Biden Administration’s Decision Not to Charge Former Trump Aides

No, this is actually the first investigation into his circle and his insurrection.

And it is revealing that they had a plan to overthrow the election, and Trump was on on it every step of the way.

Eventually, you are just going to have to admit you supported the insurrection.

Same to you, nimrod.
There was no real insurrection!
No, this is actually the first investigation into his circle and his insurrection.

And it is revealing that they had a plan to overthrow the election, and Trump was on on it every step of the way.

Eventually, you are just going to have to admit you supported the insurrection.
haha no it’s not….the DOJ has imvestigated…there has been an impeachment investigation, and senate investigation

This was made up after all those prior ones found nothing in the admin
Sorry, cultist. "Nuh uh, no I didn't!" is not a good defense against 1000s of hours of video and mountains of documents.

You and your ilk still hard-selling the insurrection fable, I see.
If you keep repeating this lie often enough, you're hoping the feeble will believe it.
While coming back to reality, you and your ilk gotz nothing!
You and your ilk still hard-selling the insurrection fable, I see.
If you keep repeating this lie often enough, you're hoping the feeble will believe it.
While coming back to reality, you and your ilk gotz nothing!
And you morons think you can whine and deny your way out from under 1000s of hours of videos and mountains of documents. Because your orange god has conditioned you to think that's possible.
Not scared to inaction, but they definitely only choose to prosecute "slam dunk" cases in the politically charged events, which can be view as good or bad, depending on the viewer.
This last action on Jan 6, was just a dry run, to evaluate reaction, though follow-on dumbasses didn't know it. Reaction on site, will undoubtedly be far worse and messier if there is a next time. Nobody will be apprehended and lynched, unless the focus is broad based, instead of point attack. It got government's attention. Government is paying attention to what harmless? idiots are posting. The organizers will not be freely coordinating by cell phone, as if they were Russian troops in Ukraine, as it is not working there either. Oh, and the military will without the shadow of a doubt, remain loyal to the Constitution and their oaths.
Beware of the possibility of Trump having immunity from prosecution due to the violence he may be capable of causing if they move on him.

You will know if or when it happens and you will know that democracy has been lost to fascism.

Better that he just wins re-election and then destroys himself over a longer period of time.
Beware of the possibility of Trump having immunity from prosecution due to the violence he may be capable of causing if they move on him.

You will know if or when it happens and you will know that democracy has been lost to fascism.

Better that he just wins re-election and then destroys himself over a longer period of time.
Bull Crap. Not worried about violence when (not if) he loses. I know the Officer corp, I retired from years ago and many still in uniform. It would be put down, soft or hard, and I am not squeamish enough to worry about it, either way.
They have the Eastman memo. It's a smoking gun of planning an insurrection.

No, it was to overturn election results NOTHING about overthrowing a government at all. The so-called plot never had a chance to get off the ground because it was knocked down in every way possible.

Pence correctly told them NO he never had any such power to do it either again he said so correctly.
What it is White, is America's government authorities being cautiious to not bite off more than they can chew.

It's hard to admit that the threat of fascism has intimidated your country into inaction.

Even if the military stayed loyal to government, the bloodshed would be beyond what could be considered acceptable.

Not to even mention that some government leaders would be apprehended and lynched.

The fork in the road between democracy and fascism isn't far ahead. America must act soon to stop the progress.
Not scared to inaction, but they definitely only choose to prosecute "slam dunk" cases in the politically charged events, which can be view as good or bad, depending on the viewer.
This last action on Jan 6, was just a dry run, to evaluate reaction, though follow-on dumbasses didn't know it. Reaction on site, will undoubtedly be far worse and messier if there is a next time. Nobody will be apprehended and lynched, unless the focus is broad based, instead of point attack. It got government's attention. Government is paying attention to what harmless? idiots are posting. The organizers will not be freely coordinating by cell phone, as if they were Russian troops in Ukraine, as it is not working there either. Oh, and the military will without the shadow of a doubt, remain loyal to the Constitution and their oaths.
The pros aren't stupid. We know all about cell phones, we invented them. We know all about security and surveillance, we've been advising the government for years. We know all about how their systems work, we built them.

Nobody wants to "bring the government down". We don't want that. We like our government. It's the best in the world.

But if it goes fascist, we will act. Right now, we're just watching. And hoping, that the political process (and events in general) will provide the needed self corrections.

Nothing specific, yet, has risen to the level of actionability. Although, we're acutely aware of the slow boil and we're watching it carefully.

The political process in this country tends to correct itself. However these are not normal times. There are bad people who feel empowered, and the more empowered they feel the worse things they do.

There is also a very dangerous trend toward the suppression and manipulation of information, and some people in positions of responsibility are quite ignorant because of it. And other people, are quite aware of what they're doing and don't much care about the consequences. It's a dangerous mix. Volatile.

The people we hear from on this forum, the left leaning activists, are not representative of the majority of Democrats. Thankfully, there is still some sanity in the Democratic party, much as there were still pockets of sanity among the Neo-Con Republicans.

Unfortunately, real politicians sometimes believe that symbolism is more important than effective action.

Our elected representatives need to rise to the occasion. If they don't, they'll just keep contributing to the inflammatory divisiveness, which will push both parties farther to the extremes.

Fortunately, there are still people who care about this country. Care about their neighbors. Even the neighbors on the opposite coast.

The biggest problem in this equation is that some people are willing to sacrifice their country for other goals, other priorities. For some of us, this country is a very high priority.
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Their reaction only shows the real purpose of their '6 Jan Hearings.

Pelosi hasn't gotten over her 2 failed criminal Impeachment coup attempts and wants a 3rd shot at taking him and his aides down.

Americans aren't stupid - they see it. It's just more fuel for the fire, the Nov Democrat ass-kicking.

Trump hasn't gotten over losing the election, that's what this is all about.

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