Biden adviser on COVID

That is the challenge Biden faces in phase 2

The same assholes who won’t wear masks or socially distance won’t get vaccinated.

Dumber assholes like Ex-President Trump will be on the sidelines spreading fear and misinformation about the vaccines

You can’t fix stupid

Wait a minute: you just said you can't get people to take a vaccine against their will, but Trump is responsible for 230,000 Americans who died from Covid because they made their own decisions as well?
Texas tops one MILLION infections. They're resorting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies
130,000 Americans catch this every day and 1200 die daily

  • A million infections? Don't you mean a million people who tested positive, most of whom get over it and move on?
  • 1200 a day? Is that a FIXED amount? You know it'll be 1200 tomorrow and next week?
  • I thought wearing masks and distancing was the key! Most everyone wears them and stays apart so are you admitting these masks don't work after all?
  • Isn't 1200 0.9% of 130K? That means that 99.1% of all cases recover.
  • Trump says nothing? You mean Trump can talk these viruses to death? you want him to sooth you and pat you on the ass? Just what do you need? You think Trump (or Biden) has some magic formula that NO ONE ELSE ON THE FUCKING PLANET HAS?
Or don't you know the same thing is going on all around the world?

I heard the other day that one of the Pittsburgh Steelers tested positive and they put a few players in quarantine to play it safe. In the following days, NOT ONE SPORTS COMMENTATOR expressed any concern for the life of any of these players that they could get sick or die! Instead, the only concern has been that they test negative in time to play again on Sunday.

That's not a pandemic.

Most of the people actually dying from Covid had some underlying weakness or health problem that Covid latched onto and was just enough to push them over the edge. In effect, Covid is thinning the herd and making the rest of us a stronger more resilient species as a result.


Unfortunately, the entire matter has simply been EXPLOITED for political purposes by Joe Biden.

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