Biden already trying to walk back last night’s Hiter speech

The red and black in the background is priceless.


Brandon thought Emperor Palpatine was the good guy in Starwars.

Biden’s speech was transparently him trying to inflame and cause violence with his rhetoric. He WANTS a civil war. He WANTS assassination attempts or actual insurrections.

I worry that when we who love the Constitution and want to protect it against monsters like him do not take the bait that the leftwing authoritarians that have their hands all the way up his demented puppet ass will not be satisfied and invent a false flag attack caused by “Ultra Hyper Mega Turbo Edition Super MAGA Republicans” to justify the crackdown they want so badly.

It is clear that these awful fascists running the White House believe ONLY in executive fiat for “emergencies” and it is also clear they will invent whatever “emergency” they need.
From Salon...

During Thursday night's somber warning about the threat to democracy posed by Donald Trump and his rising fascist movement, President Joe Biden repeatedly emphasized the importance of being "honest with each other and with ourselves" about the current situation. "But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise."

The president reiterated that point later, noting that it is "my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful."

Presumably, it is also the duty of the mainstream media to level with the American people, to tell these truths, no matter how painful and regardless of how much whining they get in response from Republicans. So too, it is the media's duty to set aside the cynical "horse race" coverage that can reduce existential issues to little more than political game-playing. And to admit that the typical "both sides" and "partisanship" frameworks don't apply in a situation where one party has embraced a fascist assault on democracy, while the other party is trying to stop them. It is on the media to prioritize the truth over some ill-fitting "balance" between two parties in an era when one of those parties rejects democracy itself.

And of course every single word of that is true?
What a totally pathetic inversion of facts.

White supremacists are the fascists, communists, etc.

Try again, until someone believes you.

Ah yes, DER JUDEN.

Adolf calling for violence against 74 million Americans is fine because they are the Jude.

Hey, how come Brandon didn't unveil the FINAL SOLUTION to the White People Problem while he was at it last night? It would have been the perfect time for it!

Are you a MAGA member? Do you agree with violence in order to achieve power?

If yes, he was aiming the speech at you.

If not, you are not one of the many he was talking to.

Vote, if one does not like one's government.

BUT.....accept the results, as it has been done before, and concede. Something Trump is yet to do.

You mean, do I support greatness for America?

Yes, which makes me your enemy and the enemy of Adolf.

Accept the results like you vermin did in 2000, 2004, and 2016?

In fact in 2016 you demanded that electors violate the constitution because you refused to accept the results.

In 2020 you took more direct action and had your Gestapo directly tamper with the election.
Even mid terms aren't a slam dunk. There is no telling what's going on behind the scenes. I won't count my chickens just yet.

And even if they get wiped out in mid terms that still doesn't mean things can't go sideways. Biden is an anti American bastard to be sure. But he isn't doing this on his own, he is just the ventriloquists dummy. No one person can make the astonishing amount of drastic changes to a country like he has in less than 2 years by themselves. Biden is just the flowery part of the weed you see, that weed has a lot of roots deeply buried.

And just because he is gone doesn't mean the rest of his administration won't try and keep the home fires burning.

Besides, they might put on then suicide vest if it looks like they are on the way out and just take out as much as they can.

IF we have free and fair elections, the Nazis are toast. Adolf repulsed the nation last night.

How much can the FBI and election boards tamper with the election?

Generally it's viewed as 10%. The Americans must be 10% ahead of the Nazi democrat to overcome the election fraud.
Biden’s speech was transparently him trying to inflame and cause violence with his rhetoric. He WANTS a civil war. He WANTS assassination attempts or actual insurrections.

I worry that when we who love the Constitution and want to protect it against monsters like him do not take the bait that the leftwing authoritarians that have their hands all the way up his demented puppet ass will not be satisfied and invent a false flag attack caused by “Ultra Hyper Mega Turbo Edition Super MAGA Republicans” to justify the crackdown they want so badly.

It is clear that these awful fascists running the White House believe ONLY in executive fiat for “emergencies” and it is also clear they will invent whatever “emergency” they need.


I think there is a distinct chance that Biden will declare martial law before the midterms and suspend the election to deal with the crisis of those who oppose him.

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