Biden already trying to walk back last night’s Hiter speech

Biden’s speech was transparently him trying to inflame and cause violence with his rhetoric. He WANTS a civil war. He WANTS assassination attempts or actual insurrections.

I worry that when we who love the Constitution and want to protect it against monsters like him do not take the bait that the leftwing authoritarians that have their hands all the way up his demented puppet ass will not be satisfied and invent a false flag attack caused by “Ultra Hyper Mega Turbo Edition Super MAGA Republicans” to justify the crackdown they want so badly.

It is clear that these awful fascists running the White House believe ONLY in executive fiat for “emergencies” and it is also clear they will invent whatever “emergency” they need.
never thought of this but wouldn't suprise me
Near all the violence we have seen are from Progs. We are free to go where we want where I live. The schools are open. And it is peaceful.
It's purely peaceful in my town where we will soon be planning Halloween, because our semi-rural conservative town is safe enough to cut the kiddies loose in and send them grubbing for treats! I love it here!
Biden is a courageous Hitler slayer

The only question is, can Biden save democracy by destroying the Hitler opposition party that opposes the DNC?

All we can do is pray that he does.
Boy, am I glad we don't have any of that going around, that would be bad.
She was more Benedict Arnold.
no, she was more Lincoln

he was a tyrant. I have read books by Andrew Napolitano and .. can't recall .. De Lorenzo.. yeh

the latter wrote a book called The Real Lincoln. That Lincoln was a tyrant. He suspended habeas corpus and exiled people who disagreed w/ him on the war. And we didn't even have to have a war.. He could have paid off the slave owners to set their slaves free but he didn't do tht.. so all those lost lives..

you really should read that book.. and all of American needs to read it. It is amazing how myths pass for history.. terrible how we have been lied to all these years and in no small way..
Biden is a courageous Hitler slayer

The only question is, can Biden save democracy by destroying the Hitler opposition party that opposes the DNC?

All we can do is pray that he does.
I wouldn’t mind terribly if Joe Biden killed the guy doing the Emperor Palpatine impression in front of Independence Hall last night. Would be a great thing for him to do if he were physically and mentally capable of doing anything of significance let alone something so clearly morally laudable.
Wow, "last night's Hitler speech". Is that how it's going to go down in history? It seems that old Brandon can't do nuthin right these days.
Seems to contradict this exact quote he made yesterday....

"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

While Biden tried to explain otherwise, MAGA Republicans are obviously Republicans like myself who voted for Trump.

I suppose his intent yesterday was to get some of the Republican Party to disassociate from Trump at a time when Trump is getting much negative press from the MSM.

I doubt yesterday's tactic was very effective at doing that as even some Democrats were quite concerned about what they witnessed yesterday....

(30-second video of articulate Dem)

Trump investigation: Empty folders marked classified found at Mar-a-Lago If by now, you haven't disassociated yourself with Trump, after they found missing classified folders, you sir are no American I would recognize.
Wow, "last night's Hitler speech". Is that how it's going to go down in history? It seems that old Brandon can't do nuthin right these days.
What else you call telling half the country they are his enemy? It’s joe or you must die. He declared war on Americans
Trump investigation: Empty folders marked classified found at Mar-a-Lago If by now, you haven't disassociated yourself with Trump, after they found missing classified folders, you sir are no American I would recognize.
Egads! Empty folders!

How about thinking for a moment. Perhaps Trump's team emptied the folders when they handed documents over to NARA in January or June.

But because they found empty folders, you call me unAmerican?

Do you not understand that Trump has not yet been indicted, much less convicted?

It is unAmerican of you, Sir, to jump to judgement based upon a British news article you read which says empty folders were found. Have you never heard of the American way of Justice where the accused are presumed innocent until proven guilty? That is the American Way.

I'll skip the discussion about the possibility that everything was declassified. That would make your point entirely moot, but it is being discussed elsewhere.

Egads! Empty folders!

How about thinking for a moment. Perhaps Trump's team emptied the folders when they handed documents over to NARA in January or June.

But because they found empty folders, you call me unAmerican?

Do you not understand that Trump has not yet been indicted, much less convicted?

It is unAmerican of you, Sir, to jump to judgement based upon a British news article you read which says empty folders were found. Have you never heard of the American way of Justice where the accused are presumed innocent until proven guilty? That is the American Way.

I'll skip the discussion about the possibility that everything was declassified. That would make your point entirely moot, but it is being discussed elsewhere.


Do you not understand that Trump has not yet been indicted, much less convicted?

For the enemies of the democrat party and its police state, the accusation is all you need...
Egads! Empty folders!

How about thinking for a moment. Perhaps Trump's team emptied the folders when they handed documents over to NARA in January or June.

But because they found empty folders, you call me unAmerican?

Do you not understand that Trump has not yet been indicted, much less convicted?

It is unAmerican of you, Sir, to jump to judgement based upon a British news article you read which says empty folders were found. Have you never heard of the American way of Justice where the accused are presumed innocent until proven guilty? That is the American Way.

I'll skip the discussion about the possibility that everything was declassified. That would make your point entirely moot, but it is being discussed elsewhere.


And again.......I know you know...but for the joe biden voters who really shouldn't be allowed outside on their doesn't fucking matter if the files said Super Dooper really, really double bubble classified....if Trump simply said, these are declassified......once he says that, they are matter what it says on their cover............

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