to follow the advice of someone on Twitter, mankind is better off without them.
Yes, people totally deserve to die if they take the wrong advice that looked legit.

And the same would have to hold true for sites like this, which would be the end of all small forums.
Possibly. But this site is actually MODERATED. Posts get deleted and members get banned if they step over the line.
So they are trying to reduce the spread of misinformation, mostly about Covid?

I'm not seeing a problem here.

Of course you don’t see a problem.

I assume you are going with the to “protect people’s health” route. How would the possibility of COVID coming from a lab have a negative effect on people’s health? Right, it wouldn’t. It was purely political.
Yes, people totally deserve to die if they take the wrong advice that looked legit.

Possibly. But this site is actually MODERATED. Posts get deleted and members get banned if they step over the line.

But if the post is up for an hour before it is noticed, then this site is liable for the damage it did.
Nothing like an out of context crapstack to prove nothing.

Slowing the propagation of MAGAT driven COVID lies that killed thousands of MAGAT morons was, in fact, a public service.

How would suppressing information regarding the origins of COVID be a public service?

And suppressing the Hunter laptop story was also a public service?

You guys are nuts.
Of course you don’t see a problem.

I assume you are going with the to “protect people’s health” route. How would the possibility of COVID coming from a lab have a negative effect on people’s health? Right, it wouldn’t. It was purely political.

This is the kind of misinformation we don't need out there..

How would suppressing information regarding the origins of COVID be a public service?

Because it's not "information", it's conspiracy theories. You guys have been saying this for four years, and you still don't have any proof other than, "The Chinese are meanyheads!"

And suppressing the Hunter laptop story was also a public service?

yes, suppressing Russian Misinformation was definitely a public service.
This is the kind of misinformation we don't need out there..

That is not misinformation. Many scientists and doctors believe that COVID was not naturally occurring. It is very much worthy of discussion, but somebody doesn’t want to implicate China or some politicians that may have been involved in funding the lab.

Because it's not "information", it's conspiracy theories. You guys have been saying this for four years, and you still don't have any proof other than, "The Chinese are meanyheads!"

Anything you don’t agree with is a conspiracy theory. You are a dope right for the picking by these left-wing authoritarians.

yes, suppressing Russian Misinformation was definitely a public service.

Except that Hunter’s laptop was a real thing. Everyone knows that except you and the low-info people like you. They suppressed the story for political reasons. Plain and simple.

Why isn’t misinformation about Republicans suppressed? Are you just dumb enough to believe that it doesn’t exist?
Yes, indeed the Biden Administration worked with Facebook to censor information they didn’t want disseminated.

Good to see Mike Benz survived the alleged “purge”.

Strange how they forgot him

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